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Realistic or Modern Let's Take a Road Trip


Sam smirked at Joseph's words.
"I can kick your ass too, literally!" She jested with a happy expression. Space was getting tighter as the car approached it's maximum capacity. "So when are we collectively starting to be jelous of Ashlyn's front seas?" she joked before she looked through the windshield, seeing her friends join in. "Ah yeah, look who's here!" she exclaimed, pointing towards the second card.
Farrah laughed at her friends cramming into the seats. "You guys do realise that there's a back row too, right?" It was fun to see them scramble and bicker over who sat where. Suddenly there was a blinding white light and she squinted only to see Skye's car pull up. "Hell yeah!" she shouted out of her window, grinning at them.
Grinning back Skye called, "So, are you guys going to play clown car the entire way? I mean, it will be entertaining to watch." She paused chuckling, "But as entertaining as watching people tear each other apart due to close contact for an extended period of time.." She shrugged. "But hell, you do what you do." She joked turning her radio up a bit.
Ashlyn grinned at everybody and shrugged her shoulders. "I got here first." She laughed and shook her head. "Besides. I like Farrah more." She turned her head towards Farrah and winked before looking over at Skye's car.

"Hey! More losers to join the party!"
"Don't listen to her Farrah, I'm your biggest fan." He shot a glare at Ashlyn. "Just you wait till you leave the car." Joseph looked at Madison. "You're the last one so to the back seat with you!" He thumbed to the back seat trying to squirm more room from Bailey. With the other car here he leaned out the window to wave.

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Sam laughed at the whole situation.
"Y'all just shameless, you know that?" She then quickly hugged Madison and softly punched Joseph's shoulders "You don't send my girl to the back, asshat!" Her tone made it clear that she was joking, but just to make sure, she winked at Joseph right after. Then, she playfully held Madison by the hands. "Don't you listen sweetie, we're gonna be cuddly and juuuuuust fine!"
"Close contact: it's about to get cramped in here," Farrah said in her best movie announcer voice. "Who will double up first? And who will get in the back?" She realized that she wasn't funny, but she honestly didn't care. "Ladies, please, there's enough of me to go around," she added, winking at Joseph and Ashlyn in the rearview.
Brooklyn nodded in agreement as they came to a stop. She waved vivaciously with both hands at the occupants of Farrah's car. "Are we ready to go?" She asked with a raised voice, trying to be heard over the music.

@Lonelytaco @DisasterCallingMe @Gigi
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"I'm ready for food! I'm very hungry!" Shouted out the car before grabbing Bailey in mock headlock to nuggie her. "Madison don't get poisoned by her words it's a trap!"

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Ashlyn playfully rolled her eyes at everyone in the back seat and leaned over the console to stage whisper to Farrah. "But you do like me more then them right? I mean come on. Look at me? I'm fucking hot!" She stated, and winked at Farrah again.


Sam struggled, knowing that her little effort wouldn't get her out of the clinch, but that wasn't her goal anyways. She didn't mind the fooling around at all. With a muffled voice she yelled.
"You're the one trying to send her to the back, dude! Madison, don't leave meeee" Her voice was was over-exeggaratedly dramatic. "And you two, get a room!" she jested towards Ashlyn's words.
"Food!?? How could you be thinking about food when we're about to get out of this shit town?" Brooklyn almost snarled at Joseph. She was trying to lighten her tone, she meant it playfully. Half playfully, at least. When it came to things like this, she was impatient and stubborn. She sat back in her chair with a frustrated sigh and blew a strand of hair out of her face. Brooke rolled her eyes and looked out the window before her eyes settled back on Joseph with a glare.
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Ashlyn laughed and shrugged her shoulders. "A room sounds nice." She said as suggestively as she could.

After a few seconds though she pulled away from Farrah and looked at the people she called her friends in the back seat. "I say Joseph gets in the back seat. He didn't want to be surrounded by girls anyway." She stated matter-of-factly, though she had a smile on her face.
"Try being stuck on a plane for hours with crappy food, then you can talk!" He shouted and then he relaxed back into his seat. " I'm feeling very cornered and attacked here." Instead of the choak hold on Bailey he switched to a hug. "I thought we were all friends here." He pouted at Ashlyn.

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Sam stretched herself and put one arm around Joseph's and Madison's necks each.
"I'm saying we're staying right here, what about you guys? Isn't this all cuddly?" She giggled as she pointedly cuddled up against the two teens around her. "Plus, Joseph will make a fine, fine pillow once I'm getting my powernaps in, right big boy?" she teased him before hugging him back with her one arm.
"Friends? I thought we were more than just friends," Farrah said, her tone mocking offence. "Ashlyn, we're more than just friends. Aren't we?" She wiggled her eyebrows playfully and laughed. She missed being with these people.

"We can always take a rest and get some food on the drive. I don't have any in my house because I'm broke and I ate all of it anyway," she admitted. "I think I'm ready to get this show on the road."
Ashlyn gasped at Farrah's words. "Of course we're more than friends. Duh. I mean. I totally took you on a date two weeks ago. Remember? I took you to that small diner?" She asked, and kissed Farrah's cheek for good measure.

"But you're right. I am beyond ready to get to where we're going." She said, feeling herself get hot, but not bothering to take off her sweatshirt.
Jackie found the group's interaction with one another to be quite...dynamic, to say the least. They were all apparently very close to one another, and it made him feel a bit like a 3rd wheel in comparison. Or whatever wheel he would be in this crazy-looking vehicle. "Americans sure are friendly," he remarked, though he wasn't entirely sure he would be heard under the loud music. There were a lot of them; it would certainly take an effort to remember all of their names. I hope they don't think I'm weird, he thought to himself, biting his lip timidly.
Pushing herself out her open window, into the crisp night air Skye called to the other vehicle, "Yo! Losers, you ready to get this Freak Show on the road? If you don't hurry my beast will eat up all his gas, and thought he's a magic truck, he ain't got no patience." Adding for good mesure, "Play musical chairs later, let's get a move on!" Giggling as she pulled herself back into the truck, turning to the boy in the back she smiled, "You holding up?"

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As the three friends were fooling around in the second row, she peeked into the other vehicle. She saw a young guy she didn't know, as she squinted her eyes as much as she could to recognize him better.
"Hey, who's that?" She pointed towards him, trying to motion the view of the others towards him, hoping they'd know. "HEEEY!!!" she yelled embarassingly bluntly, waving like an overly-enthusiastic child.
"What she said!" Joseph yelled waving his arms too. The kid seemed like the shy sort, what Joseph used to be in the past. "Some of us are generally nice people!" Then he mouthed Not her. And pointed at Bailey behind her back and winked at him.

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"Yeah," She nodded expressing the same restlessness as Skye. "Chop chop people!" She clapped her hands loudly as she tapped her foot on the dashboard impatiently for the other car to start moving. Brooke spotted a girl's waving frantic waving movement out of the corner of her eye, her eyes flickered to Sam then turned her head to look over her shoulder at the newly acquainted boy. "Just a little hitchhiker from...China, you said?" Her voice silenced in order to encourage him to introduce himself.


Sam looked to the side, bending herself back a little bit to see what Joseph was doing with his arm.
"Dick." she mumbled, now applying her own clinch and pushing her chin into his hair, as if to wrestle him down. "I'm... fucking... sweet, hmph!" she said through gritted teeth. Then, she softened her already playful grip to look at the new face again. "China, huh? We're just blasting this diversity rate, haha." She laughed heartily, smiling friendly towards the boy. "I'm Sam!" she yelled.
After the pause took too long for Skye's liking, she called out the window, "Not only is he from some Asian place, but he has a name!" Muttering under her breath, "Such a surprise." before returning to shouting, "This here is Jackie Gao, a young child of Asian decent, obviously, whom you heathens shall not get a hold of." She joked, "But no really, we can have all these pleasantries later! Lets GO!" She revved her engine for emphasis.
Ashlyn looked over at the kid everyone was talking about and she smiled. "Heyo!" She said enthusiastically. "Come on guys! We can get to know the kid in the way to our destination!" She exclaimed, though she was still looking at the kid with interest.

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