Chitchat Let's chat!

It's the good kind of family visit! How about you, Sorin? How's roleplaying coming along, and how's your job search?
Roleplaying is going good! Job search is doing very badly. Just got confirmation that I'll be an international host myself though.
Roleplaying is going good! Job search is doing very badly. Just got confirmation that I'll be an international host myself though.
I'm REALLY happy to hear that! Is the roleplay the search that you've been doing, or is it something that you've joined up on?
I'm sorry! But hopefully you're okay and that's what matters the most.
Welcome in. Sorry to hear that, how are you doing now?
Police finally arrived two and a half hours later, things are just about finished being resolved. We aren’t at fault at all, we were last car to be hit. Middle car has most damage. We’ve only got some paint missing. Van that hit middle car is at fault.

I’m not injured, mild bruise on the back of my head at most and my mother (who was driving) is fine as well.
So uh yeah, my nights been ruined.
At least I can eat this banana bread all on my own now ✌︎('ω'✌︎ )

Maybe I’ll watch a movie, not sure.

Moving on, I genuinely am glad to hear when someone is having good times with their RPing! Good for you Sorin!! I hope your job hunting in the future goes as well as your RPs are right now.

I also hope you have fun visiting your family Valky! Have a wonderful time!!!
So uh yeah, my nights been ruined.
At least I can eat this banana bread all on my own now ✌︎('ω'✌︎ )

Maybe I’ll watch a movie, not sure.

Moving on, I genuinely am glad to hear when someone is having good times with their RPing! Good for you Sorin!! I hope your job hunting in the future goes as well as your RPs are right now.

I also hope you have fun visiting your family Valky! Have a wonderful time!!!
They're visiting me! But so far, very pleasant and fun. How about you though? What kind of RP are you into, and do you have anything going at the moment?
They're visiting me! But so far, very pleasant and fun. How about you though? What kind of RP are you into, and do you have anything going at the moment?
I mainly prefer 1 on 1 RPs with modern fantasy or sci-fi. Romance is eh, I don’t like it being the sole plot. But if my partner wants some sprinkled in I’m willing to do some.

(Ignore how I disregard that statement with one RP I’m in right now)

I have three RPs im in, one is on break due to my partner for that one visiting family (neutral kind of visit for them from what I know)

The other two are using Minecraft as a basis for worldbuilding, and are more fast paced in their reply speed than I’m used to. But I’m communicating with the people I’m RPing with and they understand I’m slower than they may be used to.

So, on the RP front I’m doing well!
I mainly prefer 1 on 1 RPs with modern fantasy or sci-fi. Romance is eh, I don’t like it being the sole plot. But if my partner wants some sprinkled in I’m willing to do some.

(Ignore how I disregard that statement with one RP I’m in right now)

I have three RPs im in, one is on break due to my partner for that one visiting family (neutral kind of visit for them from what I know)

The other two are using Minecraft as a basis for worldbuilding, and are more fast paced in their reply speed than I’m used to. But I’m communicating with the people I’m RPing with and they understand I’m slower than they may be used to.

So, on the RP front I’m doing well!
Oooh. You know, Minecraft for world building seems really interesting and cool. I guess it helps put scale into perspective and stuff, given how it serves as a great visual aid. I think at least! I'm not sure about the inner workings of the RP!

What's your preferred post frequency?
I’m doing a next gen Full Metal alchemist with someone the OCs are turning out to be rich and hilarious.
Awesome! What's it about? Tell me more! \o/
It's about a group of college friends going on a road trip together, but it slowly becomes more supernatural. Episode one had killer ghosts, episode two has killer androids, episode three is a Bed & Breakfast, etc. I've written it so that the gang encounters a different supernatural experience in each one of the fifty US states (plus spin-offs in Italy, Canada, and Japan respectively). It's been fun to plan, but I've only planned up to episode eight.
Police finally arrived two and a half hours later, things are just about finished being resolved. We aren’t at fault at all, we were last car to be hit. Middle car has most damage. We’ve only got some paint missing. Van that hit middle car is at fault.

I’m not injured, mild bruise on the back of my head at most and my mother (who was driving) is fine as well.
Glad to hear that you're alright!
Oooh. You know, Minecraft for world building seems really interesting and cool. I guess it helps put scale into perspective and stuff, given how it serves as a great visual aid. I think at least! I'm not sure about the inner workings of the RP!

What's your preferred post frequency?
Once a day. (But I tend to do more depending on my own workload/number of RPs I’m in.) With a week leniency for both parties in case life or low motivation happens, anything longer and I’d check and ask if things are ok or if it was me taking a while, I’d explain why I can’t get a reply within a week.
Question Of The Day (6/21/2023):
Happy Summer Solstice! What are your plans for the season?
I may have asked this already, but I'm as forgetful as all get-out. I'm looking to get my license this summer and I'm still trying to find a job, but there's been little luck as of right now. In July, twelve friends and I will be camping together with one of them coming from overseas. The one that is coming internationally will be staying with my sister and I for a week, so we're planning to show him around our tri-state area. I'll likely be going back to where I was born to show off some of our boardwalks and beaches. Aside from that, though, it'll mostly be writing and getting my stuff together for the fall. I plan to replay Pokemon again sometime soon.

Also buying myself a Bastille shirt as they're my favorite band and we'll be camping on Bastille Day this year!
I have a wedding coming up for a cousin. I’m unsure what else is gonna happen with my sister will be nine months pregnant starting August.

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