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Fantasy Liberate the Static

Parker Stein

Your Executioner
They're falling, falling, falling...

And suddenly everything is warped. Suddenly everything's too quiet and not quiet enough. Suddenly they're tripping through different worlds left and right. Suddenly Charlotte's watch doesn't work. Suddenly Clause has no idea where he is. Suddenly Charles is dragged along without permission. So, of course, everything goes wrong, and a peculiar figure named M is behind it. Great. This is turning out to be a bad superhero story, isn't it?

Current Characters:

Clause Ackerman (Untame Kitsune)

M (Murfemra)

Charlotte Song (Chalise Leilah)

Charles Inconchai (MadJester)
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For the second time that day, Charlotte is thrown off-course, but this time, she doesn't end up in the Neolithic Era with the Sumerians flipping out over her magical appearance. Nope. Not at all. Instead, she gets thrown through the side of the time vortex and pops out on a tiny little world. So tiny she can see the bend from where she awkwardly lands. Her wrist cracks painfully in protest of being squished by her hip, and she dedicates a moment to hate everything about time travel. She rolls to her feet slowly, counting for her limbs and making sure nothing got left behind this time. Everything is thankfully intact.

Now, she glances around at her surroundings and pauses. Any normal person in this situation wouldn't expect much of anything, because it's, well, oddly ordinary. The ground is littered in flowerbeds, and there's a lake off to the side. A cabin pops up nice and neat a ways off, just barely curving with the edge of the world. Any normal person would expect it to just be a nice little field on a hill. Charlotte is not a normal person. She's immediately suspicious, checking her watch to find out her location. But...her watch doesn't tell her. Actually, it doesn't tell her anything. Usually, it flashes the time, the date, the location, and whether she's in past, present, or future. But now its screen is blank, save for the occasional black circle that pulses out from the center. It takes her a second, then she registers the heat coming from her watch. "Son of a-" she cuts short, looking around sharply for anyone and drawing one of her guns. Figures. Her watch is busted...AGAIN. So it's doing the only thing it can: sending out a pulse of fusion energy every minute. She's immune to it, but the blast is strong enough to reach anyone or anything for lightyears. It'd be better if she was holding a giant neon sign that said "Come get me!" Great. Knowing her luck, it'll draw in anything within the radius of a few dimensions.

Bloody time travel!
It saw it all happen. The frail little being who had gotten thrown into its universe wasn't aware just of what she had goten stuck into. From its throne, it grinned, quickly scanning her memories from a distance. It found friends. Its teeth grew sharper and longer as its grin grew in size as well. It immediately sent a clone. Or a few...didn't really matter. Either way, they'd all wish they'd never been born. Well...not that all of them WERE born.

It stood, staring out of a large window unto its smallest world, one coated in flowers. It pulled back its sleeves, still grinning madly as it snapped on some gloves. It, or rather...he chuckled to himself as he spoke lowly. "Looks like we're going to have some fun tonight..."
"So. One more time. Why am I wearing cat ears?" Clause asks, the receiver popping with static in his ear. The other end is silent for a long moment, making him wonder if she'd heard him. Then she speaks and it's with that lazy, yet innocent tone of voice that instantly makes him suspicious. As per usual, he supposes.

"Well because they're the best headset I have silly, why else would I insist you take those ones?"

"Oh? And what makes them so special? They full of some magical hoodoo shit that allows free long distance calls or something?"

"No, Clause, they're funny." Right. They're funny. Awesome. The man sighs as she laughs softly on the other end and rubs his eyes using just his thumb and forefinger. It's strange how you can start out the day, enjoying a cup of coffee, flicking through channels on TV trying to find something good, then end it by falling out of the sky and into a field of flowers. Does he even want to understand exactly how he got here or where he is? No, not really. In all honesty he'd like to go home and crawl back into bed and sleep for another year. That, however, does not appear to be an option. So, he attempts to calm himself. Then promptly fails to calm himself and curses her out. Then, realizes the connection somehow broke during his colorful language filled rant and considers ripping the stupid things off and throwing them as far as he can. He doesn't, just slips them into one of the pockets of his coat and sighs, again. Well, now what?
"Well... That's never happened before." The man looks around his smirk less confident that usual. He absentmindedly taps his cane on the grass muttering. "How did this even happen! One minute I'm in that rich guys house trying to score a new suit, next this women runs by laughing and I'm standing here." He looks around again, after ranting to himself, and points his cane into the air. "Lets see if I can find anyone, the stranger something is, the more likely it is that it happened to more than one person." He presses the button on the cane 3 times, looking as first some tea flies out and falls onto the ground, a loud voice yells distraction from the depths of its barrel, and a crack echoes out as a bullet from sniper-rifle flies out like it was just fired.

"Well, that actually wasn't too bad. It actually made some noise, so that should get the purpose across." He sits down and waits to see if anyone responds, humming lightly to himself.
Everything was going fine and dandy until she heard the bloody scream. And then the gunshot. Her gun snaps up and Charlotte reaches for her other, scanning the area slowly, carefully. It's a small world - one of the smallest she's been in. It doesn't take much for her to spot the stranger standing not too far away, wielding a cane. You see, in most situations, the character will walk towards the stranger and likely get brutally murdered, or make friends and eventually fall in love. While Charlotte is the loneliest soul in the world, she's not about to make the role of Girl Who Dies First. Taking her horror movie survival instincts in stride, the ex-con turns, and makes a run for it. She flies past Clause and registers his appearance a second too late.

"Clause?!" She tries to look back over her shoulder at him, but the cabin promptly decides that it wants her attention instead. A cartoonish smack! resounds as Charlotte collides with the wooden door and crumples to the ground with all the grace of a drunk chicken. Her watch seems to take this as an attack, because it gives a series of tiny little bleeps, tightens its hold on its owner, and sends her through another world in this universe before poor Charlotte can even properly regain her senses.

Horror Movie Tip #1: Always watch where you're going.
Cold fingers grasped onto Charlotte's wrist, even while she was in the process of being thrown into another world. "Oh no." The cold voice seemed to come from everywhere and yet nowhere at all. "You've got work to do, no cheating missy. Guess you'll just have to be punished~"

Before the watch could naturally take Charlotte anywhere on its own, the being threw her into a new world, only this one was much larger and resembled a dark, dead forest. Within the sky, the small world she was just on could be seen not too far away. So why couldn't this world be seen from the last one's surface? Was it a sick game? A representation of what was lost and the horror that was to come? Whatever it was, it was strange and unfair.

Meanwhile, back on the flower-field world, a figure in a dark jacket appeared out of sight from the other visitors. He didn't come unannounced though, as a cold breeze that rushed through the area quickly alerted everyone that something was horribly wrong...
Clause has just enough time to register the near gust of wind that rustles his jacket from Charlotte running past and his name being called by a familiar voice he can't quite put his finger on as to who is belongs to before the person, and voice, are both gone. He frowns and glances around at the too happy scenery. The place gives him the creeps. Not so much because it looks a little like it came neatly packaged out of an episode of teletubbies, but more because first of all HE FELL OUT OF THE SKY TO GET HERE - still not quite getting over that little tid bit - and second, there's just something generally off. A tension in the air, a chill just a little denser than the air around it that slithers under his coat and gives him chills. Something present that turns the rainbows and sunshine atmosphere into something cold. His eyes drift down to his pocket which holds the cat eared headphones. Don't suppose the captain will be able to provide some answers, would she? Oh well. He can handle this for now. Just from experience whatever beastie is lurking around here will probably come to him if it means harm. He'll cross that bridge when he comes to it, and maybe get some answers when that happens.

For now he thought he heard some noises, the gun shots especially stood out to him. Following that he starts sauntering through the field in the general direction the noises came from until he finds a guy just sitting in the grass. Ick. People. Clause considers making a U-turn to go investigate the cabin instead but then it occurs to him this guy may or may not know a thing or two about what's going on here. How he ended up here. Where this place is. Etc etc. "Hey!" He calls, hooking his thumbs in his pockets, ready to reach for his gun if the situation turns. "You human?"
Charles looks up as her hears the man call. "What else could I be? Wait, don't answer that. Yeah, I'm human, you human or trying to eat me?" He stands up, leaning on his cane, and waits for the man to reach him, fingering around the edge of the button on his cane. He shivers a little due to the cold, and glances from side to side attempting to register a logical reason for the change in atmosphere.
When she lands, Charlotte makes a strangled noise that's something between the sound of a dying cat and a strangled fish. She clutches the wrist that was gripped and looks around madly, fumbling for both of her guns and promptly falling over when she rips them out of their holsters a bit too fast and nearly knocks herself in the face. Okay. Okay. So stranger bro. Very scary stranger bro. Charlotte looks around again, half-expecting whoever it was to leap out at her and eat her face. After a second, she shifts from immediate defensive stance to a more casual posture, though she's tense as hell. Clearing her throat, she straightens and lets one of her hands fall to her side, keeping the other up and at the ready, finger poised over the trigger. Since she's done panicking, she examines the area around her and ignores the goosebumps rising on her arms beneath her jacket. It gives her a really bad feeling to be here, but as it seems that guy can control where she goes, she doesn't have much of a choice but to make herself start walking in a random direction in hopes it'll get her out of here. Her eyes continue to flicker nervously up to the other world in the sky, searching for any sign of escape. Or, more, any sign of Clause.

They didn't happen often and they weren't loud, but when they did...

It was only like a short whisper every now and again or maybe a far off, two second groan. They were ominous...empty...tortured. These were the repercussions of those who had lost their souls here who knows how many years ago. They could feel the living in their domain...they called out to her, trying to be save from their never ending existence in the wasteland, yet by now, nothing could be done. Of course...those noises were the least unsettling.

The worst one only happened every few minutes. A far off creak, like rusty, wooden joints, followed by a quiet, yet shrill and terrifying noise that could not properly be identified. Whatever it was...all souls fell silent whenever it moved.
Kid, don't think for a moment being human doesn't write a person off as not likely to take a bite out of ya if given the chance. He doesn't say that out loud of course, no, that would only cast suspicion on himself as some creep wondering around out here, but the memory that goes with the lesson flashes in his head and he shudders. "Human." He answers shifting easily into dealing-with-clients mode running through a quick checklist in his head of important details, like, what their mental status seems to be, loosing their mind? Ready to fly off the handle and stab him? The guy seems in relative stable condition, suspicious maybe, but not psycho at a glance. Next. Weapons? Clause's turquoise gaze flits across the staff in the boy's hands, poised for something...But he can't say for sure what. Definitely something to be wary of. Human or non? Human - he thinks. The fact that he seems to be in a similar confusion as Clause wins points in the kid's favor. Well, that seems to cover anything important for the time being. Clause get's straight to the point. "You know where the hell this is?"
Charles stops for a moment, looking like he is thinking and than look straight at Clause. "I have absolutely no bloody idea." he looks around again, tapping the cane on the ground in front of him."Definitely not anywhere I have any clue about. Too small a world, that, or we are on a very strange hill." He points the cane at the cabin, showing an opening at the end. "Any idea whats in there? Seems to be the only thing here."

He grabs the ends of his tie, putting them together so the tie was tied. He then buttons up his jacket and smooths out his collar. Doesn't matter what the situation is, the more important you leek, the better off you tend to be. He strokes a cloth along the edge of his cane, and looks back at the other man. "One of us will probably have to look, it going to be you or me? I would prefer it would be you, as this thing can be a bit... unpredictable." he looks meaningfully at the cane.
By the fourth chorus of that unidentified noise, Charlotte starts to panic again. On the inside, at least. On the outside, she's perfectly calm and together, cautiously looking around the corner at every bend, pointing her gun at whatever moves. However, the fifth time the noise chimes, she can't help herself. "Hey, Mr. Big Scary guy that brought me here," she calls, figuring that if he can change the direction of her travel, he can hear her just as well. "Can you not? Can I be your friend instead?" Well, it's worth a shot. "Or can I at least know who you are?" She slows to a stop, shifting on her feet and shoving back the anxiety that threatens to creep up her throat. The screaming souls remind her a bit too much of all the dead people she hears. Same thing, generally, but this is much more tortured and raw.
"That depends...how much entertainment do you plan on providing me before I'm done with you?" A man was suddenly behind her. He wasn't all that tall, only about 5'9". He had shaggy black hair with silver highlights. He wore a large, pitch-black coat that billowed in the slight breeze. Covering the right side of his face was a half-skull mask, a green vortex swirling in the eye. His other eye was shaded by his hair since his head tilted down. All that could be seen of his face was his small, slight smile. A smile that was almost sincere, which made it even more terrifying.

Upon his arrival, the land grew dead silent, the air chilled, and nothing seemed to be going well today, let's face it.
Clause turns at the mention of the cabin, but not all the way. He keeps the boy within his line of sight as he scrutinizes the cabin. He's right. Seems like it's the only building in the whole place, which isn't all that impressive considering the world is like this weird little snow globe and all. Eh. I've seen weirder. He's not sure how comfortable he is with that thought, but doesn't lend any attention to it. Clause cocks and eyebrow at the boy, watches him groom himself a bit. Reminds Clause of some rich guy's son by the clothes and mannerisms. Great. That's what he needs, getting stuck with possibly some pompous brat. He casts an eye over the staff again, wondering what he could mean by "unpredictable" but doesn't ask. Not yet anyway. "Why not both of us go? It might be better to stick together. Ya know, strength in numbers 'n all." Not really, he'd just rather not let the kid get the jump on him when he turns his back. Though, now that he says it, the first mistake people seem to make in horror movies is splitting up, so, if not to keep track of the kid then to keep them from ending up in a stupid horror movie scenario he insists they both go.
Charles considers the idea, looking at the shack. "That could work, of course all 3 courses of action have their own risks. Worst comes to worst, I just keep pressing this button until there are results."He looks Clause over again, taking the man in more, trying to form a basic profile. He hasn't let me out of his line of sight since he first viewed me, so he is either careful or paranoid, they add up to the same in this situation. He also doesn't trust me, of course, who would. He walks forward, using the cane on every other step. "Shall we continue on to the cabin? No sense waiting with how little else there is to be viewed here."
Charlotte jumps, taking an instinctive step back. "We can play Twister...?" she tries hesitantly, though she suspects that's not quite what he means. Another shift in her weight, sliding most of the pressure to her right side - her stronger side after being shot a few years back by some alien dunce with an electrified gun and an itchy trigger finger. "If you're expecting me to put on a musical for you, friend, you're gonna be disappointed, because I sing like a wailing turkey and dance like my legs are broken." A wary pause and she decides against extending a hand for introductions. "Can I ask your name or are you gonna eat me?"
The man chuckled and then extended his hand, although not to shake. What on earth was he going to do? What monstrous, horrific, terrifying things had that hand accomplished? More importantly, what was it about to do??? As he reached out to her face, the man did the most terrifying and petrifying thing imaginable: he flicked her nose.

"My name is M and if you don't prove to be enough fun, I just might eat you." His smile widened, his tone friendly and comical but he was dead serious on the eating part. He showed it in his voice too, it just didn't sound like a joke.
He hesitates a little, but with little else to do, Clause nods and moves to follow him. The walk back to the cabin is short and sweet. Nothing explodes into ball of fiery shrapnel. No one comes running out waving their arms and screaming while a man with a chainsaw hacks them to pieces. So far so good. Still he is curious, after he'd heard the gun shots - which, he never really did find the source to. Or, at least he doesn't think he did. He glances at his new found companion. Yeah... No gun that he can see.....Hm.... - well, after the gun shots he'd heard a voice hadn't he? A woman's voice, familiar, but not his captain's voice. Clause knows he shouldn't be having so much trouble remembering who is belonged to but here he is anyway scowling straight ahead trying to figure it out. When the come to the cabin porch, the floor boards creek under foot. Should they knock? He peers in one of the windows trying to discern whether or not anyone's home and comes up with no certain answer. Just in case, he draws one of two silver revolvers very slowly and edges up against the wall next to the door in case someone or something decides to burst out. He shoots the staff guy a look, momentarily deciding to take his eyes off him to make sure there isn't some sort of threat lurking inside the cabin. On the count of three, he attempts to convey without sound. One... He holds up one finger. Two.... Another finger, checks his gun with his free hand. Three! On three the door is kicked open, and Clause has his gun pointed, ready to fill anything that moves full of holes.
Charles watches by as the rather twitchy looking man takes his eyes off of him for a second, trying to peer through a window of the cabin. Hmm. I'm still a /bit/ worried that he may shoot me out of nerves, but it doesn't seem like it will happen yet. he walks up with the other man and moves to one side of the door with him. He looks over his cane, and watches as the other man takes out a revolver, deciding that he would decidedly /not/ like to be shot with that. Well, at least he has a reliable weapon, that significantly increases my chances of survival, or decreases, depending of weather or not he tries to shoot me. Note: stay on the good side of the people who can kill you. New note: The other note has been rescinded due to it being idiotic because odds are everyone I will meet here can kill me. Wait waits silently as the other man counts down on his finger, and steps around a little after the other man kicks the door to look around the edge.
Charlotte stands there, looking a mix of horrified and just really confused for a solid minute, before she snaps out of it and eases into a casual posture. "If you're gonna eat me, please do so with barbecue sauce. I taste best that way." She gives a nod and flashes something of a smile. Sure, he's terrifying, but can't she be friends with a big scary guy? The ex-con rubs her nose where it was flicked. "Okay, M. I'm Charlotte, even though you probably already know me because you've just kinda got that all-knowing look. How do you want me to entertain you? If it involves whips and chains, I'ma have to consult a friend instead, because she's into that kinda stuff."
M chuckled darkly. "No no, I'm not like that. What I REALLY want from you is just one simple thing." He sounded sincere enough. Alright, what was it? Clearly he WAS the all-knowing type so he would know what would be easy for Charlotte to do. Didn't seem like a bad thing. At first anyway...but then he raised his head, revealing his eye. That was the moment when anyone, ANYONE, would fear for more than just their lives. After all...you can't trust people who's eyes are all black except for a golden iris.

"Charlotte, the half-angel who was never meant to exist...I want you and your friends to SUFFER."

The cabin was very...pleasant. All the furniture was nice, nothing was dusty, the cabinets and the fridge were all stocked with food, it had electricity, running water...it even had a little vase of flowers on the coffee table. It was weird though...everything was in perfect, PERFECT condition and yet there was reason to believe that it hadn't been touched in a long time.
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Nothing is as good or as bad as it seems. Clause sweeps the room with his gun in hand, nothing. Odd. He notes how well cared for the place seems to be, mint condition and everything. There aren't beads of condensation on the vase, meaning, either it's just been put out, or it's been out for a while, yet the glass is still cold like the water was freshly poured for the flowers only a moment before they came in. So...Is someone here? No. He doesn't know what it is, but the place gives him timeless vibes. Just like this whole world so far, there's something off but he can't put into words what it is. "Anyone home?" He drawls, scanning the room and venturing a little father in with his gun lowered. "We won't hurt you if you won't hurt us..." No? No one? Hm. He's not sure whether to be relieved or more concerned. Clause checks the other rooms, poking around, looking under and around things, but ensuring his gun is at the ready at all times. Once satisfied there's no one he returns to the room they entered in and frowns. "What the hell? It's like everyone just up and walked away all of a sudden."
Well, this is unexpected. He looks around the entrance room, as the other man checks the other rooms.When the other man comes back very confused, He pulls over a chair. "Well, as long as it's not trying to kill us yet. I would see if I could make tea but I wouldn't trust anything I ate or drank here." He sighs, leaning back. Why do these random things always happen to me. He gets back up out of the chair and looks more closely at the vase, seeing nothing really strange about it, he goes and looks for the kitchen, to see what it has in stock. "You can tell a lot about something by what it eats." Please god may it not be human corpses in the fridge.

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