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Fandom Life in a Quarantine Zone { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos took Kaleb’s hand, unsure what exactly he needed to do to keep Kaleb there with him but also torn with the feeling of an exciting new toy. He squeezed it with a smile and said, “I’ll be right back, my beautiful blue eyes.” He smiled fully and deep before gently releasing himself from Kaleb once he was safely standing on his own and skipped forward. “Am I going to have to check in here all by my lonesome?” he asked as he flung open the door and stepping inside.

Asher was far less trusting than Jordan. He grew up with far too many people who were out for their own good and refused to do anything for anyone else. There were too many bad people. Jordan was not one of them. Jordan was a good person who he trusted with his life, so for now, he would allow the others to be with them. For now. And only because they were so compelling and did not seem like the types to stab them in the back. So far. He paused his walking as he heard Carlos’ summons and laughed. He put both of his hands on Jordan’s cheeks and kissed him like no one was watching despite the fact that now they had an audience. “Go get him, tiger,” he commanded and shoved Jordan towards the door Carlos just went in. He took a few steps closer to Kaleb mostly to watch and make sure that this was not some sort of trap his people might have thought up, and stood in a wide legged stance, arms over his chest, and a small smile sitting on his lips.
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb felt Carlos take his hand and squeeze it, and that small smile played on his lips before it disappeared again. His eyes narrowed as he heard his comment, lips set in a thin line as he watched Jordan follow him in after Asher shoved him in. He pushed himself up against the wall and crossed his arms over his chest as well. He looked over at Asher with narrowed eyes, so much had happened in such little time that Kaleb didn't know how to really process everything.

Jordan looked at Asher when he paused, having heard Carlos as well. He was torn himself between staying with his partner and going to spend some time with this new man. Jordan felt both of his hands on his cheeks and he was kissed by Asher. Jordan gave back to it of course, and then he grinned. "I will." He said with a laugh as he was pushed towards the door. Jordan walked through the door and into the room, grin on his face. "I could never let someone so handsome check out a potentially dangerous room all by themselves."
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

If this was how it was going to be for the next however long, Asher was not sure how much he wanted to have it. This guy did not seem like he was okay with their presence. If that was the case, then nothing good could come of it. He had half a mind to grab his Jordan right now and leave, but he hated to take something like this away from him. Someone so willing and ready for Jordan? He couldn’t do that to him. Which meant he had to deal with this one in the hall. “So.” A short attempt at conversation. “You’re really not headed anywhere specific? Or are you just the guarded type?”

Carlos did not even bother hiding the smile when Jordan followed him in. “You surely could not,” Carlos agreed as he began the same perimeter check he had been doing this whole building. He sifted through drawers and shelves, finding little of value. “Good thing I have such a compelling hero to save me from all the bad guys in here.” He spun around to theatrically look at the emptiness of the room.
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb had managed to breathe a little before he looked over at Asher when he talked. "No we don't have anywhere specific. Just traveling. And I guess you could say that." He managed. If he could stand on both legs, he would've naturally taken his guard stance. But then again, Kaleb wasn't in charge but Officer Price. He had so many questions but he also didn't want to let on that he might be feeling jealous. "Are you two really headed east?"

Jordan's grin got wider as he saw that smile. He was too busy watching Carlos to really search the room, so he didn't. He leaned against a wall, watching the other man spin in the empty room. "I'll gladly save you from the bad guys." He said, pushing off the wall and crossed the room to snag one of Carlos' hands and pulled him to his chest, the other arm wrapping around his back. "I can also save you from being alone in such an empty room." He purred, looking Carlos in the eyes, before he leaned forward and kissed him, his hand dropping from Carlos' and went to the back of his neck, fingers pushing up into his hair. A few moments passed and then Jordan pulled back just enough to look at him and breathe. "I think those two could use some time to talk, don't you?"
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Color him wildly curious about Kaleb. Asher could see a lot of himself in him but also a lot of the people he disliked the most. Of course, everyone had a guarded side. That was not so much a problem. “Why not?” he asked instead of actually answering. Two could play at the guarded game. “Jordan has always been a traveler. That was a whole lot more appealing than a lot of other things. Nothing wrong with the east. We haven’t been to a whole lot of places that way yet.” He shrugged. “What about you? Where have you been?”

Why Carlos, you may have finally met your match. He could hear Jade’s voice in the back of his head as suddenly Jordan was right there on him. He was brawny. Muscled. Mmm those were some beautiful muscles. His scent filled his nose and mouth and throat and his entire being until he was drunk from him. Carlos liked it. Oh he liked it a lot. It had been a long time since someone could best him in the arts of seduction and flirtatious prowess. A gentleman. A hero. This one was absolutely dripping in confidence. That was empowering. With Jordan already locked around him, he used that to his advantage as he spun them around and pushed Jordan against the wall, his own arms right around his sides and palms firmly against the wall to keep him in place. “Is that so?” He asked, his eyes darting from Jordan’s to his lips and back to those eyes. Not as beautiful as Kaleb’s but still intoxicating. “And what do you want to do in here instead?” he breathed, their noses touching.
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb looked at Asher, listening to him. He could see that he was also capable of being guarded. Kaleb listened to him, heard his explanation and then the question. "We've just started our travels. Left our quarantine zone and set off into the wilderness." He replied. "And there is nothing wrong with heading east, we're just wandering at the moment." Kaleb added and then uncrossed his arms. He had a feeling they'd be here for a bit with those two in there, so he slid down the wall and sat down. His bad leg stretched out and the other pulled to his chest.

Jordan wasn't expecting to be spun around and pushed against the wall, but it made this all the more exciting. His eyes twinkled as he looked at him, arms on either side of Jordan and his palms on the wall keeping him in place. "It is very much so." Jordan replied, looking at Carlos' eyes, his lips, his eyes, him. Taking in this man before him. "I'm sure you can figure that one out for yourself." He said with a wink, the hand still behind Carlos' neck shifting further up and pushed his head close as Jordan leaned forward, kissing him again. A few moments passed and Jordan pulled back again, with a grin on his face.
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

“Ah.” Interesting. So they were from one of the Zones. That certainly was interesting. “Which QZ?” he asked, now too interested in that line of thought than where it could have been headed before. He slackened the grip on his arms just slightly as Kaleb sat down. That meant he too understood this could take a whole. Interesting again. “Not Pittsburgh, because I would have known you there.” He grimaced. “So which hell hole did you get out of?” He had very few good opinions of FEDRA and they were all having to do with the fact that all of the ones he knew were dead.

Carlos lost himself in the fervor of the kiss. It was such a good kiss. There was so much passion all at once, and that was more than he could ever expect from anyone else. Back in Denver, there were people who were passionate of course. There were people who enjoyed being with him, but never any who were so hungry for it that they could match his own levels of intensity. And to imagine they had only met but minutes ago. Such good minutes. When Jordan pulled away, Carlos shook his head with a breathless, “I don’t think so,” and pulled him back in with his teeth for another short round before he pulled away. They would end on his terms. “You are fun. Where have you been, Red?” He nipped at his jaw, heart pumping with the adrenaline rush. “A fun, playful thing.”
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb looked up at him as he asked. He watched as Asher slackened the grip on his arms. He waited a moment and then his own guard went back up again. He'd heard his father talk about Pittsburgh, how it had fallen to rebels and those rebels eventually started hunting survivors. "Denver." He replied. "So when did you leave Pittsburgh?" He asked him.

Jordan had met a lot of people in his life, from being in the Boston QZ to traveling the country. He'd known a lot of them personally though usually he didn't stick around. The only person he'd ever found that he wanted to keep with him was Asher but the man had helped him get out of Pittsburgh safely. Jordan's eyes widened a little as Carlos shook his head when he pulled away, and brought back in for another kiss using his teeth. Hmm. There were only a handful of people that Jordan met who matched him in intensity. Jordan was also unwilling to let this settle on anyone's terms but his own. "Clearly I've been here, waiting for you." He said, grinning at the nip at his jaw. Jordan might've been pinned, but he could do a lot. He leaned forward and placed a kiss on Carlos' jawline, then down his neck where he nipped at it before pulling away and kissing him again. This time when he pulled back, Jordan placed his hands on Carlos' shoulders and pushed gently yet firmly, hoping that he'd be distracted enough by the kiss for him to be moved so Jordan could slip away, ending this little moment Jordan's way.
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Asher’s mouth was set in a tight line for a minute as he pushed past horrible memories of one horror that was replaced by another. There was nothing good left in Pittsburgh. “When I got fed up with their killing spree,” he answered as he shoved hands into his pockets. He let the military part of him fall just a little. Not that he was ever part of the military. Not FEDRA anyway. But they didn’t get much better after that, did they? “And when Jordan came to my rescue. Or maybe I came to his. It’s debatable. Is that what happened to you? Got fed up with FEDRA being a collective pain in everyone’s asses and saved your man? Or did he save you?” Asher let his smile creep up a little more.

Carlos was stunned enough to let Jordan go but not stunned enough to not know what just happened. Oh, he was good. He was very good. He said all the right things, did all the right things too. He could still feel the tingles against his neck where Jordan’s lips caressed his skin. Where his teeth threatened to leave their mark. What an unexpected journey of a morning. “I like you,” he said, voice floating much like a song. “I like you a lot.” This was promising beginning of something entertaining. It was certainly going to fun. He loved a good time. He ran a hand over that muscled, bare arm. “Catch you around, Red.” He bounded out of the room before Jordan could and moved towards Kaleb without another thought.
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb saw that tight line of Asher's mouth and wondered for a moment just what the other man was thinking. He nodded at that comment, watching him shove his hands in his pockets. His eyebrows rose as he heard that, it sounded so similar to them. "You can say I got fed up with FEDRA. As for who saved who, I'm not entirely sure myself. I could say he saved me, but you ask him and its the other way around." Kaleb told him, seeing a smile creep up on his face. Kaleb's own mouth twitched a little, showing a faint smile before it was gone when Carlos came out of the room and over to him. Kaleb used the wall to get himself up.

Jordan chuckled as he watched Carlos let him go, a smirk settling on his face. He knew what he was doing and it usually worked. He watched Carlos for a moment, listening to him. "I'm glad, I like you too." He said with another wink, feeling the hand run over his muscled arm. Then he was gone, out of the room after his comment. Jordan followed a few moments later and walked over to Asher, throwing his arm over his shoulders and kissed his cheek, then his jawline before looking at the other two. "Did you two talk about anything fun out here?"
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

They were similar then. Good. He could trust someone with a similar past. They all wanted out of the same horrible things. That meant they were similar kinds of people. He was still curious about Kaleb. If he and Carlos were both from the Denver QZ, why was only one of them so rigid? Who did Kaleb used to be before this? Who was Carlos? When Carlos came out, he had a feeling that meant the conversation was over. Until another time, perhaps. Then there was his Jordan. “Hey, babe.” He smiled into Jordan’s kiss as he slid an arm around his waist. “Sure. Learned Kaleb and I are actually very similar. That’s not at all shocking since you and Carlos also seem to have a whole lot of common ground.” He raised his brows towards him and then shifted his gaze to Carlos. “Did you guys talk about anything fun?”

Carlos watched Kaleb stand on his own and smiled so wide that his whole face started to hurt. “Now how did you get so strong to be able to stand up all by yourself?” He shook his head. “Nothing can stop you. So strong.” Nothing was more impressive than Kaleb even after hurting and rehurting and rehurting again his leg. He barely noticed the other two talking but realized that someone – Asher? – asked a question. His eyes darted that way, moving his head maybe half an inch towards him before he settled back on Kaleb again. So strong. “Um,” focus Carlos. He said words. What did he say? Talk about anything fun. Oh. He finally looked towards the other two, and grinned. “Oh, I wouldn’t say we talked about anything too fun.” He locked eyes with Jordan before parting his lips like he might say something and then changed his mind. He looked back to Kaleb. “You ready to go love? I found a couple of things, but it was mostly empty.”
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb glanced at Carlos and shrugged. "I needed to get up." He said simply, as he watched the other two. How was Asher so comfortable with the way Jordan was? Was there something wrong with Kaleb that he felt this way? And just what way was that? Kaleb was about to say something a little more like his real self, those walls getting cracked a little but then they sealed back up. His eyes narrowed as he glared at Jordan and then Carlos. That sentence all but insinuating that Carlos and Jordan had kissed in there. Kaleb wanted to walk off, storm off and leave these three on their own, but he couldn't walk on his own. That just fueled his irritation and anger at having to be stuck there asking for help.

Jordan smiled at the arm around his waist and he glanced over at Kaleb, seeing that glare. "Are you sure you two are similar?" He asked, before grinning over at Carlos. "We definitely have some common ground" Jordan said, locking eyes with Carlos. "We did a form of talking, it just wasn't verbal." He added, before turning with a smile. "Shall we continue forward then?"
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

That Carlos could agree with. He put a finger to his lips as he winked over at Jordan before turning his attention all the way back to Kaleb. “And you got up without any help. That is more than a little impressive with what you’ve been through.” Without even thinking to ask, his brain was a little distracted by the presence of someone who could do so many things to him in so little time, he slid himself in place for being Kaleb’s support. Even when ultimately addled, that was still his default. That was where he would always go. “We should otherwise it’s going to take absolutely ages for us to get anywhere. And I don’t know about you, but I am bored of this building. So let’s keep going so that we can find somewhere more fun.”

Asher shrugged. “Well, I said similar not the same.” He smiled gently towards Kaleb, a small hint of something a little less rigid than he had been putting up front so far. “I like that though. We don’t need two of me.” He laughed at the thought and extricated himself from Jordan’s grip to head to the next room on his own. He opened it up and headed straight in without waiting for anyone else.
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb rolled his eyes at both Carlos and Jordan before he heard Carlos talking to him. "I did what I had to." He said, using as little of Carlos as support as he could manage. A hand on his arm, that was all. Kaleb snorted at those words, his eyes narrowed as he looked at Carlos. "I'm pretty sure this building is not boring for you anymore." He huffed as they started going down the hall. Kaleb saw that smile from Asher and he did smile back a little, he liked him. And if Kaleb had been in this situation two years later, he'd probably like Jordan a lot more too. But Kaleb didn't like him right now.

Jordan chuckled at that and nodded. "Oh but I'd love two of you." He said with a smile as Asher moved from his grip. Jordan followed him into the next room to actually search this one. Well, try to anyway. Jordan was really good at getting distracted by people, but especially by Asher, he had been ever since he'd met him. "Find anything interesting my love?" Jordan asked as he walked further into the room, not that it was a big room either.
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos looked at Kaleb curiously. Something feels off. That was what Kaleb told him when they got there. Something feels off. And right now, that was Kaleb. No, not Kaleb. The Officer. The Officer was very heavily encroaching on his beautiful Kaleb, and Carlos hated that. Where did you go, my love? Come back to me. Just one hand on his arm. Mostly walking on his own. They started off the day so well. Cuddles, kisses, and everything. Where did you go? “Hey,” he coaxed softly. “Talk to me, gorgeous. Tell me what’s rolling around in that head of yours.”

Asher shook his head as he quickly sped through the room. He learned how to be quick from a young age and how to get what he needed in the middle of dire times. That was the way of the trade. “I’m sure you would.” He tossed up a bottle, the last thing he found, before putting it into his pack. “Not that interesting, I’m afraid. This building feels pretty picked over honestly.” He swiftly made his way to Jordan. “What about you? Find anything to die for?”
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb froze hearing Carlos talking to him so softly. No. Please stop. Don’t make whatever this is harder to ignore. “I said I’m fine. Just please leave it alone for once.” Kaleb’s voice was mixed between sadness and his sterner tone. He didn’t want to consider that he could lose this, again whatever this is. He turned his head away, forcing himself to wipe away any emotion from his face. He wasn’t going to let this hurt him, he couldn’t handle it. Not again.

Jordan found the way Asher sped through rooms as he searched fascinating. It never ceased to amaze Jordan either, and a real smile crept onto his face. He’d barely searched by the time Asher was done and so he looked at him instead. He tilted his head at that, it hadn’t been full of supplies and he had that feeling from the first room. “Yeah, we could probably just head back to the street and move on.” He agreed as he watched Asher walked over to him. “I might not have found supplies to die for, but I did find something else to die for.” He said, moving to close the distance between them. “I found you.” He replied, taking a moment to pull Asher into a hug, and kissed him gently before pulling back. “Should we get going?”
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos shook his head. “Nope. I promised you that I wouldn’t. I can’t leave it alone when you’re like this.” I love you too much to do that. He bit that back, afraid that something so intense could drive him back behind that wall even further than how far he had retreated. He should not have let himself get so distracted by something fun and new. But how was that fair? How was it fair for Carlos to have to drop something he enjoyed to just to keep Kaleb going? It wasn’t, and that was just how it was. It wasn’t fair. A lot of things weren’t fair. “This is you shutting me out again. Don’t shut me out, love.” He reached up to gently touch Kaleb’s cheek. Look at me, he silently pleaded. Please look at me.

Asher melted into the hug, all rigidity and guard down as it always was when Jordan came around. With one look, he could soften the hardness that covered him. With a touch, his body forgot how to be so afraid. With one hug, he was completely at the other’s mercy. “You’re a sap, you know that? A big, beautiful, burly sap, but still a sap.” He sighed as Jordan finished the kiss, and Asher turned away from him, leaning back into his touch for a moment. Breathing in the togetherness of their beings before taking hold of Jordan’s arms and removing them from around him. “We should.” He dropped the arms and sidestepped away. “Keep on keeping on and the like. With our new… friends.”
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb had so much going on in his mind. The arrival of Jordan and Asher, the fear of losing Carlos, the fear of having his heart broken once more. It wasn’t fair to either of them really, but Kaleb couldn’t help it. He was insecure, jealous, and trying so hard to protect himself. “I..” Kaleb’s voice faltered at the touch to his cheek, a tear slipping down as that wall cracked again. He let out a sigh and looked back at Carlos. “I can’t stop it.”

Jordan felt Asher melt into him, like always. He loved it, just as he truly loved Asher. He loved people but Asher was his person. Jordan chuckled at that comment. “That maybe true, but I’m your sap.” He said, though he sighed as Asher removed his arms. “I wasn’t done hugging you.” Jordan huffed as he followed Asher. But they had time to hug later, they should get moving. Jordan ran a hand through his hair as he headed towards the door of the room. “So, do you think we should head down to the street?”
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos felt a wave of his own tears ready to fall the moment he opened up those gates. He would not while Kaleb needed him to be strong. Instead, he put his other hand on Kaleb’s cheek so that he could really focus on his face and Kaleb could focus on him if he could. “Okay.” He kept his voice light. Understanding. He wanted to be understanding. He wanted Kaleb to feel like Carlos could understand him. “Okay,” he repeated with a genuine nod. “Can you tell me what’s bringing it back. Because I don’t want to hurt you.” Tell me so that I can fix it.

That was absolutely true. Jordan was definitely his sap. A sap that he shared with plenty of people but in the end still his. He liked it best that way. Besides, how could he say no when Jordan’s piqued interest changed the way he acted which piqued Asher’s interest. It was a deadly cycle. This was why he so often sought out others for his partner. It was a selfish act really. He took Jordan’s free hand as he spoke. “I would say so, but we’ve got others now. We can ask what they think? I mean, that is if you can talk to him without instantly getting distracted.” Asher smiled at his own rude but playful comment. He tugged on the stolen hand to start walking back to the entrance of the room.
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb felt the other hand on his cheek, looking at Carlos, focusing on his touch. Kaleb sighed, hearing those words. He didn’t feel like he had a right to be upset and jealous, but he was. And he didn’t want to admit that. “I don’t know what’s wrong. What’s bringing it back.” Kaleb told him. Liar Kaleb Price. He pushed that aside, and looked away from Carlos again. He had no right here, no claim on Carlos so why did those walls go up. Was it because he wanted Carlos and was afraid he’d lose him? Kaleb didn’t know, and that made this whole thing even more confusing.

Jordan felt Asher take his free hand and smiled over at him. Again, the real smile that he only shows to important people in his life. So far that was just Asher. “I can totally talk to him with getting distracted..” Jordan defended himself with a chuckle, nudging Asher’s shoulder. “But in reality, love do you blame me? He’s pretty beautiful.” He added as he picked up the pace at the tug on his hand. They finally made it out of the room and Jordan didn’t know what he was expecting to come out to but it wasn’t the two of them looking like they were in a therapy session. That drew a frown on his face and he shifted a little uncomfortably.
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

More than anything in the world, Carlos wished that he could see into that mind. He so often found himself wishing that he could take even just a little peek. Anything would tell him more than he was getting now. No, the fact that Kaleb couldn’t tell him but was at least able to say that out loud meant that he had enough of Kaleb with him to hopefully at least keep him from falling back into that. “Okay,” he repeated again, acknowledging the words as truth. He leaned his forehead against Kaleb’s hands barely holding on to cheeks. “That’s okay.” His fingers slipped, sweaty from all of this anxiety, and he panicked as they fell. He panicked and threw those arms around Kaleb’s body, enveloping him in a hug probably too tight. “It’s okay.”


Carlos’ eyes darted towards them with a fear that had nothing to do with them seeing this. Actually, he didn’t care who saw any of it. He was afraid for Kaleb. To this point, he could only assume that it had something to do with the new guys, and honestly, he was pretty sure this had something to do with Jordan and Carlos specifically. Kaleb always struggled with the things he did not understand about Carlos. Things like Jade. Jordan was like Jade. He needed Jordan and Asher not to take what little of Kaleb Carlos was able to salvage, but he also didn’t want them to go. He liked having people. That was a lie. He loved having people. He loved having everyone around him. He loved knowing everyone. He missed that about Denver. All those people. He absolutely loved Kaleb, and he would never make any other decision, but he did miss having being surrounded.

Asher stopped them far enough away. “Babe, why don’t we go check the next room. Then maybe we can come back and talk about going somewhere else?” He suggested with a gentle tug in the opposite direction. He had a feeling he knew what this was about, and he was not sure he was ready to let Jordan into the fray until he could figure out what exactly was going on.
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb heard Carlos say it was okay, but Kaleb froze feeling his fingers slipping. Then the arms wrapped around him instead. The hug could be considered too tight but it was enough. Kaleb hated this feeling, he didn’t want to change Carlos and hated that he was so bothered by this. Kaleb tucked his head into Carlos’ chest, not much caring about anything. Not even when he heard the others show up. He was too busy trying to deal with his emotions. His body shook a little as he felt tears slip out. That wall was crumbling, faster, harder. And Kaleb was getting bombarded with the emotions continually. He didn’t know how to fix this. Fix himself. And he hated that the most.

Jordan was actually concerned for Kaleb. But Asher was right, and it hurt seeing the fear in Carlos’ eyes. “Okay.” He said softly, following at the tug and walked into the next room, leaving the other two alone.
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

With Kaleb tucked away in his chest, Carlos sent an appreciative smile towards the other two before they left. He needed them to understand that he was not sending them away. He was happy to have them around. They just needed time. Carlos had all the time in the world, but it was not fair to ask that of people they only met a little while ago. He did not know them. He did not know their stories or their background. He knew that everyone deserved a chance. This was theirs, and he would be forever grateful for it. He hoped that when they saw it, they could see how he asked them to come back after they gave them this chance. Come back and we can try again.

He bent his head down so that he was as close as he could get. “Kaleb, love, I am here for you. Always, okay?” He was not sure how much of an answer he was going to get now that they were back to broken. He squeezed his eyes tight, one, two, three tears escaping when he tried to push them away. He would have to hope that they would dry before Kaleb was able to look up. “No matter what. Where you go, I go, remember? It’s always you and me.”

When Asher stepped into the next room, he let out a deep breath that he had been holding. “Okay, so that was intense,” he muttered as he stalled in the middle of the small room. He was not about to actually search for anything right now. He too was concerned for Kaleb. Genuinely. He liked him. He liked who he probably was when he wasn’t so up tight and clearly jealous. He wished he could do more, but right now, he had to protect his person first. “We give them a moment and then…” Then he wasn’t sure what.
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb felt the tears falling continuously, his arms wrapping around Carlos. He ruined everything again, him and his trauma, his fears, his insecurities. He felt so, so dumb at this. How? How can he fix this? Destroy these walls once and for all. He heard Carlos, knew that he was speaking the truth. Kaleb had to know something. Had to know this was real. And so he untucked his head from Carlos’ chest and looked at him. His blue eyes were their normal color. “Do you love me? More than anyone else we come across? More than Jordan or Jade or anyone else? Is this a forever love? Or am I going to lose you?”

Jordan, for the first time, was uncomfortable and afraid he’d messed up their new companions partnership. He had a look of uncertainty in his eyes as he looked at Asher. “I have to agree, that was not what I was expecting.” Jordan agreed, stopping beside Asher. “I agree, let’s give them a moment.” He said, though he couldn’t help but wonder and fear that it was his fault. He’d caused Kaleb to get jealous and all but break down.
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Those tears were not dry when Kaleb looked up, but there was no use lying to him. There was no reason to hide that this upset him too. He didn’t want to hide anything from him. So he let them go. He let them fall down his cheeks too. Not too many. Just the ones that were already out and the ones that were threatening to come anyway. What? Carlos to this point could understand that maybe Kaleb did not quite get his relationship with other people. He struggled with Jade and Basira, but then again, so did Carlos, so that was fair. Now with Jordan, of course Kaleb would struggle. “I love you, Kaleb Price. More than anything and anyone else in the entire world. I don’t love Jade or Jordan. I don’t even know Jordan. I just know that I would like to know him. But not like I know you. Never like that.” He breathed, willing himself to stay calm. “This- what you and I have,” he tightened his arms around him just enough to gesture to the embrace and them before giving a little more slack, “that’s real. That’s forever. I know it is. I have always known that. That’s why I followed you out of there. I would never follow anyone else. Not Jade, not Jordan. Not even Salim who was admittedly my best friend up until then.” He smiled despite the fear and anxiety. He smiled, because he loved Kaleb so much he could hardly breathe. “You are never going to lose me. Not ever. Not to another person. Not because of infected. Not because of terrorists who are far too radical for their own good. We are forever.”

Asher knew this was affecting Jordan badly, and he was not about to let that happen. With that hand he still had, he pulled him close. “Don’t be upset. It’s not your fault.” He took his other hand in his and gently swung them. “They are still young and learning. I can’t say we ever have that with me, but maybe we would have if I hadn’t ever seen you come on so strong to others before we traveled together.”

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