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Fandom Life in a Quarantine Zone { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Immediately, Carlos shrugged his own pack off so that he could have it readily available when they checked. “Ooh, wait. Blanket.” He opened up the pack and pulled out the smaller blanket he had rolled up in there. “Use it as a cushion?” he asked placing it beside Kaleb before sitting down beside his leg and sighing. “Okay, you ready for me to check this thing again? I don’t see blood seeping from you, so that is certainly a good thing.” He grinned as he carefully and slowly pushed up the hem of Kaleb’s pants.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb looked over at Carlos when he pulled out the smaller blanket and Kaleb looked at him. "No, I'm not ready but I'll never be so." Kaleb admitted. He heard that comment and chuckled a little bit. "Oh good, at least it's not bleeding again." He added as he watched Carlos slowly push up his pant leg. "If I keep injuring this leg, we'll never get anywhere fast."
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos laughed even though the whole situation was not all that funny. Well, it was a little funny. While they were not actively in danger, it was a little funny. His eyes slid to the side to meet Kaleb’s as he smiled. “That’s okay. I am already where I wanted to be.” He moved his attention back to the leg, gently observing it as he looked for anything too bad. “So, do you think you twisted it?” he asked as he took off the older bandages. “Because it doesn’t look like you reopened the stitches again. It’s pretty swollen though. And angry. That there is an angry leg. Let me redo the bandages and then hopefully that will make you feel better. Maybe you can eat something too? That always makes me feel better.” He pulled out the supplies to begin rewrapping.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

He laughed too as he looked at Carlos though he had a smile on his face. He somehow knew that was the kind of response he'd get from his traveling companion. "I think I did a little as I fell yes. Though at least that's good that nothing was reopened. When you wrap it, wrap it tight but not too tight. A tight wrap should help with the swelling." He explained and then nodded. "I'm starving so eating would be a great idea." Kaleb added with a smile on his face.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

“Tight but not too tight. Got it. You hear that leg. You don’t get to be so cranky if I put enough pressure on you.” He began the wraps, testing to see what might be the right tightness. “But if I cut off the circulation, that is an acceptable reason for you to be upset. I can’t fault you on that.” Finally, he thought he probably figured out an appropriate tightness and finished wrapping. “Looky there, gorgeous. Practically like new.” He shoved his hand into his pack to retrieve some food. “Can’t have you starving. That would make me awfully sad.”
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb winced twice while Carlos wrapped his leg up, but it was tight enough that it would help with the swelling. He couldn't help but let out a small chuckle though as he heard Carlos talking to his leg. His eyes went to Carlos and smiled at him. "Thank you." He said, and nodded as he saw Carlos pull out some food. "I really don't want to starve either, because we can't have you being sad."
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

“You are so welcome!” Carlos exclaimed as he handed Kaleb some of their absolutely delicious canned food for consumption. He was going to start eating when he got horribly distracted and grinned so big, he might break his face. “Aww, that is so sweet of you to think of me like that.” He sighed contentedly and actually remembered to eat this time. No getting distracted, starving, and dying. That would probably also make Kaleb sad.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb couldn't help the smile getting bigger on his face as he took some of the food. He ate it as he saw that grin get bigger on Carlos' face. Kaleb watched him to make sure he ate as well, and eventually he was done with his food. "Of course." He said with a small laugh. Kaleb was ready to lay down, and in all honesty, wanted to lay down beside Carlos while his walls were still down and enjoy the moment.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

When they were both finished, Carlos collected everything to put away so that Kaleb did not have to worry about it. He spent too many years worrying about too many things, so there was no way that he was going to force it on him any longer. As he finished, his body stilled with a large yawn that eventually wracked his entire being. “Ooh, wow, okay, so it’s sleepy time? What do you think, love? If we put enough of these blankets and things together, I am sure it won’t be too painful.”
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb watched as Carlos collected everything before Kaleb could do anything. He smiled as he caught that large yawn from his friend and nodded. "It is very much time to sleep. And I think if we put enough of these blankets together it'll be fine. But I'm going to need help doing it. I can't exactly do it on my own." He said with a laugh, looking at his leg.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

He slid his eyes to Kaleb’s leg as he was already shaking his head. “You are not allowed to move. You get to sit right there like the king that you are, and I will do it all for you, my liege.” He immediately began to pull out each of their blankets to create what was for sure not a terribly comfortable mat but at least something that was better than this floor. Eventually, they needed to find bedrolls. He actually had access to a couple back in the QZ since they shoved too many people in a tiny room, but in his panic, he forgot those too. “I just need you to move a little on top of these and then we are golden.” He pulled off his jacket to roll into a makeshift pillow as well. “Or I can always move you. Though, I can’t promise that I will put you down from my arms. I may just keep you there forever.”
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb saw him shake his head and laughed a little. "I am no king." He said, watching Carlos pull out their blankets and create some kind of sleeping place. It might not be as comfortable as the bed they'd been on before, but it would work. Kaleb looked at him and smirked, using his arms to lift and pull himself back so he was sitting on top of the blankets. "I got it. Though I do expect to be in your arms tonight." Kaleb told him, laying down on their sleeping spot with a wide smile.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos could have argued that, but he chose to not fight that battle right now. It would be easier to fight another day perhaps. Or maybe he would not fight it and simply make it truth. Later though. Later when he was less tired. His chest fluttered with the expectation. “Now that I can absolutely do for you.” He sat right next to him before laying down and wrapping his arms around Kaleb. If this was going to be who they were always now, then Carlos was a happy, happy man. “Safe and warm. What could be better than that?”
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Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb felt the arms wrap around him and he smiled. This was perfect to him. “I don’t think anything could be better than this.” He whispered, shifting so he could curl into Carlos more. A yawn escaped him and his eyes were struggling to stay open. He was warm, safe, happy and enjoying the time with Carlos. He didn’t know when his walls would come back up but for now he’d take everything he could. Eventually though, sleep won and Kaleb’s eyes closed and he fell asleep with a smile on his face.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos breathed slowly as they laid there together in this makeshift bed with this makeshift pillow behind his head. Kaleb didn’t need one, because he was the pillow. That was how it should be. That felt right. “That’s because nothing could ever be better than this,” he answered his sleeping companion. He knew it to be true. Even if they found some sort of fairytale land, as long as he had Kaleb, nothing would ever be bad. He too eventually drifted off to sleep, dreaming of things he would not remember when he awoke.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb had dreams that night, but none he would remember by the time he woke up. Which he didn't want to do when the sun came up the next day. Kaleb was quite content to stay sleeping where he was, and somehow during the night, he had curled even closer to Carlos. One arm was thrown over the other man holding him close. Kaleb had also shifted onto his side, the good leg thankfully, as well. His eyes opened first, but his mind was still very much asleep at the moment.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

When Carlos awoke, he had the strangest sense that they were going to find something today. It was going to be different than the last days of traveling through rooms to find supplies just to find a place to sleep. That might have been his optimism talking but it also may have been his hope. It was not that he was bored. He would never be bored the way they were living now, but he longed for more action. Something more exciting than the same thing as always like at the QZ. He snuggles closer as he yawned himself away. “Hey you. How are you this fine morning?”
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb's mind was slowly waking up as he felt Carlos snuggle closer, and he smiled at him. "I'm doing much better this morning, but I'm not sure if its from rest or being beside you." Kaleb said, yawning a little as well. He shifted a little so he could see Carlos better but he didn't really want to move. He enjoyed the calm moment between them, and wasn't looking forward to leaving quite yet, though he knew they'd have to.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

That was exactly the way they should always wake up. Better for being together. That was how he knew they would be. “Good,” he murmured as he tried to convince himself to open his eyes. You can’t see his beautiful face if your eyes are closed. That was enough. He finally did and smiled. Such a beautiful face. “It’s definitely because of me,” he grinned. “I’m irresistibly comfy and too large for bad things to get around. Try me horrific past!”
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb had seen Carlos' eyes were shut and he waited patiently for them to open. Ah. There you are. He smiled, and then rolled his eyes playfully at the comments. "Yes, it's definitely because you are very comfy and definitely too large for my past to get through." Kaleb told him, eyes looking at him and contemplating on if kissing him would be too much at the moment. In the end, Kaleb decided against it and moved a little. "We should get going."
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos sighed happily as he lifted one arm to stretch it out. A wave of stretch ran through his arm and then the rest of him before he let the tension go and collapsed a little. He yawned once more before shaking his head. “Alright fine but not yet. First.” He took Kaleb’s face in his hands and kissed him gently for one, two, several sleepy moments before letting him go and falling back now uncuddling them from each other. “Now we can go.”
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb watched him stretch his arm out before he shook his head. Kaleb tilted his head a little at the comment, and then he felt hands on his face and then got kissed. He did kiss back until Carlos let him go and uncuddled. Kaleb sighed happily as he sat up and stretched his arms. "I uh, I'm gonna need a hand up." Kaleb mentioned with a small laugh.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

“What, you’re not just magically better now?” Carlos teased. “Here I was thinking kisses were supposed to heal all things. The lies my mother told me!” He sat up, shrugged, and as he stood up, continued, “actually my mother never lied to me because I never had one of those, but I someone lied to me about that.” He crouched and put his hands out to support Kaleb in getting up. “Probably not Officer No Fun. That would be way too much whimsy for him.”
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb chuckled and rolled his eyes. "Someone definitely must've lied to you, somewhere, at some point then. Or you just didn't kiss me right" He teased right back, taking Carlos' hands and making it to his feet. "It wasn't him that's for sure. None of the officers would be that um whimsical." Kaleb added as he put a hand on the wall. He gently tested his leg again, and while it could bear weight, he would at least need a little support. A walking stick would work but he didn't have one of those.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos shook his head in disbelief. “Now you and I both know that’s not it. My kisses are magical.” He rolled and folded the blankets before putting them away and putting his jacket back on. He picked up his pack, slung it over his shoulders and put out his arm. “Whoever it was clearly did not know that I am made of whimsy. Alrighty, gorgeous, let’s head to the next floor?”

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