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Realistic or Modern Let's Take a Road Trip

Ashlyn grinned and nodded her head towards Sam. "Thank you." She said happily and followed closely behind Sam. She rubbed her arms gently and bit her lower lip. Once she got inside she began looking at the various ice cream options they had. She wasn't really an ice cream person so she just decided to get a small scoop of chocolate.

(@Tiegirl @Kasper @Sunbather )
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Farrah smiled awkwardly at the clearly exhausted clerk and ordered an unholy conglomeration of peanut butter, candies, and chocolate ice cream that probably was 500 calories on its own. She decided to avoid thinking about the calories and just try to enjoy a treat. She payed and waited at a table for the others to join her.
Ashlyn soon told the clerk what she wanted and took her ice cream. She walked over to Farrah and sat down quietly next to her. She took a tiny bite of her ice cream and looked down at the table, silently hoping that they wouldn't talk about her.
Groaning in annoyance, Skye questioned them of their beverages, with her growing Russian accent she sounded extremely pissed, and looked it too she guessed, having lack of hair style nor make-up she must look like a raging foreigner. Finally spitting out an order of three coffees, two espresso shots, a jumbo cinnamon, fudge, and coffee milkshake and a box of oatmeal cookies, she pulled a chair out near the others.

"I hate when I get like this, instead of some hot foreigner I usually sound like, instead I sound like my Babushka."


"The hot part usually comes through your looks, Skye." Sam said with a smirk. She had playfully interrogated Jackie and deemed him to be cool. Now, her desire for a sugar bomb was her priority. "What did you guys get?" She sat down and pulled off her cap, revealing her messy hair, which she tried to straighten out. "That Jackie fellow seems cool." She nodded towards Skye, as if to approve of her taking him in.
Ashlyn glanced at the others and smiled slightly at them before continuing to take small bites of her ice cream. She soon finished it and pushed it away from her. Her eyes wandered the small store as she gently rubbed her ribs from where they were hurting.
Skye wiggled her eyebrows suggestively while biting her lip, "The hot part, is just from being me." She winked, "The accent is just a plus." Taking down the last of her first cup of coffee she sipped the milkshake before downing one shot of espresso. Turning back to Sam she smirked, "Its not like I let just anybody get in the beast. Its like letting some freak drive your car. You just don't do that, its a special selection process." She grinned her steaming coffee warming her naturally freezing hands.

Looking over at Ashlyn as her peripheral vision caught her gentle self comfort, her eyebrows drawing closer together in slight concern, not wanting to pry she simply took the rout of, "Hey, did Farrah's feminine driving bang you up? I mean I hear those midsections and glove compartments have a mind of their own in those mini vans, lets not even talk about the seat-belts and armrests." Pausing to breathe in hopes of receiving a bit of laughter for her crappy joke, "I- Have some gel you can apply to bruises and bumps, I use it myself when I get into a fight, be it with people or my legs decided to let me take a short cut to the bottom of the stairs."

Running a hand through her hair she smiled, "It takes away the swelling of a horses kick in 2 days, the color in around 4 and the pain in 30 minutes. Its a numbing gel."
Ashlyn giggled quietly and shook her head. "No. That's not exactly what happened..." She replied to Skye, silently reaching over for Farrah's hand to grab a hold of. "But the gel would be much appreciated." She added.

She lied her head down on Farrah's shoulder and closed her eyes, suddenly tired as she yawned.

(@Sunbather @Scheani @Kasper @Tiegirl @jamaicanviking )
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Farrah felt a little sting of sadness in her heart when Skye suggested that it was her own fault that Ashlyn was in pain, and the word "feminine" also threw her for a bit of a loop. "Darling, I'm about as gentle as the word 'feminine' can possibly be interpreted to mean. And I might not be very feminine, but hell, I'm tryin'," she said with a wink, trying to keep her tone as positive and joking as possible. In all reality, Skye's words had sort of hurt. She hated feeling like she wasn't enough of a girl. But she wouldn't let that get in the way of enjoying this fabulous ice cream.
Being under the label of a sociopath Skye found it hard to understand the mental pain that she happened to be putting her friends through, but having attempted to learn facial expressions, and eye movements, she understood she was making them uncomfortable, stressed, and depressed. Her lips shaped in a wide forced smile, Skye leaned on her hand blinking seductively at the occupants of the table. "I'll get that gel out for you when we get ready to leave." Turning to Farrah she frowned a bit. "Hun, you will always be far more feminine than I will ever be. The only thing I have is my body, and even that is far from the PINK PRADA GIRLS sophistication."

Bringing her hand up to mess with one of her newest piercings, an industrial bar, she murmured to herself, "Its not all that great anyways." Wincing in pain as the bar seemed to rub the hole, Skye stood before turning to the bathrooms in the darker area of the store, "I have to-.. Um clean this up." She smiled before closing and locking the door.


"As long as you keep having those sick brows, you'll never be... 'not girly enough'." Sam said towards Farrah with a smile, as she wiggled her own brows at her. "I think we all need more ice-creams. Y'all kinda depressing right now." Sam was trying to lift the mood by adressing the problem directly, but mostly struggled with the situation itself. She loved her friends dearly, but she hated feeling helpless, or unable to solve a problem. When one of her friends felt bad, she felt just as bad with them.
Ashlyn glanced at everyone and shook her head. "I'm good. I don't want anymore." She stated and kept her head on Farrah's shoulder. She bit her lower lip as she watched everyone interact. Her hand immediately went to Farrah's back when she heard Skye's comment and she gently rubbed it, hoping to make her feel a little better.

"Are you okay?" She whispered into Farrah's ear.

(@Kasper @Sunbather @Scheani )
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"Sorry, sorry. I get it. Let's not get too serious here. For real, it's cool, I'm just being a little bitch," Farrah laughed, laying her hand on Ashlyn's shoulder gently. "Now are we here to have fun, or what? Maybe a little nap will do y'all some good. It's been a bit of a long night, right? Who knows, we might be in a whole new place by the time ya wake up."

Ashlyn smiled slightly and kissed Farrah's cheek before adjusting her sweatshirt. She pulled away and rested her hands on the table before glancing at her friends. She was happy that they were all able to get together for one last trip together before they all left for college.


"You two are so cute together." Sam teased as she shoveled ice cream into her mouth like a mad man. She seemed a little jumpy. "Geez... the rest of us could hurry up a little. I wanna gooo..." Sam sounded like a little kid, getting nervous and whiney. Finally, she leaned back in an attempt not to care too much, just groaning a little.
Ashlyn blushed slightly, but smiled none the less. She leaned over the table, careful not to hurt herself, and stage whispered to Sam, "I totally agree! Maybe something will finally happen on this trip." She winked and sat back down, her left hand resting on Farrah's knee.

(@Kasper @Sunbather @Scheani @jamaicanviking @Tiegirl )
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Sighing in resignation as she splashed icy water on her face, Skye found herself frustrated. Instead of guilt, all she could feel was empty humor. "Damn it all.." She muttered before leaning her back against the icy iron door, her eyes tracing the chipped paint on the walls of the single bathroom. Eyes trailing to the mirror where they connected to themselves, green surrounding black, nothing special, just an uncanny hollowness to them that many found infuriating. Especially her. With a sharp crack her fist connected with the glass, a small smile edging onto her face as the tell tale chime of bits of the mirror fell to the floor and in the shallow sink.

Sighing as bits of glass wove their way into her knuckles, she rolled her eyes at her childish lack of control, pulling a $50 from her wallet she stuck it under the edge of a shard, they would find it more than enough to replace the small fogy mirror.

Rinsing her hands in attempts of getting the stubborn shards from her skin, she pulled out a pair of light leather biker gloves, they would word for now. Walking back into the open area of the parlor, she grinned having had her little fit she simply drank her remaining coffee before gesturing to her truck, "I'm going to get that gel, the sooner we move out the better yes?"
Ashlyn frowned slightly in concern for Skye, but she nodded none the less. "Alright yeah. Let's go." She said, standing up and crossing her arms slightly.

She knew she should have told the rest of the group what was going on in her home life while they were here, but she was still nervous. Her eyes closed before opening a few moments later. She walked towards the exit before walking to Farrah's car.

(@Kasper @Scheani @Tiegirl @jamaicanviking @Sunbather )
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Farrah flinched as she heard the shattering in the bathroom, and she immediately felt a spike of concern in her chest. Hopefully Skye was doing okay. She tended to be quite the impulsive person, and Farrah was afraid that she had done something dangerous, but she took a deep breath and reminded herself that Skye was practically an adult and could fend for herself, so instead she just waited in the parlor for her friend to come out of the water closet. She crinkled her eyebrows in a mixture of anxiety and relief to see no exterior damage when Skye finally opened up the door. "Yeah. Yeah. We should, yeah, we should get going."
Smile still firmly in place, Skye opened her trucks door, lifting the seat showed a kit of medical supplies. Turning to Farrah as she was walking to the car where Ashlyn waited, she held out the box, about the size of a shoe box. "Here, its the stuff in the cyan tube. Don't be surprised its more firm than it seems. Rub it in until the skin is slightly slick but not a gloppy mess." With a chuckle she turned back to the truck before hopping inside.

"Don't worry about how it smells, just don't eat it. Smells like cinnamon and spearmint, tastes like hell on a hot dog." Tapping a finger to her chin to think of any other things, "Oh! If for some reason she has cuts and such, use the clear cream in the black box with silver stars, its about as big as a deck of cards. There's bandages, gauze etc. in the bottom left."

Turning to shut her door she smiled weakly, "Seeing how much pain she was in it might take a bit so keep the box, and honk when you guys are ready."



"So are we finally going?!" Sam yelled, storming out of the store out onto the parking space. She didn't like the seemingly tense atomsphere, feeling useless to her friends. Therefore, she decided to stay back and let them have their space. But now, excitement had grabbed her. "I wanna see some serious racing now, we gotta make up for this long ass break, right?"
Farrah smiled at Skye appreciatively, taking a hold of the box. She opened her car door and turned the key in the ignition. Upon hearing Sam, she grinned and revved the engine. "Hell yeah, let's get this show on the road! We can slay these losers," she said, laughing lightly. She put the box in the passenger seat and waited for the other kids to get into the car. "Don't hold up, we got a road trip to go on!"
Ashlyn nodded her head and lifted her sweatshirt slightly as she put some of the stuff on her fingers. She quickly began to run the stuff onto her ribs and did it just as Skye had instructed.

When she finished she climbed into the front seat of Farrah's car.
The girl lifted her arm that had been placed over her eyes. Her over-sized sweater loosely hung from her body as she dozed off. The sudden sharp noises of car doors opening and closing traveled to her ears as she slowly blinked to reveal her glazed over hazel eyes, her vision was a dizzying blur. She felt as if she had taken a truck ton of drugs...okay maybe she had...the few hours, days, before the road trip. She blinked rapidly to clear her vision, it had worked...ish. Her head felt as if it were being pounded in by a rubber mallet. Turning her head to the side, she saw the blurred shape of her red-haired friend nearing the driver's seat. The sudden movement of her head made her mind a whirlwind. Clearing her throat, she pushed herself up in her seat as she gave Skye a sideways smile. "Back from becoming the Russian mafia?" Brooke's eyes traveled to the other vehicle before settling back on Skye. Her eyes landed on the glove her friend had on. "Sweetie, I would not be wearing that with that." She pointed to the glove then circled her finger to the rest of the girl's outfit and face. Brooklyn crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow as she stared out the front car window. "And I hope you got me something while I was passed out." Her voice was laced with a sarcastic sass, but her light-hearted nature balanced it out, as she smiled warmly at Skye to reassure her of such.
Glancing down at her attire she chuckled, "So practical of you. And sure, we can share these?" She chuckled pulling out the two tubs of cookies, "Good no?" She questioned before rubbing her glass encrusted hand. A wide grin set on her face as she looked skeptically at Brooke, "You can drive cant you?" She smiled widely as she offered the monsters keys to her bestie.

"If you cant then I can drive one handed while you take care of my little glitter problem." Skye shrugged, having never been one to beat around the bush about injury's, she'd much rather make bland jokes about them.

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