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Realistic or Modern LGBT+ Boarding School (Always open!)


gogo dancer


Welcome Welcome! This here boarding school is for children ages 14 to 18 who are apart of the LGBT+ community. Here you will meet other children like you. Gay to asexual, you're all welcome. This school is one of the finest boarding schools in the UK. We really hope you join us.

~ M. Diamandis

(Make sure to make your character in the character sign up pleaseeeee! So we can get the roommate thing perfect! Thankkk you!!! btw wait till you're accepted)

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Today was the day he was starting his time at the LGBT+ boarding school..he flew to the UK no less than a day ago. Indeed, he was very nervous, but he was still excited. He got on a bus from a bus stop, his bags at hand. As the bus took off, stopping at different bus stops here and there. Once the bus approached the stop closes to the school, he quickly hopped off the bus and walked to the LGBT+ school. While he took a bus majority took a cab or drove their/rented car. He walked down the path to the entrance of the dorms.


She walked most of the way to the school... seeing as she didn't want to spend the money she brought. She took her time. She approached the school and walked down the pathway to the dorms, making eye contact with no one. Students were told who they would be rooming with early that year.


She stood in the lawn in front of the school, watching as students walked into the school. She was looking at each person walking into the school, judging them...wondering if she could actually be friends with the majority of them. "Some of them look ok...most of them don't.." She mumbled to herself.​
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Connie woke up to her alarm blaring in her ear. She lazily pressed the snooze button and checked the time. She let out a moan and slowly got out of bed. She wasn't looking forward to going to her new boarding school, or school in general. Her hair was a mess and her breath smelled like trash. Standing up she started her morning routine of brushing her teeth, taking a shower, picking out clothes, etc. She pulled out some luggage out from under her bed and packed it. She picked up her earbuds and connected them to her phone and she started listening to music. Heading out the door of her house she yelled, "Bye hoes."(which was directed to her parents) without looking back and she was outside walking to the bus stop. Eventually the bus came and she walked on. When the bus came to the school she got off the bus. She stared at the school.
Welcome to hell Connie. she thought. She walked into the building heading to the girl's dorm rooms.
Jaden stepped off the bus with her bags. There were a few other students who got off with her, but she didn't really notice them. There were to many distractions for her to try focusing on the little things. She sat down her blue traveling bag and wiped her hand on her jeans. She looked around and admired the school, and all the people roaming around. After a moment she took a deep breath and picked up her bag once more, and made her way to the dorms. Actually she just followed the most promising looking person she saw and hoped that they were going where she needed to be. Thankfully it worked out. Her heart was going a little faster than normal with all the people, so she decided to find her down and figure everything else out later, when things calmed down.



The petite Australian boy walked into the male dorms. He walked down the hall trying to find room 38. "38...38..." He mumbled to himself as he walked down the hall. There was about 100 dorms..most of them weren't in use because the school hasn't been around too long.


She looked around at the other students before walking to the girl dorms. She walked into dorm room 25. She walked into the room before closing the door behind herself. She set her stuff on her bed before taking a seat. She looked around her herself at the room.


She watched as people entered the dorm areas. She sighed "Only a couple people looked like I could stand" She mumbled unhappily. She finally went to her dorm. Dorm room 55. She entered the room, setting her bags on the floor. "I'll..find friends later.."​


Connie walked around the girls dorms looking for her room. "Room 25 where the hell are you?" she mumbled. When she found her room number she opened the door. She saw a girl with bleach blond hair sitting on one of the beds. "Guess I'm your roommate then." she said as she threw her luggage on the floor next to the unclaimed bed. Connie wasn't much of a people person though she wasn't the type of person not to start a conversation. @FairlyLocal
Jaden walked down the hall, looking for room 55. When she finally found it, she opened the door and looked around. She saw another girl in the dorm. "Hey," She said, walking in and setting her bags on the unclaimed bed. "I guess we're roommates."

With a suitcase trailing behind her Jane stood facing the school, wide eyed and overjoyed. Mentally counting every step she took made it seem all the more important, at least to her it did. She hurried along the path leading her inside, first thing she'd have to do was find dorm room number eighteen, which, shouldn't be particularly hard if she was quick to roam about the hallways. At the same time she couldn't help but prolong some things, wanting to soak in every new face, every detail of the school and so many more things.

(Since Troye isn't being talked to. I probably won't post until his roommate goes to their dorm.

xD )


She looked over at the girl who had just walked. "Hi...guess so.." She said with a smile. She looked around around the room awkwardly, not knowing what to say. "Um..." She said awkwardly as she started to unpack her stuff. She put her things in the dresser on her side of the room.

( @Tokki )


She nodded and chuckled lightly. "We are.." She seemed to get the feeling that this girl was cool, so she could maybe become friends with her. "So..." She said as she got out her phone. She decided she would put her stuff away.

( @wonder )​
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Cal woke up, late. He checked his alarm clock.


He still had 30 minutes till his first class. When he came to the school, they let him take aptitude tests to determine where his was and his scores were "exceptional" according to the administrative person he talked to. They let him opt out of several classes, leaving him with 3 classes on Monday and Wednesday, 4 on Tuesday, and 2 on Thursday and Friday. Cal proceeded to roll back over for the next 15 minutes. Since he arrived at the school a month prior, he had been staying in his dorm room even though the first semester hadn't yet started.

The light wrap at the door awoke Silas, his head lifting immediately after to see nothing but slight light coming in through his parted curtains. The sound came again and quietly he rose out of the bed and heads for the door. "Hey, Silas, get the hell up!" A woman's voice called from the other side making Silas feeling even more tired than before. His sister was always so cheerful early in the morning unlike Silas who preferred staying asleep through the first few hours leading up to ten o'clock. Opening the door, regardless, he put a small smile on his face and looked down at the brunette. She was grinning from ear to ear. "It's about time! You need to get out of here and head to that school of yours." Her voice was cool but the darker haired boy knew better. She was worst than their mother; she had always been more of a mother to him anyway. "I know, Meg..I'll change then come right down." He stepped back into the confines of his room and closed the door.

After about an hour Silas had arrived to the LGBT+ campus, Megan had dropped him off just outside of the main office. It had only been about two minutes when he realized how ready to leave he was. He did the opposite, however. Carrying in his belongings and receiving a key to his dorm, Silas walked down the hallways leading through to the dorm rooms. It wasn't long before he was looking for dorm number 38 only to hear the same from another boy. He was mumbling the number beneath his breath. The room was approaching, he could see and felt a bit interested in what his roommate would be like. As soon as the other boy had gotten to the room he paused and breathed a quiet sigh. "This your dorm?" Is all he asked before turning his eyes from the dorm and to the guy.



The somewhat crowded surroundings made the freshman feel more anxious. Still, a sort of excitement buzzed through his veins. "Stay calm, stay calm..." He whispered quietly to himself while looking around and at everything. His curiosity was blatant across his face but it was mixed with doubt. How had he decided on going to a boarding school, anyway?? His mind often asked these random questions but he only shakes his head, pressing them to the back of his mind while reassuring himself once again.

His feet shuffled along the floor lightly on the way to the dorms. He memorized the number in his mind and occasionally spoke it up to his arrival at the correct room. He smiled, pleased with himself to have found the right dorm without asking. It was a significant achievement for the boy but as he set his suitcase down to knock, a swift wave of dread passed over him. Hopefully the other person who he would be staying with was nothing like what he'd heard from friends. He was told many stories about roommates trashing their places and never picking up after themselves. This, Ashton, prayed wouldn't be anything like whoever he would be stuck with for the next year of school.

Due to common courtesy, Ash knocked at the door and waited a moment. He never liked disturbing a person's privacy and if there was already someone inside he would feel pretty inconsiderate by going in without permission. His eyes rested down on his suitcase as he waited, rocking slowly on the backs of his heels.



She never mentions the word addiction..in certain company. Yes, she'll tell you she's an orphan after you meet her family... Humming softly, Everest made her way through the somewhat closed in space. The whole time her buds were in and playing one of her favorites by The Black Crowes. It helped her relax despite not having any reason to feel otherwise. She was grateful that her flight had landed a couple hours ago and even more so that a cab was easily accessible when called for. Her eyes scanned the room of other students. Most of them looked normal enough but it wasn't their normalcy that was an interest, rather the opposite.

Running a hand through the top of her whitish-blonde hair, Ev gave a sigh and headed for her dorm. It wasn't long before she had found the room with the correct number. Opening the door wide, she walked in and threw her stuff down at the end of one of the beds. She was not used to sharing such tight and personal space however coming to this school was to help her get used to these sort of things. She just hoped that her roommate wouldn't be too much for her to handle. Only time would tell.

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He looked over at the boy and nodded. "Yep" He said quietly. "I assume it's your's too" He said as he looked at the number on the door which read 'Room 38.' To be honest Troye actually preferred to be at home on his laptop (Specifically the website Tumblr) while listening to music, or watching a movie. He's always disliked school...though he met some of his best friends in school. He does paint his nails sometimes, but at the moment he nails are not painted. He stood there awkwardly. 'Do I introduce myself?...' He thought to himself. "Um...I'm Troye by the way" He said as he opened the door to their dorm and walked. He picked the bed on the left side of the room and set his stuff on the floor next to it.

( @ShadedRose )​


Connie started unpacking her luggage.
"So what do you think of the school so far?" she asked. She took out some posters from her luggage and taped it to the wall. Her roommate didn't seem like much of a talker. She also took out her laptop and dumped it on her bed. She unpacked her clothes as well and filled her drawer. When she finally finished unpacking she fell on her bed and attempted to get comfortable with her surroundings.

Her phone starting ringing and she answered it without checking the name.
"Hello?" she asked. It was her mother who apparently didn't realize that she left the house. "Where the hell are you?!" her mother yelled through the phone. Connie spoke softly to prevent her conversation from being heard. "I'm at school if you didn't know." her mother hung up the phone in anger. She looked back at the girl. "Sorry. My mom was calling me. Name's Connie."


~Students have a day to get their rooms together and put stuff away! Tomorrow will be start their first classes~

( ˚∆˚ )

\ ( ˚ ˚ ˚ ) /


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"Your name is Lydia, right?" Jaden asked her roommate, opening her backpack. She dreaded just the thought of having to unpack, so she just sat down on her new bed and started to pull things out of her backpack, and laid it on her bed. So far it was mainly just notebooks, and different drawing/writing tools.



She looked over at the girl. She didn't want to interfere on her conversation with her mother. When the girl got off her phone and introduced herself as Connie, Quinn gave a small smile. "Oh. I'm Quinn" She said as she put her brushes on top of her dresser.

( @Tokki )


She nodded "Yep... and you must be Jaden. Am I correct" She said as she began unpacking... later has come for packing. She put her clothes away in her dresser. She got stood on her bed to put a couple My Chemical Romance, Nirvana, Panic! At the Disco and some other various band posters up.

( @wonder )​


Connie sat up and her hair was in her face. She blew on it attempting to get it out of her way but it just fell back again. "I promise I'm not a messy person but I can't promise you that it'll be clean one hundred percent of the time." she said nonchalantly. She opened her laptop and she started scrolling through her tumblr feed out of boredom. She then decided to draw something. She took out a sketch book that she hasn't used in years and began drawing. She became frustrated and decided no to draw. She ended up hanging upside down from her bed letting blood to rush to her head as her face grew red. @FairlyLocal


Noah had run away from home after his father had been trying to convince him that he wasn't bi. It was almost like torture, but he was being a bit overdramatic. He walked on campus and saw the many people walking by. He walked inside the building and looked for the boys dorms. When he finally found the entrance to the dorms he walked over there and started looking for his dorm room. "Room fifty-four...room fifty-" he found his dorm room and opened the door. It didn't seem like anyone was in his room yet. He dumped his bags on the floor and dropped to the floor. He was exhausted. He didn't exactly take a bus or cab and his house wasn't necessarily close to his house.


Lola cleared her throat as she shut the car door to her aunt's truck, grabbing her bag from the back before. Right now, her aunt and her weren't really in a good position, so things were a bit salty between them due to another pregnancy scare from Lola. She began making her way to the entrance of the dorms, seeing there were people there already. Not as if they were suppose to, but they didn't really dress as a typical gay or trans person would, which seemed pretty cool. Lola sighed softly and ran a hand through her hair, taking out a crumbled up piece of paper with her dorm number on it.


Nile hummed to his favorite song, Mr. Brightside by The Killers. His two suitcases traveled along side him, the purple and tan bags wheels running along the cement. He noticed his sister walking up the dorm stairs, reading a slip of paper. He had the urge to go and say hi or something, but knee it'd probably start conflict. Nile sighed and made his way to a different entrance, deciding to save the drama for after. All he wanted to do was just cuddle and watch cute Disney movies now. And he had his special little stuffed animal and Disney princess movies for that occasion.​

"Yeah," Jaden said, before looking up and adding "I love those bands! I mean I don't really listen to Nirvana, but Panic! and Mcr? Honestly the best. Twenty-One Pilots has to be my favorite though." She laughed and pulled out her Twenty-One Pilots, and Sleeping With Sirens posters. "Although I only have two posters, bands are my life." She sighed, putting them over her bed. After she did that, she started putting her notebooks and other small things in the nightstand.



Dragging along her suitcase, Amber walked into the school's campus. A large stream of people, going in all directions was the sight she was greeted with when stepping inside the building, this was a horrible site for her. Too many people in a single hall. she rapidly lifted her suitcase and held it in both as to have better pacing. She quickly left behind the sea of people and smiled to herself, next step was finding her room. Amber scrambled around her in pockets as she tried to find where she had written down her room number but no such luck, she'd probably lost the paper. Great. She knew the room number was something along the lines of a birthday for someone close to her but she couldn't recall. Going to the office to ask what room she belonged to was a possibility; then again she didn't have the time to do so, she was exhausted and simply wanted to sleep. She continued to aimlessly walk until something clicked in her brain 29! March 29! It seemed luck was on her side on this one.Without wasting another minute Amber ran back the halls to her room.


Four more rooms until he reached room eighty, Andrew carried a backpack on him while his hand help a suitcase, personally he thought he could have brought more but the cab could only fit one suitcase in the trunk. Opening the door to his room he slowly analysed everything, the room seemed to be great for him, and hopefully his roommate would be a nice person or at least tolerable. He entered the room while contemplating which bed he'd pick. He wished his roommate would have gotten to the dorms first so he could've picked the bed he wanted. Andrew shrugged to himself as he placed his backpack and suitcase on the bed to the right. If his roommate preferred the bed on the right he's just move his things. A trivial matter but it was important that he'd get along with his roommate. He kneeled onto the floor and opened his bags, taking out clothing, books, cd's and other items, which would eventually end up on his bed as Andrew took an item and placed it where he thought best.​
Cal heard a tentative knock on the door.


He called out loudly.

He got up and grabbed his Wranglers from yesterday, a clean smelling greyish t-shirt, and one of his old faded flannels and stalked to the door. Damnit. He could have slept for five more minutes. He then checked his calendar by the door and laughed to himself. His classes didn't start today. Damnit, oh well, he was up now. He shrugged and opened the door.

( I'll post for Troye after @Imagination )


"Twenty one pilots is pretty cool. My favorite band has to be My Chemical Romance...even though they broke up" She said as she jumped off the bed and admired her poster. She gave zero fucks that they were a bit crooked. She smiled proudly. "Perfect" She said under her breath.

( @wonder )​
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"That looks about right," she said before realizing what was on the posters Quinn was hanging up. "DOOOOOOD I love them!" she said as she was looking for her t-shirts with their faces on them. She showed the tees to her before putting them away again. "Sorry I just love when someone listens to the same music as me." she said.



Jaden got out her clothes and put them in the other dresser, She slid the now empty bag under her bed, and then lined up what shoes she had brought right under the edge of it too, Then she grabbed her phone and stuck one earbud in her ear, putting on her Favorites playlist as she returned back to packing.

@FairlyLocal )


Macey walked down the sidewalk, towards the girls dorms. She had her backpack on, a water bottle full of iced tea in one hand, and in the other hand she pulled along her zebra print suitcase.She didn't exactly know where she was going, but she didn't mind. She'd find it eventually.

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