Chitchat Let's chat!

Sorin Sorin , Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat
Since you wanted to listen to something I play, here is a recording of one of my group songs. I play one of the flutes there (there are 6 flutes total). Other instruments are guzheng, guqin and bells.
The song is called Mo Li Hua (Jasmine Flower), it's a very popular Chinese folk song.
Sorin Sorin , Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat
Since you wanted to listen to something I play, here is a recording of one of my group songs. I play one of the flutes there (there are 6 flutes total). Other instruments are guzheng, guqin and bells.
The song is called Mo Li Hua (Jasmine Flower), it's a very popular Chinese folk song.

So beautiful 😭😭
Sorin Sorin , Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat
Since you wanted to listen to something I play, here is a recording of one of my group songs. I play one of the flutes there (there are 6 flutes total). Other instruments are guzheng, guqin and bells.
The song is called Mo Li Hua (Jasmine Flower), it's a very popular Chinese folk song.
It's both beautiful and relaxing. Amazing that you were inspired to learn this through love for your favorite character!

Question Of The Day (6/19/2023):
What chore(s) do you HATE doing?
Cooking. I'm not very good at it, but I'm learning. Also, vacuuming. I never feel like anything is clean enough.
Putting away dishes is definitely my least favorite chore. Yecch.
Anything to do with dishes is pain. Obviously, I wash them because I'm not a savage and I don't let them rank up the house but I suck at actually washing them LMAO
Anything to do with dishes is pain. Obviously, I wash them because I'm not a savage and I don't let them rank up the house but I suck at actually washing them LMAO
You and me are the same lol..
If any of you like to cook, I'd swap with you! I hate cooking, but I like doing the dishes.
eww dishes. I dislike cooking only because you need to wash a million dishes after. When I lived in a house with a dishwasher I actually started to enjoy cooking, but after I moved, I hate cooking again because of the dishes.... 🙃
What class? I can’t choose because of Kain Highwind and Cecil from Final Fantasy IV. It’s a toss up between dragoon, dark knight, or a paladin.
I'd be some kind of mage/scholar class lol And the weapon would be a book to cast spells from. Or smack enemies with if they come too close XD
I'd be some kind of mage/scholar class lol And the weapon would be a book to cast spells from. Or smack enemies with if they come too close XD
Same. I'd prefer books over the stereotypical staff choice.

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