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Realistic or Modern LGBT+ Boarding School (Always open!)


Lola pushed open the door to her dorm, chewing on her lip and hoping her roommate wasn't there already. Not that she had an issue with sharing a room with someone, but just she wanted to choose her bed first. Lola, as a roommate, isn't bad at all. Maybe except for the few girls she might bring in time to time, but other than that, she's lovely.

Lola's eyes landed on a blond-ish looking girl, her eyes flickering to the bags on one of the beds. She rolled her eyes, quite annoyed she didn't get there first. She shrugged and threw her single bag onto the bed and throwing herself onto it, not really acknowledging the girl. She finally turned her head to look at her, a long, observing look. "I'm Lola, your new roommate." She gave a small smile, feeling she should make somewhat of a good impression.​




"I won't." Connie said as she laughed. Scrolling through her dashboard she liked at least 200 posts. She spent hours on her laptop and soon it was the late evening and she was changing into her pajamas. She wore a black Twenty One Pilots tee with a pair of plaid pants that dropped past her feet.

Starsky, after a few seconds of pure confusion, realized the door infact, went outwards. After entering the main hallway, a wave a shock went through him, there. was. people. everywhere. "Oh god.." He took a deep, albeit shaky breath and began walking through the moshpit of students. He found his dorm on the second floor on the right side of the hall, and quickly darted inside and shut the door as he finished.

"Safe at last.. Hm, hopefully I'm the only one here." A burst of yelling interrupted his pleasant thoughts. "Oh great, I have a retard as a roomate.." He muttered to himself, while throwing his dufflebag (and himself) on his bed.

@Purloin kitty
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ShadowWalker254 said:
Starsky, after a few seconds of pure confusion, realized the door infact, went outwards. After entering the main hallway, a wave a shock went through him, there. was. people. everywhere. "Oh god.." He took a deep, albeit shaky breath and began walking through the moshpit of students. He found his dorm on the second floor on the right side of the hall, and quickly darted inside and shut the door as he finished.
"Safe at last.. Hm, hopefully I'm the only one here." A burst of yelling interrupted his pleasant thoughts. "Oh great, I have a retard as a roomate.." He muttered to himself, while throwing his dufflebag (and himself) on his bed.

@Purloin kitty
He hears his room mate and gose to greet him as his music is playing his music mixes as he is a dj and a gamer he walks over to his roommate eating a toasted sandwich and holds out his hand and swollows his food "hi there fellow roommate"


Jaden thought for a moment before replying. "I was born in Kentucky, I hate yellow, and coffee. I'm a bit of a perfectionist and I like to smoke." She laughed a little at the last sentence. She usually didn't start with that, but she didn't care. She knew her roommate would find out sooner or later. so why not be open? "I like cats." She added with a smile.

(Um, your grammars bothering me a bit, had to fix it, lewl.)

Starsky held his handout and shook the weird mans hand. "Names Starsky, who're you?" He'd say while flopping back down on his bed, and ruffling the covers in the process.

"Also, you want a beer? I managed to smuggle some in while the teachers had their thumbs up their bums!" Starsky said in an triumphant tone.

@Purloin kitty
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"My name Jackie and sure lets have some fun bro fuck the teachers man" he chuckles happily "nice going with nipping the beer bro we gonna get along just nicely"
He happily grabs the beer and opens it up and drinks it all in one go burping rather loudly as he grabs another beer but this time takes his time drinking it "so what bring you to this fine school"
[QUOTE="Purloin kitty]He happily grabs the beer and opens it up and drinks it all in one go burping rather loudly as he grabs another beer but this time takes his time drinking it "so what bring you to this fine school"

Starsky sat his beer down on the floor beside him. "Well, a lot of crap happened to me at my old school when they figured out I was asexual. They said a man was supposed to grow up, get married and have children. My friends were so desperate, they made me sit through 5 hours of pornography to make sure I wasn't lying... Yeah, it got pretty weird from then forward." He'd pick up his beverage and take a swig. "Well, why'd you end up here?" He'd say, glancing up at his roomate as he did so.

"We'll I'm here because I've gone to so many schools and got expelled from all of them from pranks to parties to skipping classes and schools all together" he chuckles taking another swig of his beer
[QUOTE="Purloin kitty]~Jackie~
"We'll I'm here because I've gone to so many schools and got expelled from all of them from pranks to parties to skipping classes and schools all together" he chuckles taking another swig of his beer

Starsky chuckled. "Yeah, I get you. I don't really like school, but I deal with as I want to have a good career whenever I get out of this hellhole." He threw his empty beer bottle under his bed, and yanked out another one. "Man, are we both going to have hangovers.."
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He is starting to feel drunk as he dances and sings sloppily but enjoying him self as he finishes off his forth beer and moves onto his fifth beer
[QUOTE="Purloin kitty]He is starting to feel drunk as he dances and sings sloppily but enjoying him self as he finishes off his forth beer and moves onto his fifth beer

As soon as Starsky bent over to pick up his 10th beer, the first wave of being drunk hit him like a brick wall. "Woah man, *hiccup* don't we -ave classes tomorrow?"

Before waiting for an answer, Starsky got up and staggered a few feet in an attempt to get to the restroom, and blacked out right as he got to the door. After a few seconds he then began to vomit; it went everywhere, on the walls, the door, and the flooring and baseboards.
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Can you guys calm down on your posting? We don't want people getting lost. In the rules it says don't constantly post... slow down on your guys' posting. Thank you!


Also @Purloin kitty please try to write more in your posts.... in the rules it says do not post one liners. Also I see that you put

"We'll I'm here because I've gone to so many schools and got expelled from all of them from pranks to parties to skipping classes and schools all together" That's not why students are at this school.... They're here because they're a part of the LGBT+ community.... so..

Please read the rules! ^^
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She giggled a bit, dressed in some flannel pajama pants and a Lana Del Rey T-Shirt. She typed away on her laptop, probably using sype to chat with family members. Quinn soon seemed to get a bit quite as she typed. She sighed and closed her laptop, looking over at the girl. "Sorry for me being a bit quiet..."

( @Imagination )


She didn't seemed bothered with her roommate liking to smoke, though she doesn't smoke herself. "Cats are like my favorite animal" She said with a small laugh. Lydia soon didn't know what to talk about. "Oh... What's your favorite food?" She asked with a smile.

( @wonder )​


"Puppies are my favorite animal." She sighed and opened her nightstand. " Does popcorn count as a food or a snack?" She let out a laugh as she pulled out a bag of popcorn. "Want some?" She said walking over to the microwave. Normal she wouldn't even ask to share. Especially popcorn. But oh, well.

(I won't be on later today or early tomorrow. I'm sorry!)

[Location: Nathaniel's Dorm Room]

[Time: Afternoon]

"Nathaniel just laid down on his bed thinking to himself about what happened this morning"What was with that Chick"I don't know but she was quite... What's the word?"Sexual?"Yup"As Nathan flashes back to this Morning"

[Location: A Bus heading towards the Boarding School]

[Time: 5:00]

"Nathan enters the bus looking for a place to sit, with only one seat left he was forced to sit next to Sarah, Sarah looked at Nathan with a smirk on her face"
Umm, what's so funny"Nathan asked as she put her head on his shoulder as if she was falling asleep"Hey uh miss could you please not lean on me"Sarah looked at him"The Name's Sarah, So why are you going to the Boarding school for? Are you Homosexual?"What? No"Are you Bisexual?"She said with a smirk on her face"Could you please stop asking I'm Asexual"Sarah frowned slightly saying"So you don't like either gender? Well I'm Bisexual but I prefer guys slightly more"She said smiling at Nathan"So what's your Name?"My Name is-Umm, never mind"Sarah looked surprise, hearing Nathan have two Voice tones"Hey dude you alright?"Uh, yeah sorry I have Dissociative Identity Disorder, Ethan tends to be silent when we're near people, he's introverted and can get flustered when we're near women"Oh really I kinda find that hot"She said as she stuck her tongue out"What happens if I do this?"Do what-"Nathan froze as Sarah licked his neck"Hahaha, wow you're right Ethan gets easily flustered"Sarah laughed before asking"So what's your name?"My name is Nathaniel"As the bus stops Ethan books it out of the bus heading toward the Principal or Dean of the school"

[Location: Nathaniel's Dorm Room]

[Time: Afternoon]

You had to tell her our names didn't you"Well sorry that I mentioned you but she seemed nice at the time"Yeah well if we're going to have to deal with her the rest of our life in this school it's going to be your fault"As the two argued through the night until falling asleep"

[Location: Sarah's Dorm Room]

[Time: Afternoon]

"Sarah looked at the ceiling as she was lying down on her bed"
Man I wish I had a roommate, it sure gets lonely being alone, Heh, I wonder if they allow Mixed Roommates, I wonder if that guy likes me, what was his name again oh yeah Nathaniel, man was he nice heh, it would be funny if we could become roommates, pretty sure his split personality Ethan would make him avoid me though,"Sarah laughed as she went to sleep awaiting for tomorrow"
He wakes up a few min later feeling really badly sick grabbing the bin from next to his bed he vomits badly wishing he didn't get drunk on a school night and knew he was going to have a killer hangover tmorrow morning. He continues puking ever few seconds wishing for it to stop and a hour later it dose but now he feels hungry but is unsure of any places to eat near by as he drunkly walks out of his room quietly shutting the door behind him before falling on his butt and breaking the door next to our hoping no one was in it


She laughed at the whole popcorn thing. "I'm sure it counts as a food" She said before her eyes widened in excitement at Jade offering popcorn. "I would love some popcorn" She said happily. Lydia has taken a liking to Jaden, usually disliking people at first. She cracked her back before getting up to watch the popcorn in the microwave.

( @wonder )​


"No I totally get it. What do you think about Halsey?" she asked. She was looking at pictures of her on google images and she seemed to be distracted.

(Sorry I can't think of much to write.)


Jaden watched the popcorn pop in the microwave. Just before it got to 0 she opened it, and took a deep breath. She opened the bag and shook it a little before holding the bag out and offering Lydia the first bite. She loved the smell of popcorn. It reminded her of all the times she'd go to the old movie theater with her whole family.


The distance between the school and Skylar's home was just a short walk. Skylar looked up at the school's exterior unimpressively and walked into the school rather uneasily, dragging gray luggage with both hands. A wave of anxiousness hit her. She didn't feel very comfortable to known that she'd be around people she didn't know or could be annoying, naive, rude, or whatever. A very deep sigh escaped her lips. Her eyebrows furrowed and her face crinkled into a deep annoyed and angry look. A long frown spread across her face as she left to go to the girl's dorms, to the dorm she was assigned to. Finding a black-haired girl who was obviously her roomate, she slid her wheeled luggage to the side, not exactly in the mood to start unpacking yet. "Hello," Skylar said, unaware if the girl could hear her or not. She just wanted to get the greeting off her chest.

Annakin opens her eyes minutes later to see a blonde girl standing over her. The sudden appearance of another person almost made her fall off the bed. With her headphones in place, she hadn't heard the door open or close. She saw the girl's mouth move and instantly realized she was trying to talk to her. "I can't hear you. One second." Her face turns red once she comprehends that she was probably screaming over the music that blasted in her ears. As soon as her lime green buds are discarded, she tosses them on the bed and looks over to the blonde. "I'm sorry. My name's Annakin. What's yours?"

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