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Realistic or Modern Let's Take a Road Trip

Ashlyn looked over at Farrah just as her eyes lost the energy. She frowned and reached over to grab her head. She gave Farrah's hand a gently squeeze and leaned over the console to carefully give her a hug, careful not to move her around to much, and ignoring the pain in her ribs as she accidentally hits the console with them.
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Jackie couldn't help but laugh at the girls' interactions with one another. If these people were always so energetic, then this was going to be quite an entertaining trip. As he "You guys are weird as hell," the boy said with a smirk, turning to Skye. "You're gonna be like this the whole time, aren't you?" Not that he was complaining, of course. These people are going to get me into some weird shit.
Farrah tried not to lose control of the steering wheel as Ashlyn jostled around. "Isn't that a little painful on your ribs, darlin'?" she said kindly. Although she did appreciate Ashlyn's support, she didn't want to hurt her. Especially not just 5 minutes after they had started the trip.
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Ashlyn frowned and swallowed slightly, hoping she didn't actually know. "What do you mean?" She asked as innocently as she could. She would tell her friends about her home life. Just, not right now. She would tell them towards the end or the middle of the trip. "I'm completely fine. Not in any pain." She gave a small nervous laugh and pulled back to sit in her own seat.


Sam held back as much as she could. She knew she could be nosy and intrusive, and she knew that sometimes, it made people dislike her. But she couldn't help herself. Especially now that Farrah had pointed her attention towards Ashlyn, who seemed uncomfortable.
"Mh, you look a little bad, Ashlyn." Sam didn't want to drag down the mood, so she joked. "Not like usually, I mean. Especially bad." She quickly grabbed her backpack and pulled out a little water bottle, which she handed Ashlyn. "But seriously, babe, drink something. Maybe you're just dehydrated, yeah?"
Ashlyn forced a small smile and took the water bottle. "Yeah. That's probably it." She said softly, and unlike normal circumstances, ignored the joke. She opened the water and timidly took a drink before putting the lid back on. "Thank you." She murmured to Sam. She was grateful for her friends' concerns, but she wasn't going to tell them what was wrong unless they pushed her to do so. If they didn't she would tell them at the end of the trip like she previously planned.
Farrah furrowed her brow in concern for Ashlyn. She pulled over to the shoulder of the road. She wasn't going to pry about the sweater, but now she was concerned for her safety, and she wasn't about to put someone she cared about in that kind of danger.

"Honey," Farrah said cautiously, "I was talking about the clutch digging into your ribs. Are you okay?" She pushed her glasses up and looked at Ashlyn with concern.
"Yeah Ashlyn do you need something?" Joseph said his brow furrowing. The worry in the car was starting to affect him. "If you need to throw up, just remember not here 'cause then we'd have to smell it for as long as we're in the car and you know I would throw up in an instant." He joked hoping to lighten the mood and make it easier on her.

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Ashlyn put the water bottle on the ground when they pulled over and she crossed her arms, leaning back in her seat as far as she could. "I, uh, I'm going to show you guys something, and you have to promise not to freak out or anything yeah?" She said, obviously nervous. She had never told anyone about her home life because of threats that her parents had made.
Farrah looked back at Joseph appreciatively, thankful that he had tried to lighten the mood some. She listened carefully to Ashlyn's next words. "You know we're never going to judge you, right? I've got some pretty gnarly scars on my legs, but you don't seem to think badly of me because of it," she said, hoping that the personal example would make it easier to say what her friend needed to say.
Ashlyn swallowed thickly and slowly took off her sweatshirt, not even bothering to hide her wince of pain. She has cuts and bruises all over her arms, and she slowly lifts her t shirt as well, revealing even more bruises that varied in color, sizes, and new and old. "There's more on my legs too... I've never told anybody about this let alone shown them..." She murmured, biting her lower lip.


Sam swallowed audibly. Her happy grin that hung between the two girls in the front disappeared and gave way to an expression of sadness and helplessness
"I'm sorry, Ash..." She could guess well enough what is was from. "Home?"
"Home?" Joseph questioned feeling and emotion that he usually didn't feel well up: anger. "Who?" Was all he was able to say barely able to speak.

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Ashlyn put her shirt back down and suddenly found the dashboard very interesting. "Yes, from home. And my parents." She answered both Joseph and Sam at the same time. She wrapped her arms around herself, almost in a protective manner, and looked in the rear view mirror at her friends before looking over at Farrah.


Sam didn't know what to say. She knew that she couldn't express her feeling right anyways, and she also knew that she had no right to act like she knew what Ashlyn was going through. Instead, she climbed up a little further, gently wrapping her arms around Ashlyn's upper-body, hugging her warmly..
"I'm so sorry, Ash..." Her voice was cracking a little. She was genuinely appaled by what she just had been told, but mostly, she just wanted to comfort her friend. "We won't let anyone hurt you again... I promise."
Farrah watched her with tearful eyes as Ashlyn removed her long sleeves. She sat silently as the others comforted her. She felt frozen, like her lungs had ceased functioning. "What about the cuts?" she finally choked out. "Them, or you?" No matter her answer the situation was horrible, but Farrah felt the need to know, whether or not she was entitled to it. She felt a bit guilty about her invasiveness.
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"Them." She murmured softly, gently squeezing Sam's arms that were wrapped around her. "And please don't make promises you can't keep." She murmured again. As much as she wanted to believe Sam, she wasn't so sure she could trust what her parents would do to her friends if they tried to protect her.


Sam felt her eyes watering up. She knew she couldn't protect her by herself. Not guruanteed anyways.
"You can stay at my folk's place, if nothing changes." She spoke quietly, but confidently. "We are your friends, Ash. I'm pretty sure I speak for everyone when I say that we won't let you go back to getting abused." She gently stroked her cheek with her index-finger, giving her a gentle smile. "Right?" she asked into the round.
"She's right we can keep that promise." Joseph spoke up after the shock though his voice was a little weak. "You don't have to go home you can stay with one of us." How could parents harm their child? His weren't exactly role models for parents but still they would never physically abuse him. And the fact that they abused Ashlyn? Hell no. Something had to be done about them.

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"Any one of us would take you in," Farrah said in agreement with Sam and Joseph. "You're old enough to move out and if you live with an independent person, they can't hurt you. My door is always open. Our doors are all open. You're not going back there." She gave Sam's shoulder a squeeze, noticing the girl's eyes filling with tears. She pulled her cell phone out of her pocket and sent a quick text to Brooklyn that simply read: "emergency pit stop. meet u at the nearest ice cream shop".
Ashlyn nodded her head and layed her head down on Sam's arms that were around her. "Thank you guys." She said quietly and swallowed thickly for a second time. "And I thought about asking one of you guys if I could move in with you. But I wasn't ready to explain why. And I would have moved out of the house and gotten a place of my own, but I didn't have any money." She sighed and closed her eyes.


Sam shook her head .
"Don't you worry... Hey, I'm probably gonna move out in the next few months anyways. What do you say, you can stay with me for a few months, and then we get a place together? That's way cheaper and it'll be fun. Living completely alone must suck anyways. I'd be stoked to be your roomie!" She gave her a sweet smile as she hugged her tighter "Everything will work out somehow, Ash. Honestly."
Ashlyn gave a genuine smile and nodded her head. "I would love that actually. But I still have to get everything I own from the place in which I lived." She said, refusing to call it her home any longer.

"Okay let's go. I didn't mean for us to stop and have everyone be concerned about me. I'm fine. At least I will be."
"If you're going to go in there, I'm coming with you. Try anything funny and they'll get the cops on their ass. If Sam's parents, God forbid, have any problem with you staying there - money or whatever - come over to my place." Farrah grinned at Ash, giving her hand a tight squeeze. "So now we're off again, but, shockingly, we do have a destination this time!" She started up the car again, pulling back onto the road. "I don't know about you guys, but I need some ice cream up in this bitch."


Sam smirked .
"Fuck that, we have a guest room that's ALWAYS empty. There's no way they can talk their asses out of this one, hehe. Plus, my dad will wanna kick your parent's asses, to be honest. If there's one thing he hates, it's mean parents. So, if anything, he probably won't ever let you leave us again!" Sam looked a little encouraged by Farrah's words, now thriving to improve the mood for her and her friends. "Mhm. Nothing better to show off how responsible and independent we are by eating Ice Cream at five in the morning. I'm game!"

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