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Question Of The Day (7/04/2023):
Do you enjoy fireworks?

Personally, I do not. I had a fear of them as a child because someone once told me you would be burnt to a crisp if they fell on you, but I've gotten over that phobia. Nowadays, I just dislike how disruptive they are, usually to pets, though this is the first year in a long time where I'm living without a pet. This is also the first year where I'm NOT working on the Fourth of July, so I do have plans to see some with friends later today.
Do you enjoy fireworks?
No, I think they're just not fun. No bad experiences with them, just never really liked them. Some shows CAN be cool though, I'll say that much!
I started work! I'm busybusybusy, BUT my colleagues are super cool.
I enjoy looking at them from afar because they're pretty and look like magic.
But also I don't enjoy loud sounds and I had bad memories of fireworks scaring my dog. I guess it's a 50/50.
Question Of The Day (7/05/2023):
What's a fun fact about you?
I once got fired from one job and hired from another in the same day. I got fired, apparently, for "snitching" as I told the boss that another employee was copying keys to their establishment.
I’m not a huge romance person and I own two Siberian cats who are boys.
I'm very calm and polite irl, never raise my voice and such. But as a gamer I love competitive PvP games. ^^
Question Of The Day (7/06/2023):
How do you deal with a bad day?
I'm the type of person who tries very hard to hide their emotions, but is very bad at it. When I'm having a rough day, I usually break down in tears, and then ask to be alone for a while. I find that nostalgia is the best way to fight off any bad feelings: I usually find comfort in games or songs from simpler times in my life, especially Fire Emblem, Pokemon, and Minecraft.
I distract myself with my shows and games mostly it helps a bit.
Saudi Arabia and Damascus because the countries are in the Middle East.
Wow, that's awesome! Do you have any fun experiences/stories to share from there?
Well it was just a pilgrimage for Saudi Arabia visiting sacred spots required a visa. Maaan was it packed when I went. We took a bus from Medina to Makkah. Saw some camels on the way. I didn’t have much fun because of how crowded it was and my dumb ass got injured I had to get a tetanus shot.

As for Damascus I moved there from 95 to 2000. We still have our house there. I went back in 2005 for my brother’s wedding. I used to vacation outside out of the capital during summers it was fun and the air is cleaner we owned some chickens that was years before the civil war. The food there is good but man shawarma is incomparable.
Question Of The Day (7/08/2023):
What do you usually like for breakfast?
I'm not much of a breakfast eater myself, I usually like to wait for lunch which is when I tend to make myself a sandwich.
It varies: I like cream cheese on a bagel with a yogurt or a breakfast Turkey bowl or a breakfast sandwich . I can’t start my day without a cup of coffee though.
Question Of The Day (7/09/2023):
How was your weekend?
Mine was fairly lazy. Sleeping too much and the rain has made me feel exhausted. My sister and I have a friend flying over internationally on Thursday, so we've also been scrambling to clean our apartment.
plotting some romance with canon character who has a shit ton of self hatred trying to see how to navigate how he’ll overcome it.
There was a weekend recently?
Oh, right. I had a concert on Saturday and it was very fun. Was at a cosplay event and I played some songs from the shows that some people were cosplaying XD And I don't remember anything else lol, it took a lot of my energy.
Ahh! Sorin Sorin I don't think I told you, but I started work! My colleagues are all cool and fun, and it's not bad but the shift times happen to suck.
Hey, everyone!

I'm sorry for disappearing on you all for so long. I went through a terrible depressive spout after my little camping trip and have been fighting with that for some time. I've recently been put on medication and actually just left a session with someone who is helping me manage it. I start school in about two weeks and I'm still looking for a job, but fingers are crossed! I'm throwing all of this out here to see if anyone is still out there, somewhere, who checks this thread. I hope you're all doing well and I'd love to hear what you've been up to!
Hey, everyone!

I'm sorry for disappearing on you all for so long. I went through a terrible depressive spout after my little camping trip and have been fighting with that for some time. I've recently been put on medication and actually just left a session with someone who is helping me manage it. I start school in about two weeks and I'm still looking for a job, but fingers are crossed! I'm throwing all of this out here to see if anyone is still out there, somewhere, who checks this thread. I hope you're all doing well and I'd love to hear what you've been up to!
My sis had her baby a sweet little boy other than that I’m waiting to hear about my health insurance and the work program.

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