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Hey I'm Klaides! Just joined here and am exploring the site/getting used to all the different buttons. My comfort food would have to be pasta but my favorite food is pesto!
Hey I'm Klaides! Just joined here and am exploring the site/getting used to all the different buttons. My comfort food would have to be pasta but my favorite food is pesto!
Welcome to the site and thread, Klaides! Feel free to ask any questions you'd might have.
It's nothing I haven't dealt with before, but I've never been fired from a job before, so it's a bummer. I HAD to call out on Sunday, though, because my feet were hurting so bad that I wanted to cry. Everything seemed fine at the time, but the manager texted me that if I can't handle the workload, then there was no point of keeping me on. Part of me is relieved, because it was heavy work, but mostly bummed. I still can't find a job anywhere else.
I hope luck smiles upon you, in that case!

My comfort meal... I don't know. Pizza, I suppose! But I'm surprised that risotto's yours! My mom taught me how to make some pretty dang good risotto recently.
What's your favorite meal to make?
Any and all felines no matter how dangerous

And then my comfort food is as of lately noodles and company Wisconsin Mac n cheese
Hope all of your spasms and twitches go away soon, those don't sound fun!

Question Of The Day (6/15/2023):
What are you currently reading, if anything at all?
I'm still trying to finish this one long Persona 5 fanfiction that I started back in January.
I'm still trying to finish this one long Persona 5 fanfiction that I started back in January.
I’m stuck on RA Salvatore Ice Wind Dale lmao I don’t think I’ll ever finish.
I’m stuck on RA Salvatore Ice Wind Dale lmao I don’t think I’ll ever finish.
Oh man, you really should. The other books in the series (well, up to the third at least) are really good.
Question Of The Day (6/15/2023):
What are you currently reading, if anything at all?
I'm just about finishing The Lion Tamer by Camilla Läckberg. Honestly I don't think it was that good, I found the twist to be a bit too obvious among other issues. Which is a shame because I really liked her earlier book The Hidden Child.
Oh man, you really should. The other books in the series (well, up to the third at least) are really good.

I'm just about finishing The Lion Tamer by Camilla Läckberg. Honestly I don't think it was that good, I found the twist to be a bit too obvious among other issues. Which is a shame because I really liked her earlier book The Hidden Child.
I will if I can get off my lazy ass and do so lol I read the first three before Drizz’t leaves the under dark.
I will if I can get off my lazy ass and do so lol I read the first three before Drizz’t leaves the under dark.
Oh yeah, I kind of forgot that those books are part of the Ice Wind Dale series. In that case, the books are really good until number six or so.
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