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Realistic or Modern Let's Take a Road Trip

"Yes please," he replied feebly as he opened the back door to the girl's truck and entered. Closing the door behind him, Jackie laid his pack on his lap and sat silently, not sure how to proceed. "Thanks for the ride, you two. You guys, uh, wouldn't happen to be heading to a meet-up that's going on, would you? I think it's down the road a ways." They seemed trustworthy enough, since they looked around his age and didn't have the usual appearance of a kidnapper. That wasn't to say that Jackie really knew how one would look, but he had a general idea, and they clearly didn't fit it.
"That depends on who's asking." Skye grinned, before looking in the rear view, "Belt up. If I get in a wreck I'd at least like to claim my passengers were smart enough to put on a safety belt." Her accent growing thicker as the caffeine from earlier began to wear off. Turning to Brooklyn she smirked, "How's about some coffee when we get there? I'm running low on caffeine and want to fill up before we head out."

Pulling from the curb and back onto the open road she gunned it, knowing she'd better hurry a bit if she wanted to get in any bragging rights of being semi-early, though they were practically not even 'on time'.
When the taxi pulled up to Farrah's, Joseph paid the driver and rushed out and over to a pretty packed car. He saw all the girls talking in the car and sneaking up to the passenger window, popping up with a "Heeeeeey!" At Ashlyn. "C'mon Ash let me sit shotgun." He then thumbed back at Bailey and Aeliana in the back seat. "You can't leave me with my fragile masculinity to them, they'll tear me apart." Spotting the other car he gave a shout and a wave.

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Madison awoke to the sound of Logan's motorcycle leaving their driveway. Annoyed, she grabbed her phone from her nightstand to see what ungodly hour her brother decided to take one of his "rides" this time.

4:00 AM. She groaned inwardly. He seems to be spending a bit too much time lately on that death machine. She was worried about him of course. He's been such a grump the past few months since he finally broke it off with that bitch Charlotte DeVries. But at this very moment, she was more irritated than concerned, because of how inconsiderate he was being to his little sister trying to get as much sleep as she can before embarking on the biggest adventure of her young life.

Madison kicked off the covers and sat up, knowing she should've gotten out of bed sooner anyway. Road trip day was finally here! She hopped in the shower, brushed her teeth, then quickly got ready to go. She already packed the night before. After making sure she had everything, she grabbed her phone and saw a message from Sam to both her and Gracie.

Group Message
R U on ur way? Don't wanna miss out on the group, right? Or at least don't make me miss U [/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] :P [FONT='Book Antiqua'][COLOR=rgb(102,0,102)][SIZE=18px] Hurry! <3

Smiling, she texted them back. "B there in 5! Leaving rn." She hit send and almost ran out of her room, downstairs, through the kitchen, and out the backdoor. She could barely contain her excitement! Weeks of just her and her closest friends, enjoying what could very well be their last summer before what lies beyond high school comes upon them.

Farrah's house was just around the corner, so she walked quickly and spotted her friends waiting in the driveway. "Sorry about that," she said, a little breathless from the walk. "Everyone here?"

Ashlyn jumped slightly and furrowed her eyebrows. "There's no way in hell I'm riding in the back. I get carsick when I'm in the back. And Farrah just said there was to be no messes in her vehicle." She replied, smiling brightly and batting her eyelashes. "So be a dear and please let me stay up here?"
Joseph huffed. "You know I still don't believe that; I bet you just made that up so you can sit in the front all the time." He grumbled that last part even though he wasn't that upset about it. He was still too excited to let anything darken the mood.

"I'm here and that's all you need" He shouted to Madison before getting into the back. "Bailey move over before I sit on you."

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Jackie complied, clicking the seatbelt around his waist quickly. "Well, er, I'm asking. I heard there was gonna be a road trip, and I wanted to come, so..." He didn't bother explaining further, since the girls clearly knew what he was talking about. "My name's Jackie, by the way. Jackie Gao." He felt a bit awkward talking to complete strangers in such a friendly manner. It wasn't really what he was used to back in China, but it was nonetheless a welcome change of pace. Hell, this was America; everything's different in America. "What's an American road trip like?" he asked, his curiosity getting the better of him. "We don't really have them where I come from."
Brooklyn rolled her eyes playfully before she let out a wholehearted laugh at her companion's comment. She stared at Skye with a raised eyebrow after her command. "Always such a goody-two shoes" she smirked at her before propping her feet on the dashboard and turning her head towards the boy on the side of the road to meet his eyes. Brooke smiled lightly upon his arrival, she could be kindly enough to strangers, as long as they weren't hostile to her or her friends. Her ears perked up at the mention of coffee, she hadn't realized her drowsiness because of the adrenaline that rushed through her body. She nodded, "Yes, please." Brookyn's eyes traveled to the front mirror of the car and viewed Jackie in the reflection. "Spontaneous, fun, drugs, and booze." She smiled almost mischievously at him then to Skye. "Friendships and adventures, too, of course."
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Biting her lip to hold back laughter Skye sighed shaking her head, "Well Jackie Gao, to extend what my dear friend Brookie was saying, an American Road trip is pretty diverse. You are locked in a box for hours at a time, moving from 60-80 Mph- if you enjoy doing the speed limit," Her eyes flash with mischief for a moment before she continues. "Across a wide expanse of road praying to whatever or whoever, you believe that your shocks don't give, your gas stays friendly, your AC does not give out, and that your ass doesn't fall asleep."

Stopping for a red light she looks in the rear view smiling brightly, "You bond with people, there is fighting, but if we have any grace left in our minds then we will remain somewhat civil, so I don't have to go all Russian MAFIA on you." She joked before pressing on, her foot tapping the gas lightly as the light turned green.

"There's mini races, lost of fast food, gallons of coffee and soda consumed, and much more that I really for the life of me cant remember." She sighed leaning her arm against the window relaxed as she listened to the soft rumble of her truck and the soothing instrumental of Apocalyptica.
Brooklyn raised her hand so it was next to her face and was visible to Jackie by the mirror's reflection. She motioned her hand as if it were a talking sock puppet as she did the same with her lips, mouthing 'Blah blah blah' with rolled back eyes as Skye talked. Her finger rested on the lever of the window, rolling the window down a gush of fresh, cool air rushed into her face. The midnight air gently blowing in her face sent a shiver down her spine. She stuck her hand out of the window, it felt amazing. They were young, wild, and free. They were invincible, nothing could stop them. Endless possibilities and adventures awaited them ahead. The thoughts that rushed through her head brought a smile to her face, really she was just a child at heart.
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"That certainly sounds like a lot of fun," Jackie said with a chuckle. He couldn't help but wonder what he would experience on this "adventure" of his; Would he ake some new friends? New enemies? Perhaps even find a girlfriend? Doing drugs didn't really appeal to him as much, but surely that was inconsequential.. The point was that the possibilities were endless, and that's just how Jackie liked it. he muttered to himself as he looked out the window. Realizing that he had just accidentally lapsed into Chinese, Jackie cleared his throat in embarrassment, turning a slight shade of pink.
Rolling her eyes at Brooklyn's childishness, Skye looked around, on the long empty road ahead of them, seeing as how she basically owned the back roads, having illegally driven them since the age of 10 in her mothers worn Jeep Wrangler, she could drive this road in the dead of the night with no headlights. Smirking at an idea that popped into her head she glanced over at Brooklyn, "Hey Brookie~" She called in a sing song voice, "Lets do something fun yes?" She giggled, winking at the foreign boy in the back before turning off the lights in the cap, including the headlights. "Let the fun begin."
Her eyes flickered to Jackie. "Hey you speak, err, Mandarin?" Brooklyn wondered at his sudden language change.

She furrowed her eyebrows at Skye, but the small, playful smile remained on her face. "Of course" she chimed softly, although she was in a bit of confusion on what her friend was planning. But she was all for surprises and mischief, that was what the two shared in common.

@Scheani @jamaicanviking
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"Hey Where are the other " Sunshine asked to the ones around, getting off her car though it was dark out she had her sunglasses on, she lighting a cigarette as she stood at the front of her truck . JD stayed in the car on his phone and smoking a joint, Sunshine heard Madison. she whipped her head, "Madison" she said walking to her, still a half cigarette in hand. JD hooked up his phone to truck playing some music he let the smoke escape the truck as he rolled the window down.

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Rolling down her window as well Skye let out a loud Whoop cranking up the knob on her stereo as Framing Hanleys 'Lollipop' began to blast, before flooring it taking the turns of the dirt covered road like a NASCAR driver, the sounds of rocks hitting the trucks sides the only proof that the weren't driving down some black strip of oblivion.
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Farrah laughed at her friends' antics, refusing to let some of their more...concerning...comments affect her mood. "If you have anything you want to put in the trunk, just open it up. Shouldn't be locked." She took a breath and grinned. "I missed you guys so much. How did we let it get so long without seeing each other?" she asked, mostly rhetorically.
Joseph grinned at her. "I guess it comes with the growing up territory." He mocked while tossing his gym bag into the trunk, ignoring the clang some of his possessions made and closed the trunk. Hopping back into the backseat - bumping Bailey intentionally - he threw out, "I don't know about you girls but there's one thing that should renew our friendships . . . ."

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"Yeah, probably. I'm not that deep, though." She chuckled to herself, glancing at Joseph through the rearview mirror. His smile really was contagious; she covered her mouth with her hand to mask her smile, albeit poorly. She felt the new stubble on her cheek, but it didn't quite get her down like it usually did. Here, she felt validated, real. She wasn't a girl, but it almost brought her to tears how much being recognized as feminine/androgynous made her feel happy.


Sam's face lit up even more as she heard Madison. She pulled herself out the window, standing awkwardly in the car as she waved over the top. "Finally!" she groaned, her laughter making the antic as see-through as possible.
"I was getting all nervous!" She smiled sweetly, before slipping back into the car, where Joseph bumped against her. She jokingly tackled him back, sticking out her tongue. "C'mon, big boy, move over, we gotta squeeze in Maddy as well." Her voice vibrated with anticipation.

"Oh, and that's an easy one, Farrah." she grinned. "We're just horrible, horrible people." She laughed, starting to shake her body a little to the music Aeliana had put on.

I smiled happily watching as more people crammed into the car. It was reminding Aeliana that this was actually happening, and wasn't just another one of her dreams. She'd had a lot over the past couple days,imagining being on a road trip with her friends and now here it was happening. She smiled over at Sam who was beginning to dance,so she happily joined in. Singing along,Aeliana knew this would be one amazing trip. Nothing could change her mind about it.

Madison made a beeline for Farrah's car, smiling at Sunshine as she walked past. "Hey girl," she smiled, glad to see her. "I can't wait to hit the road!" She said a quick hello to everyone else too and was glad to see almost everyone was already there.

Madison flashed Sam a wide grin as she threw her duffel bag into the already full trunk. "I wouldn't miss this for the world," she giggled. She squeezed herself into the car next to Sam, who was next to Joseph. "What's up Joseph? So glad you could come too!"
Brooklyn glanced quickly at Skye before reaching towards the radio compartment herself. "Come on, grandma" She scoffed at the girl with a half-upturned smile on her lips. Her finger flicked the knob to its maximum volume and pushed a few buttons to amp up the bass and treble. Her feet pushed against the dashboard and leaned back in her chair as she felt the sudden force of the car's acceleration. "WOOOO!" Brooke screamed gleefully at the top of her lungs.The wind was searing into their faces and whipping their hair around as if they were in a hurricane. "Dude, my hair's gonna look like shit." She was grinning widely, but she meant it. Unable to give Skye a serious look before they made another sharp turn that took her breath away. She couldn't help but laugh as Skye made a roller coaster out of their ride. She leaned towards the window and raised her hands to her mouth. "Adi-fucking-os Jacksonport!" She shouted out the car window, their blaring music probably already awoke the residents of the homes they quickly passed. She wanted her final goodbye to the town to be heard by everyone. It felt so liberating, she almost wanted to cry. Relaxing back in her seat, she sighed with relief. "God, that felt good."

@Scheani @jamaicanviking
Ashlyn playfully rolled her eyes at her friends and bit her lower lip. "I have no words to describe how excited I am guys. I get to hang out with you losers all week. Who wouldn't love a chance at that?" She giggled.
"I" heavy emphasis on the 'I', "am no loser though I'm not sure about the rest of you. " Joseph joked but to Madison said, "hey girl! I'm glad too, college is literally kicking my ass right now." With Madison in the back seat, space became a bit tight. "You know I love you all but for the love of whatever higher power any of you follow please double up " He still wasn't that mad. This was part of the whole mystique of a road trip. Being trapped with no space with your friends. Something of this nature he never usually gets to experience so he was ecstatic to finally be trying it that he felt like a hyper puppy.

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Radio blasting, windows down, the roller coaster road seemed to end too soon as Skye flipped the switch on the dash, flooding the streets with her low beams, illuminating the crammed car of Farrah. "The one suckish thing about driving like a me?" She looked to Brooklyn one eyebrow raised, "You get places too soon." Throwing him in park, she revved the engine to let them figure it out that they were here. Choking back a laugh as she observed the amount of people in the car, "Its like a clown car.."

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