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Fandom Life in a Quarantine Zone { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb chuckled at that comment, smiling. "Clearly they aren't as magical as you think they are." He replied, taking Carlos' arm. "Clearly they had no idea who they were talking about." He added, shifting so he could sling his pack over his back and nodded. "I'm ready, let's get going." Kaleb told him, looking at the door, ready for Carlos to help him out.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos led them out of the room and back into the hall. “I think that means I’ll just have to try harder next time to make sure I give you that magical kiss,” he whispered as they made their way around to the stairs once more. This time, Kaleb did not have a choice. He was not going to let him walk up there on his own for silly independent reasons. He looked up the stairs. “What do you think we’ll find up there?” He asked as he put out his arms in offering.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb chuckled as he walked beside Carlos at that whisper. "You go right ahead and try it next time." He replied with a smile on his face. He looked at the stairs as they came to them, glancing up and then over at Carlos. He could see the arms out in offering, knowing he wasn't going to have a choice in walking up on his own. Kaleb nodded to the offering of his arms with a smile, having a feeling that Carlos would probably carry him up. "I have no idea, hopefully not infected though."
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos deftly lifted Kaleb and cradled him in his arms, one of his absolute favorite things to do in the entire world, and began their ascent up to the next floor. “What if we find all the treasures you could imagine? You can have all the bottles and such you might need to build whatever you might need and I can find paint.” He rested his head on top of Kaleb’s for the briefest of moments as he imagined it. “And canvas.” He sighed and picked up speed so that they could make it to the top. “But probably infected. There’s always infected. They’re rampant.”
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb smiled as he was lifted into Carlos’ arms, one of his own arms hooked around Carlos’ neck. “That would be amazing but I doubt that.” Kaleb replied, as he felt Carlos rest his head on top of Kaleb’s for a moment. He then felt Carlos pick up speed and he could see the door to the next floor approaching. “I wish there weren’t so much infected sometimes.”
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

When they reached the top, he paused just outside the door and gently set him down. “When we find some, I’m going to paint something beautiful for you. I promise.” He loved the idea of getting to share his art with Kaleb. There was no one else in the world he would want to. Well, okay, ideally he could share with everyone, but he especially wanted to share with him. As he stood back up and moved to the door he turned to face his companion with a curious glance. “Do I get the stair toll this time?”
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb felt himself get set down gently and looked at Carlos. “I’m going to hold you to that.” He said with a smile. He did enjoy Carlos’ art in the QZ and regretted not seeing more of it before they’d left. Kaleb looked at Carlos and moved over slowly, placing both hands on his cheeks. “Yes you do.” He said and then leaned in and kissed Carlos for a moment before pulling back. “Now let’s go check out this floor.”
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

He hummed in delight at their kiss and was more than a little sad when Kaleb moved away. But, progress! So far this day had gone swimmingly well. He had a great feeling about the rest of their day. Head in the clouds from the high of his passion, Carlos moved to the door, listened as he was taught, then opened it up, peering around to check. No immediate signs of danger. “Clear,” he whispered before returning to Kaleb’s side to help him walk.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb had heard that hum into their kiss and had smiled himself. He watched as Carlos moved towards the door listened and peered in. Clear. Good. Kaleb took Carlos’ arm and walked with him into the hall. He looked around himself and he thought he saw something move near the end of the hallway, and thought he hewed something. “Something feels off about this floor.” Kaleb whispered. “But it doesn’t feel dangerous.”
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Something off but not dangerous. That was better than both off and dangerous. Whatever it was couldn’t be that bad if Kaleb’s danger sense was not going off. “Nice, friendly infected?” Carlos suggested as he moved them out into the hall. God, this building felt like it was the same thing over and over. How did people use these places before? He would absolutely die of boredom. “Shall we check the first room?”
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb glanced at Carlos and chuckled softly at the comment. “Yeah. I’m sure that’s it. Clickers that want to be our friend.” Kaleb told him as they made it in the hall. “Yes, let’s check the first room.” He agreed, though something still felt odd to him. Something was here and he didn’t know what or where.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Wouldn’t that be something? Clickers trying not to eat them but instead be friends? That he would love to see. They moved to the first room and he stopped to listen. No shuffling and clicks, though that did not help them with the last room the day before. He pushed open the door anyway and walked inside.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb paused outside the door with Carlos, and then he was on his own, hand braced against the wall. It was then that Kaleb felt even weirder. His head moved back and forth as he looked for what was making him so nervous. And then something grabbed him from behind, holding him close to a chest. “Well, well. What beautiful strangers do we have here?” The voice was silky smooth and dripped with confidence. “Let go of me.” Kaleb hissed, trying to pull free. He felt the grip holding him tighten and Kaleb huffed out a sigh as he stopped trying. That grip didn’t loosen, and he heard. “Call for your friend.” And Kaleb shook his head before another squeeze on his body. “Carlos! I need you to come back.”
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos moved into the room, quickly scanning for anything out of the ordinary. All of these rooms were starting to look the same, which was more or less unpleasant since he was no longer able to distinguish which ones he had and had not been in. He was considering how best to go about searching a place his brain decided he had already been when he heard Kaleb’s voice. Immediately, he knew something was wrong. He whipped around and headed towards the door, almost there, when suddenly he was falling, tripping over something, and smacking hard into the ground at the doorway. He had time to pull his head up to see someone holding Kaleb before a heavy boot slammed into his back to keep him down. “Let go of him,” Carlos growled. From behind, very close to his ear, another voice rang. “I wouldn’t be so hasty.” Something hard rammed into the back of his head. Carlos could only assume that was some sort of gun. It was for those who could see on the outside.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb heard Carlos hit the floor and winced, seeing him being held down. No! Kaleb struggled more in the strangers hold. “Hmm. Now why would I let someone so pretty leave my arms?” The voice was close to Kaleb’s ear, the breath warm against his skin. “Let him up, but hold him would you dear?” That voice again, talking to the other one who’d put his boot on Carlos’ back. “Why are you doing this?! Just let us go.” Kaleb said, struggling again. He was suddenly spun so he was facing the person holding him. He had bright red hair, grey-blue eyes and a smirk on his face. “Because. You’re the first interesting people we’ve seen in a while, name’s Jordan. Now, to meet your handsome friend.” Kaleb was released, but moved to the ground, gently because Jordan could see his leg was injured. “Now you sit there while I see him.”
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

“Don’t be a pain,” came an almost harsh whisper from near his ear as the pressure from the heavy boot began to slowly release. Carlos was prepared to have to knock whoever it was to the side to get to Kaleb, but his arms were restrained like nothing as he began to get up. How was this person doing that? When he was able to get all the way up, he whipped his head around to attempt to look at the person holding him. Tall, dark haired, chiseled jaw with a smattering of facial hair that might have gotten a little away from him in travels. A hardness similar to Kaleb’s when those walls were up. He wore not a full jacket but a vest with sleeves that looked like they had on d been torn off. Toned arms. Carlos turned his attention the other way to look at whoever clearly was in charge here. Were there more of them? He sincerely hoped not. Infected were so much easier. Though, he could not help but see the handsome faces. And the arms on the one holding him. He bet those had a matching pair of toned legs too, which was alarming since that meant someone who was well skilled and trained in combat. He looked at the leader, Jordan, and really looked at him. There was something about him that said he could be dangerous or he could be exactly like them. He might also take down two people if he didn’t know them. Then he wagered a bet. He slackened his grip, relaxed his incredibly tense muscles, and smiled. “Hey. Carlos. Come here often?”
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Jordan let out a deep chuckle as he watched his partner pick up the man with ease. They were both well built and Jordan wore a sleeveless shirt with a vest over it. He had been trained in combat by his mentor and could be considered dangerous if he didn’t like you. His eyes were sharp as he walked closer, seeing that smile. “Well. It’s nice to meet you Carlos. Haven’t been here often enough if I’ve never met you before.” Jordan purred, taking a hand and grabbing Carlos’ chin and lifted it, looking at him. “Mmhmm. Yes, I think we should keep these two with us. What do you think Asher? You can have the blonde, I’m quite taken with this one here.”
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

This was not what he was expecting when they got up this morning, but he potentially did not mind. Potentially. He potentially was very down actually. More people. Carlos loved people. And he loved beautiful people. This guy- Jordan. He was a beautiful person. And he liked the way this guy touched him. The other one was pretty nice on the eyes too. Asher pushed him forward, and Carlos stumbled at the continuation of unexpected events. He raised his hands to catch himself and fell straight into Jordan, hands on chest, faces so close he could feel the other’s breath. “Mmm, I’d say so.” His voice purred to match the other’s tone. “Maybe you should come around more often then.” Asher snorted as he moved to the side, arms over his chest as he watched. “I think you have a type,” he answered as he stood next to Kaleb.
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Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb watched the entire thing from where he was on the floor. His eyes flicked up to the one called Asher and huffed at that. He didn't like this, absolutely did not like this. He could feel those walls slamming so fast it would've given him whiplash. Kaleb shifted over so he could grab the wall and worked to stand up. "Whatever." Kaleb bit out, eyes narrowed as he watched Carlos and Jordan. Meanwhile Jordan had a smirk on his face as Carlos all but fell into him, and Jordan wrapped his arms around him with their faces close and the others hands on his chest. "I might just do that." He replied, shifting his face closer, eyes looking at him. This wasn't part of their plan today but Jordan wouldn't say no to this turn of events. "And just where are you headed handsome?"
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos raised one brow and bit his bottom lip. He slid his hands down Jordan’s chest, slowly. “I don’t know, cutie. Where are you taking us?” He let the last words linger on his lips and tongue for a moment. A long moment. Then he raised his hands to the center of Jordan’s chest once more and used him to push off. His hand stayed another moment as he moved away and towards Kaleb. “Sorry Freckles, this one is mine.” Asher rolled his eyes and simply answered, “Asher is fine.” Carlos laughed with a “Maybe.” He turned to Kaleb. “Are you okay, love?”
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Jordan watched him raise a brow and bite his bottom lip. He felt those hand slide down his chest, slowly. "Hmm. We were headed east, if you care to join us." He replied, looking at those lips. He was about to kiss him when Carlos pushed off him, one hand lingering a moment before he was gone. Jordan let out a soft huff, twisting as he watched Carlos move over towards the blonde. Hmm. He stepped over towards Asher, the smirk back on his face. "So, blondie, what's your name?" Jordan asked, standing beside Asher. Kaleb had seen the flirting and it made him jealous but why would it? It wasn't like they were actually together. He watched as Carlos pushed off Jordan and walked over to him. But his attention went to Jordan and glared at him. "Don't call me blondie. My name is Kaleb." He snipped before he looked at Carlos and nodded. "I'm just fine."
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Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos didn’t believe him, because when was Kaleb ever just fine, especially when he had that hardness in his beautiful blue eyes? He put out his arm to support him, though his eyes flicked back to Jordan. He was alluring, him and that full head of red hair. He wanted to run his hand through it. It looked so soft and nice. “What do you think, gorgeous? Want to take a chance with our new friends.”

“I wouldn’t go that far,” Asher interrupted. “We don’t know you yet. But.” He smirked before beginning to walk down the hall backwards. “I’m sure we will. Jordan, babe, stop ogling for two seconds, and walk with me. Regardless of where we’re going, we have to keep moving.”

“Don’t move too far,” Carlos called back with a grin. “Stay close, ‘Kay, Red?”
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb hated that he needed the support, especially since he saw Carlos look at Jordan. Kaleb's teeth clenched as he stood there and let out a puff of air through his mouth. "Sure." He replied, watching Asher walk down the hall backwards, and took Carlos' arm as support. Kaleb had almost gotten his walls down permanently and then these two showed up. He noticed how Asher seemed to take Jordan's obvious flirting in stride and it confused him as well. How did he not get jealous or upset? Not that Kaleb was jealous, again he had no reason to be. Right?

Jordan looked at Asher as he walked backwards and chuckled deeply at the comment. "Oh c'mon love. It's hard not to." He said with a smirk, walking to catch up with Asher. Though he looked back when he heard Carlos and winked as he walked beside Asher. "I'll be close by, don't you worry beautiful."
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Something was off. Carlos didn’t know what it was, but something was off again. And something was certainly dangerous, and that was true red head walking up there. Mmm dangerous for sure. A different kind of dangerous to the way Kaleb was. Kaleb was the kind of dangerous that made Carlos want to give up everything. Did give up everything. But Jordan made him want to take a momentary break. He reminded him of the girls down the hall. They also made him want to take a break just for a moment.

Asher was already amused. It was rare to find someone who wanted to jump right in as much as Jordan. “He is handsome,” he agreed. “Though, the blonde is too. They are almost as pretty as us.” He chuckled as he looked back at them. “Do you trust them?” Because as much as Asher wanted to believe in the good of people, he knew too many people who weren’t so great. He used to be one of them.

“Not so bad of a morning,” Carlos mused to Kaleb as they moved towards the next room. “And not at all infected.” He leaned over and kissed Kaleb’s temple before turning his attention to the next room. “Love, let’s check the next room? I can only assume they already picked over the last since that’s where Boots found me.”
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb didn't like this at all. This whole traveling together, especially with how Carlos seemed to enjoy Jordan more. It was exactly what Kaleb thought would happen. He'd already said it would, he was just thrown aside when a new, better person showed up. His free hand clenched into a fist as he kept walking. He would put pressure every so often on his leg to keep it used to being worked. A careful day or two at the most and he'd be able to at least walk on it, even with a limp. He ignored Carlos at first, turning his head away after the kiss on his temple. "Go right ahead. I'll just be outside in the hall."

Jordan looked over at Asher with a grin like always, hearing him. "They're both handsome, but none can touch your beauty my love." Jordan told him, kissing his cheek before he saw Asher look back. "I think I do. We'll see, but then again. I did trust you pretty quickly back in Pittsburgh." He replied as they walked, Jordan's hand snagging Asher's and squeezed it gently.

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