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Fandom Life in a Quarantine Zone { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb saw those tears, a mirror of the ones on his own face. He sniffed a little as he listened, his eyes watching Carlos carefully. He may never fully understand, but as he heard those words, he felt it. Kaleb could feel the power of his words, the difference in their love. It was still strange, still new but it was enough for Kaleb to realize that he had no reason to be jealous. Why should he? He knew now that this was who Carlos was, but there was a distinction between his love for Kaleb and his flirting and kissing and touching with others. “I believe you. I’m sorry I let my jealousy and insecurity possibly ruin this. I love you too Carlos Da Silva, and I don’t plan on losing you.” Kaleb told him, leaning up and kissing Carlos with all of the love and apologies he could.

Jordan felt Asher pull him close, and looked at his love with a soft smile. “It’s not a reaction I’ve ever seen before, but I know it’s not my fault.” He said, feeling Asher swing their hands. “Now that’s a sight I’d find interesting to see. I can’t imagine you being jealous Asher. But you also know that you’re my favorite person in this world. No one comes close to my hero.”
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Before Kaleb was done, Carlos was already shaking his head. No, never ruined. No, you didn’t do anything wrong. Some gorgeous stranger and his equally striking partner are as going to ruin their forever. He was going to tell him. He was going to say just how much his love could never be quelled when Kaleb was there kissing him instead. And this was some kiss. This was way more than some intense kiss you share with a stranger in an empty room. This was different than a kiss and some you share with someone equally as sad and bored as you in a demolition zone. This was so much better. So much. This told him everything he already knew but it was just so nice to really know from Kaleb. He kissed him back, hands gripping him to keep him there. Don’t run from me, beautiful blue eyes. Stay with me. And this time, he might. When the kiss broke, he was so unendingly smiley it was ridiculous. He couldn’t even speak. He was going to have to hope that Kaleb understood him.

Asher considered it. “I mean think about it. If you only ever flirted with me and then suddenly you were all over someone else?” he shrugged with the hands held. “I might have been very confused. I might have been jealous.” He let go of one hand to run a hand through Jordan’s hair. “But I’m not because I know you, and I love this about you.” He grinned. “Like a lot actually.”
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Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb finally broke the kiss and couldn’t help but smile, smile at the reaction on Carlos’ face. Smile because he could feel the officer tucking himself into a corner. Hiding until he was needed once more. Kaleb, even though he was still learning, was there to stay. It took being jealous and angry and two complete strangers to do it, but it was finally done. Kaleb Price was here. Not Officer Price. “I love you. So much. Thank you for refusing to let me stay in that protective Officer mode.” Kaleb whispered, taking the moment to move his hands to Carlos’ cheeks, and kissed him again, quicker yet still full of love. “We should let them know we’re okay now huh?”

Jordan had never thought of it that way before. But Asher had a point. If Kaleb had only been flirted with by Carlos and hadn’t seen him flirt with others, the reaction made more sense. Jordan felt the hand through his hair and smiled, now that he loved. Hands in his hair, it was calming and lovely. “Oh is that so? You love that I flirt with anyone we meet?” Jordan said, a grin on his face. He did do that, flirt with anyone, but he always knew where his heart and love really belonged. With Asher of course.
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

This was all he wanted. Him and his Kaleb, his love, to be together for the rest of their days however many that was. Really together. No more questioning what it really meant. He loved Kaleb more than he could ever say. He may even get poetic when he was in the mood. But for now, all he could do was smile and nod. He knew Kaleb loved him. He knew that he would never ever let that Officer stay for long. He could be there. He could protect Kaleb when Carlos couldn’t, but he didn’t get to stop Carlos from loving Kaleb the way he wanted. “Yeah, we should,” he agreed. “Come with me to get them?” He asked as he offered himself for support so they could walk there.

Asher nodded, a silly little grin of his own on his face. “Oh yes.” His voice was lower, almost the purr that Jordan frequented. Then he laughed and raised it a little but his voice was deep, so it was only so much. “Is that weird? Because I very much do. It’s part of your charm. It makes you all cocky and adorable.” He poked under Jordan’s eyes. “I love the way your face moves when you’ve found a new beau.”
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb smiled, taking Carlos’ arm in his. Much like he had when they first started on this floor. “Where else would I go?” Kaleb asked him, that smile on his face. He felt so free now, free to be who he was meant to be. Free from his past, from his wall. And it felt amazing. Kaleb would happily let Carlos lead them to get the other two.

Jordan arched an eyebrow with a grin of his own at the lower voice close to the purr he loved to use. Only Asher could make that sharp jolt run down his spine. No one else ever came close. “I find it rather endearing myself. And I’m glad that my heavy flirting keeps you with me.” He replied, grinning a little bigger at the pokes under his eyes. “Does it now? Well that’s certainly interesting information.”
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

That was certainly the question wasn’t it. “I don’t know, but I’m going with you.” He leaned over and kissed Kaleb’s cheek. He could not calm the smile down, and he was certain that he didn’t want to. He wanted to keep it. He led them as fast as Kaleb could move to the next room over.

Asher was probably strange for liking this so much, but he was okay with that. He felt that many could never understand this. With Jordan right there, he didn’t care, because as long as he didn’t mind, then everything was okay. He brought a hand up level to their faces and touched a finger to Jordan’s lips. “It gives you this confidence that just… drops…” he slid the finger down his lips and chin. “It oozes from you. And I like that.”
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb smiled at the kiss to his cheek. It was wonderful, just like the smile still on Carlos’ face. Kaleb moved as fast as he could with Carlos, managing to keep pace with him. He saw the entrance to the room nearing and he smiled himself, bigger.

Jordan watched Asher in front of him, his eyes focused entirely on him. A hand came up to level their faces and then a finger on his lip. It was certainly fascinating to him how Asher sees him. “Hmm..” Jordan hummed, feeling the finger go down his lips and chin. “Well. I’m glad that is what keeps you around and not my beautiful face and personality.” Jordan couldn’t help but tease Asher a little, that smile reserved for him crossing Jordan’s face.
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Asher laughed, a crinkling beside his eyes as they squinted in the laugh. Only Jordan ever made that happen. He looked away at the tease for just a moment. But he couldn’t not look at him and that beautiful face. “Oh that’s a major draw too. Your face and personality are massively attractive.” He was going to say more, maybe even kiss him, but he heard the movement of the other two coming closer. He turned to face the doorway as they entered. “Speaking of massively attractive. All well in paradise?” They didn’t look like they were falling pieces. In fact, they looked positively radiant.

Carlos, that same big happy smile beaming from him, looked to Kaleb before answer. “Yeah. Everything is perfect. Right my love?” He looked back at the two of them and couldn’t help but cock one brow towards Jordan. “Miss me?” He couldn’t help it. It’s what he did. It was how he had always been and always would be.
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Jordan loved that laugh, the one that only he saw. The crinkling beside his eyes as they squinted was a beautiful sight to him. One of the many reasons he goes back to Asher every time. Jordan smirked a little at the comment that his face and personality were also attractive to Asher. Then the sound of movement at the door drew his attention as the other two came in. Kaleb looked much better and so did Carlos, they were more together. Jordan looked over at Carlos when he asked him if he’d missed him. “Of course I did.” Jordan replied with a wink. “I missed both of you.” Now that Kaleb seemed better, he was a little more willing to flirt with him too.

Kaleb entered the room with Carlos, smiling and nodded. “Yes love, everything is perfect.” He replied, before he looked between Jordan and Carlos at their conversation. He couldn’t help the flush of pink across his cheeks at the comment from Jordan. Did he just open himself up to another flirt now? Well. This will be interesting to say the least.
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos laughed. “Of course you did. We are the best things that ever happened to you.” He pulled out of his together grip so that he could toss an arm around Kaleb’s shoulder, letting the hand dangle over his chest for a moment before it absentmindedly began to rub. He wrapped himself around Kaleb’s side, still very much Kaleb’s support but now like a very big walking stick that might have been strapped to him with his entire body. Carlos had never wanted to be attached to someone so much as he did his favorite ex-officer. And that was who Kaleb was. No more Officer. Just be Kaleb.

Asher eyed the two of them, realized what may have been accomplished out there and also what Jordan just did, and took the plunge. He lifted his hand and wiggled the fingers towards Kaleb. “Hey. Glad you feel better.” He gave him that little smile from earlier in the hall. “So we were talking about ditching the rest of this building. It’s pretty picked over already, and it’s building a lot of less than fun memories. What do you guys say about swapping for a different place to look?”
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb smiled as he felt Carlos move his arm over his shoulder, hand on his chest which rubbed it. Kaleb looked over at Asher and saw those fingers wiggle at him. “Hey. Thanks.” Kaleb told him, smiling just a little wider, warmer. Kaleb glanced over at Carlos and then back at him. “I think that’s a great idea.” He replied, ready to be done with this building and the memories it held. Ready to move on with Carlos and their new friends.

Jordan chuckled, looking between the two of them. “No disagreements there.” He said, throwing a wink at Carlos and Kaleb. Jordan caught Asher wiggling his fingers and Kaleb and grinned. How he ever got so lucky to have him, Jordan would never know. “What do you say handsome? Ready to move on to the next building?”
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos was already nodding in agreement. “Oh yes, I am over this building.” He turned his attention to Kaleb, twisting himself so that he could be almost face to face which wasn’t too hard since he was very much attached to him, and with his freer hand cupped his cheek. “I go anywhere with you. Where you go I go.” He kissed him like no one was looking, even though Carlos never cared about audiences. When he pulled away, he kissed his forehead and smiled. “And right now, we’re going to follow these two handsome devils wherever they want to take us. Take a leap of faith.”

Asher grinned. “Okay, yeah let’s go this. This town is big enough to have something else in here.” He grabbed Jordan’s hand and gently tugged on it towards the door. “Lead the way, handsome devil,” he teased.
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb smiled as Carlos twisted so they were almost face to face. He felt that hand cup his cheek and his heart rate increased as he heard him. The affirmation was wonderful to hear, and the kiss. That was a kiss that took his breath away when Carlos pulled back and then kissed his forehead. "I think that's a great idea." Kaleb replied. He was a lot more comfortable now with the other two.

Jordan nodded, feeling the grab of his hand and the tug from Asher, and chuckled. "I'm going handsome devil." He teased back with a smile on his face. Jordan replied, walking to the stairway door. He pulled it open and looked back at them. "So, how are we going to get our gorgeous wounded man down the stairs?"
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

They all made their way to the stairway door, slower than they may have wanted, but frankly Carlos did not care. Where would they go in a hurry? Both pairs were traveling without a specific destination, so why not take a little extra time? Besides, he didn’t want Kaleb to push his leg too much. To Jordan’s question his grinned. As he took Kaleb’s backpack without asking, he answered, “Don’t worry about that. I’ve got it covered.” He dropped one of his pack straps and shoved the other over his now free shoulder before picking up his love and cradling him in his arms. Could he have had Kaleb hold the pack? Yes, but then he would not be as close and cuddled, and Carlos simply could not do that this time. “You ready for a long ride down?” He asked with a grin.

Asher should have been expecting that though he wasn’t. His brain assumed that they were going to do some sort of multiple people support system, perhaps with two people at Kaleb’s sides and another acting as a spotter somehow. But no, that was not the answer. The answer was carry him down like a hero. Of course. “Jordan, my love, would you carry me down like a hero if I were broken as well?”
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb was slow moving still yes, but did it matter how quickly they moved? Not really. Kaleb looked at Jordan when he asked how they were getting down him down the stairs and he only smiled. Carlos took his pack before Kaleb could put it in his lap which made him let out a soft sigh. And then Kaleb was back in Carlos' arms once more, head resting on his chest. He glanced up at Carlos and nodded at that. "Take your time love."

Jordan blinked, grinned and then chuckled at the display before him. How had he not thought about that? He glanced over at Asher when he heard him ask if Jordan would do that. "Of course I would." He said, stepping over to Asher and taking his pack off Asher's back and slipping it over his shoulders. He then picked up Asher in his arms with a smile. "I'll do it even if you aren't broken." He replied. "If you want me to set you down I will dear." Jordan added, looking at Asher with a bigger smile.
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos chuckled and began the journey down the stairs. It was slower than he had been going, but he also knew that it was likely to hurt him if he tried to do too many heroic things at once. At least this was better distributed than the first time he did this. He was learning for the better. “The longer I take, the better the stair toll has to be,” he teased. Not that the stair toll was not already amazing, but there was no reason not to laugh and joke.

Asher stared at Jordan for a moment, considering asking if he was really going to do this, and then gasped when he did. “Jordan!” he called as he was swept off his feet. What was he doing? Being a hero for no reason? That did sound like him. That was why he kept him. He sighed a similar one to Kaleb and quickly was resigned to his fate. He rested his head on Jordan’s chest and closed his eyes to feel the moment better. “Absolutely not. Don’t you dare put me down. I like them. They are a great influence on you. And besides, Kaleb and I have more than earned this. We put up with the two of you. I don’t know them very well, but I have an awfully strong feeling that Carlos is a whole lot of a mess just like you.” He called over to the side. “Right, Kaleb? I bet you have to put up with so much because of him.
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb relaxed in the hold, before he looked up at Carlos hearing that. "Oh really? I guess I could oblige in a better stair toll for you." Kaleb told him him before he heard Asher behind them. He twisted so he could look and laughed, seeing Asher in Jordan's arms. "I do have to put up with so much because of this man right here. He brought a whole town of infected on us." Kaleb teased, the moment was funny now that it was over and they'd survived.

Jordan heard his name and laughed a little harder, looking at him. And then that smile got bigger hearing that he wasn't to put Asher down. Okay. "I like them too." He replied at first and then hummed. "I guess you possibly earned this, though I like the idea of a stair toll." Jordan replied as he started walking down the stairs with Asher in his arms, cradled to his chest. He loved this, and was quite happy they'd found these two.
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

“I am not sure I know what a stair toll is, but I am afraid of it being at my expense,” Asher replied as they moved down the stairs. “But, wait. He brought a whole town of infected on you?” Asher was shocked. Alarmed and shocked. What did that even mean. “How do you even do that?” Because if that was something he needed to worry about, it was something they needed to know before they walked outside and were out and about where a whole town of infected were waiting for them.

Carlos sighed. “Kaleb, sweetness and wonder, must you bring up all of my faults to the people who only just barely met us? You have probably severely ruined my chances of interesting rendezvous’ with intriguing parties.” He was not actually upset. In fact, it was a funny story now that he could think back on it. “For one, the stair toll is what you pay for us carrying you down so many flights of stairs. With your packs. Taking in all of these burdens. We can show you when we get down there. We are practically old pros at it now.” He briefly paused for a chuckle and then continued. “For two, I think you all need to know that I was very new to existing outside of the QZ walls. I was not aware that talking to my beloved would summon every infected to our specific location. Not all of us were trained for this, you know.”
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Jordan was shocked for a few minutes until Carlos explained that it wasn't on purpose. "Don't worry love, I'll protect you from a whole town of infected." He told Asher hearing the shock. He knew his Asher would be wondering if it's something to worry about. And in response to that, he rubbed his side gently with his hands.

Kaleb couldn't help but laugh. "I don't want to hear it love, you signed up for this when you followed me out of Denver. You wouldn't leave me alone." He said with a smile. "And I'm sure your chances aren't ruined just yet." He added with a chuckle. Kaleb looked at the other two and shook his head. "In my defense, I tried to warn him, but he didn't listen and then he decided to explode the town's infected when we were running out of the city. So he does have potential, just needs a little training." Kaleb said with a grin.
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

“You blew them up? In the middle of the city?!” Asher was not prepared for this kind of information. He wasn’t prepared for a lot of things. In his alarm, he flailed a little against Jordan before telling himself to chill and wait for more of an explanation. This was not something he took lightly, though he could tell that it was not necessarily a death warrant. He was no stranger to explosions. The hunters he used to be with were known for their aggressive tendencies.

To that, Carlos laughed as well. “It was beautiful really. The way the explosion threw colors into the air both from the bomb and also from the many, many body parts strewn. It was captivating really. One of my best works, I think.” One day, he wanted to paint that as well. Of course, he was going to have to find paints.

Asher put a firm hand on Jordan’s chest. “You do realize we are traveling with crazy people, right?” He was serious but also a little joking. He was amused by the insanity of this situation, and if Kaleb could talk about it with a laugh, he trusted that it was less worrisome than his mind initially assumed. “You made out with the first person we found, and he’s absolutely crazy.”
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Jordan had to pause his steps as he felt Asher flail a little, and wondered if they should pause this conversation until they got to the ground floor. And the he felt the firm hand on his chest and looked down at Asher. "Are we really going to call ourselves sane?" He said, his voice joking as he smiled. Jordan chuckled for a moment before he stopped. "Yes, I did. And who doesn't want a little crazy in their lives."

Kaleb rolled his eyes though he did looked at Asher, seeing him flail a little. Oops. "I mean, it was probably the only way we were going to escape." Kaleb said with a small grin. Then he heard the rest of Asher's words and laughed again. "It's funny you say that, because I literally told him the same thing then!"
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos did not stop, because his own crazy did not phase him anymore. It probably would stop phasing Kaleb now that he was a lot more comfortable with the a lot that he was, and it shouldn’t phase people like Jordan and Asher who clearly had very similar lifestyles. He would bet that Jordan would do something crazy too in order for them to survive. “And you know what? I think that makes me far more exciting to be with.”

Asher groaned but also chuckled a little. “Kaleb, I commend you. Yours is officially crazier than mine, and I thought I could have anyone beat. Who else could ever come close to someone who would make out with literally a total stranger in an abandoned building full of infected?” He shook his head. “Both of them! Babe, we’ve lost it. All of the order I tried to bring to your life is now gone. How does the feel?”

“Should feel great,” Carlos joked as they were nearing the end of the stairs.
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Jordan laughed at Carlos' words, nodding. "I can certainly see how that makes you far more exciting." He replied as he looked down at Asher when he mentioned that building. "If you're going to kiss someone, why not making it exciting and dangerous at the same time? It was thrilling. And as for the order in my life? I never once had order. I had crazy and I have you." Jordan replied and nodded to Carlos. "It certainly does."

Kaleb chuckled at Asher's words. "I don't know if I should thank you or be a little concerned with that fact." He said with a grin, and then his face paled at that. Why would anyone try that? Apparently because they could according to Jordan. He saw they were coming to the end of the stairs and sighed. Time to walk on his own again.
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos slowed at the end of the stairs, dropped both packs to the floor, and instead of putting Kaleb down, readjusted to keep him solidly against him. “I love you. You are my heart and soul. But the amount of excitement that I need in my life requires things like exploding infected in the middle of the street and making out with complete strangers in an abandoned buildings full of infected. Apparently infected are the most exciting.” He started the process of gently putting him down but kept talking as the words ran through his mind. “Oh, imagine what I could do if we found one of those big things. Now that could be one beautiful explosion.”

Asher shimmied his way up until he could kiss the bottom of Jordan’s jaw. “You’re lucky that I love you and trust you with both of our lives.” Then he patted his cheek and nestled back in for the rest of the ride down. He kind of liked this. This should be a new normal with stairs. Not fast but certainly not terrible.
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb watched as Carlos set their packs down first but kept Kaleb against him. He listened with a smile on his face as he shook his head. “Well. It sounds like I’ve also got an exciting life ahead of me. Making sure you don’t die.” Kaleb replied as he felt Carlos begin to put him down. “I guess we should find one of the big guys just for you to explode hmm?”

Jordan felt the kiss on the bottom of his jaw and smiled. “I like to think I’m the lucky one to have you loving me.” Jordan commented as he felt the pat on his cheek. Once they got to the bottom of the stairs, he gently set Asher down, not letting go completely until he knew that Asher was stable.

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