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Realistic or Modern Let's Take a Road Trip

"Hm, makes up for your fashion choices. How do you stay so fit when you're always eating these." She snatched the cookies from Skye's hand as she wolfed some down herself. Brooke poked at the keys that her friend held as if it were a cat toy. "Girl, you know my parents would never let me drive, let alone teach me because they're scared of me doing something like this." She hinted at the whole road trip itself. "But luckily, I have you guys." Brooke gave her Russian friend a testing look before switching to a look of pleading. "Teach me, pweasseeee?" The girl took Skye's other uninjured hand and held it in both of her own hands as she gave her a sweet look. Classic big hazel puppy-dog eyes that girls use all the time.
Rolling her eyes at her dramatics, "Alright I get it, you get the Best Actress Oscar." She joked before patting her cheek like she was a young child, "I'll be a kindly Babushka, and teach you the basics," Flexing her injured hand she winced as she glove pressed the shards further into her skin, "Alright Mr. Glove is coming off." She joked though she was in an agitating amount of pain.

Pulling the snap of the finger-less leather slip revealing a gruesome mass of blood, "Well shit. The little bitch is bleeding like I stuck it in the damned grinder." Her words became more vulgar as her panic began to arise. "Ah- Um... Bandages... Tweasers..? Glove compartment." She directed vegly, her reaction to blood was immense anger, such a strange thing, but better than passing out she guessed.
Brooke shot a warm smile at her before nodding her head as if she were bowing. "Thank you, thank you." The girl watched as her friend took of the leather glove off to unsheathe the bloody mess. Her pupils dilated in a quick shock, before she placed her hands on the smooth surface of the compartment in front of her and lifted its lid off. She wasn't exactly used to seeing blood, but more likely familiar to walking through the mazes of the limp passed out bodies of her friends after parties. She dug through the contents of the glove box and placed the medical instruments on the dashboard. Tweezers, bandages, and iodine. Brooklyn took Skye by the wrist and inspected the girl's hand. "Hush, baby. I know you love to cuss but not like a truck driver." She retorted with a playful smirk, though her eyes reflected her overbearing concern for her friend. Brooklyn was quite motherly...when she wasn't out partying. She tweezed the shards of blood-coated glass out of her friend's hand, or at least what she could see of it. She bit her lower lip as she concentrated, making sure to get every bit of the mirror out. "So... What happened? Get in a fight with Sam already? Or Farrah?" She joked. Though, she had genuinely wanted to know what had happened. Finishing off the job she gently set Skye's hand down and twisted the cap off the iodine bottle. "This is gonna burn like hell, mmkay? But you're a big girl, you can handle it." Brooklyn proceeded to pour the red solution onto the cuts before wrapping the bandage around tightly. "Better?"

(On mobile, slow responses D; )
Ashlyn brought her knees up to her chest, ignoring the slight pain that it brought her and leaned against the car door. She watched as Brooke helped Skye and bit her lower lip. She just wanted to get to their destination, wherever that might be, and have fun with her friends. Forget, at least for a few weeks, about her parents. She closed her eyes and leaned further back.

(@Kasper @Tiegirl)
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('S all good!)

Closing her eyes tightly as the solution was poured onto her hand, Skye leaned her head back against the seat. "I cant control it, they know I cant. You know when people act like mental illnesses can be flipped on or off life a switch. But its not like that, being diagnosed sociopath was the easy part, coping with the emotions that you inflict on people with no way to understand what they are feeling is a whole different level you know?" Frown deepening she sighed as the bandage was put tightly into place.

"Its not- It just- ....." Breathing deeply she held her breath for a moment until she saw stars, releasing the air and bringing in new was like waking up in the morning feeling great, though the day ahead was bound to be far from it.

"I cant help Farrah's insecurities. In fact I can deal with them, I have my own that are the exact opposite of her's, but when Ash looked at me it seemed as though she thought I was the worst person in the world, like I was the one who took all of the good food that used to be sold at the corner-mart and replaced it with those weird fiber and protein things."

Despite her joke, Skye's eyes were dull, missing the fiery mischievous gleam to them as she turned to Brooke, "And you know what sucks? I wish I could feel horrible, I wish I could feel pity, I wish so many things. But apparently I lack moral responsibility, I lack a consistence." Pausing for a moment as she tightened her injured hand into a fist, "And damn does that grind my gears, worse than Miley and that Wrecking ball." Sticking the keys into the ignition she allowed the AC to blast, though the music seemed to have magically been turned down.
Brooke sat silently for long few moments, but to her it seemed to be as short as a strike of lightning.She was taking in the information that was being given to her, she was confused, shocked. Nevertheless she held Skye's eyes with her own hazel optics with ease. Her eyes were dim and soft, but had a sympathetic sadness to them. The girl drew in a quiet breath before parting her lips to speak soft words. "No...of course not...I'm sure Ashlyn didn't mean anything. In fact, I bet she doesn't even remember you've been diagnosed because everyone has a whole ton of shit to deal with themselves to care about anyone else's." Her eyes fell to her combat boots. Brooke had paused in her words as if she was trying to search for something, anything to comfort her friend. She was almost infuriated that Ashlyn, or Farrah, or anyone would accuse Skye of being 'the worst person in the world', as far as she was concerned, she was anything but. "I don't give a shit what any doctors say about you, you're an amazing person, and an amazing friend. I know you care about each and every one of us...the fact that you want to feel sympathy...Well, that has to count for something, right?" She lifted her eyes to look back at Skye and gave her a small, maybe hopeful smile. "Sorry, I'm terrible at comforting people. Better at partying and stuff."
Choking out a laugh she nodded, "Yeah, you do suck at it, that's for sure." She paused for a moment before reaching over with her left hand, the uninjured one to ruffle Brooke's hair, "But its the thought that counts, right?" She chuckled before sighing and throwing herself back onto the seat dramatically, "Ugh! all this dramatic feel good stuff is making me want to vomit!" She cried dramatically, reaching over to the stereo knob, turning up the jam- which was playing Ben Folds You Don't know me. She laughed lightly at the strange change of music from the usual music that played.
Brooke smiled in response, feeling relieved that she knowingly somewhat made Skye feel better. Instinctively, she harshly batted away Skye's hand. "DON'T TOUCH MY HAIR...You know I spend hours to do this," She waved her hand over her hair and makeup. She was joking, of course, but appearance was one of her top priorities unlike most of her companions. The brunette raised an eyebrow at Skye's 'nauseating emotional' comment before leaning over to give her a suffocating hug. "Aww, Skye baby. It's okay, you can cry it out, I won't tell anyone." Brooke singsonged as she found a great amount of joy in taunting her red-headed friend. She also scoffed at the sudden music change. "Creepily fitting" She muttered under her breath.
"Your telling me." Skye exclaimed plugging in her phone to the AUX cord, which began blasting Billy Talents Devil In a Midnight Mass. "This will do," laughed headbanging dramatically to the dramatic music, "Never was a fan of any of that RAP crap." She giggled tapping her foot on the floorboards to the strange yet compelling beat. "Don't you make a single complaint about my music or you can ride in the clown car." She grinned.
"Ugh, no thank you" She rolled her eyes in annoyance and leaned her head on her arm that rested on the window sill of the enormous vehicle before staring at Skye in the corner of your eyes. " Fine, have it your way, princess...But I'm more into trashy pop music or sadcore...specifically Lana Del Rey, 'cause I'm a depressing ass bitch." Brooke muttered light-heartedly, almost to herself. "But we can jam to this too, I guess." She added, her high-pitched voice was laced with an extreme sarcasm. Nevertheless, even the pop-loving party girl found herself lightly tapping her fingers on the surface of arm rest. "Hey, pull over so we can dance like an old couple to this."

(Are they actually on the road or still parked? xD )
(Well now they can be on the road xD )

(My reply are shorter, I'm on my phone)

Skye raised her eyebrow at her best friend, "Dance? I hope you don't regret this, beacuse I can and am doing this." She grinned pulling off to the side of the road turning off the headlights before stepping out of the truck, waltzing over to Brookes side she open the door asking, "My lady will you take this dance? Or whatever the crap I'm supposed to say?" Sky winked holing out her hand, wiggling her fingers in temptation.

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