Chitchat Let's chat!

I have been thinking of changing my pfp, but I don’t know what. I kinda like these two but can’t decide. (Though I’m using one currently)

Lucina, Robin, and Morgan, from Awakening with Chrom's hand, lol
Leo from FE Fates
Alright, I have a few ideas of things to say.

I am about to start rewatching RWBY season 2 soon, I binge watched season 1 not so long ago.

Anyone here who's playing FE Heroes? I haven’t in a while, but I usually keep updated on it xD
Hey, everyone. Been busy as heck with school though I'm mostly caught up with my assignments until October at least. How are you all doing today?
I was on a work trip but now got back. Still tired though 🫠
Had a concert on Sunday and it was a disaster. I forgot the song midway. Could remember only the final note. 😪 I hope that won't happen again.

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