Chitchat Let's chat!

Fish. There are some types of fish I'm ok with (tuna, for example) but I generally dislike any kind of fish. The smell makes me sick and I hate fish bones. ^^'
Sunny and windy here in San Diego it’s typical it’s in the 70s here.
Weird. Check your settings?


SHOULD work fine!
It'll be alright, I'll just manually check here daily 😂
How have YOU been? What're you up to?
I'm okay. I'm giving up on job hunting at the moment, but I've been doing other things to get my life together such as making appointments and getting my paperwork together for college.

How are you all doing?
I’m crossing my fingers the work program helps me with my disabilities my anxiety is high feeling I’m in over my head.
Question Of The Day (6/27/2023):
What are you currently looking forward to?
Late QOTD, I've been busy today.

I'm currently looking forward to my friend camping trip in July, the amount of doctor appointments I've made (it's been forever since I've seen someone, stupid US healthcare), and going back to school in August! I've been doing online schooling for the past few semesters, so I'm looking forward to being back in the classroom. I've also been talking to a new potential Roleplay partner who seems really rad, so I have that going for me too!
I’ve been plotting some stuff with a role play partner. I’m hoping to get those ideas rolling so far I’m loving how they’re coming together.
What will you be writing?
Well it’s a next Gen full metal alchemist rp the canons are still there. I’m gonna be doing a lot of wholesome family stuff with the Elrics and their kids. Yeah not all of the ideas will be wholesome there’s lot of angst and drama.
Well it’s a next Gen full metal alchemist rp the canons are still there. I’m gonna be doing a lot of wholesome family stuff with the Elrics and their kids. Yeah not all of the ideas will be wholesome there’s lot of angst and drama.
That sounds fun. I always love AUs or canon continuum.
I've been ALRIGHT. Just waiting (still!) for work to hit me up. Kind of getting annoyed, I'm not going to lie.

What are you currently looking forward to?
Work!? Money is nice and I could use some. Other than that? Not a whole loooooooot. \o/
I've been ALRIGHT. Just waiting (still!) for work to hit me up. Kind of getting annoyed, I'm not going to lie.

Work!? Money is nice and I could use some. Other than that? Not a whole loooooooot. \o/
Uh-oh. Are they still in the background check phase?

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