Chitchat Let's chat!

My favorite arcs are Water 7/Enies it’s emotional scenes and Thriller Bark it’s hilarious.
Question Of The Day (6/12/2023):
Are you a member of social media(s)? If so, which one(s)?
I'm a member of Facebook, but I only check it once or twice a week. I was previously a member of Twitter and Tumblr, but I've since deleted both over time. I still use Reddit from time-to-time, usually to chat with a friend of mine, but I'm currently avoiding use of it with the API protest that is happening. Finally, if Discord counts, then that's the only one that I use consistently as I always have mine open.

I have a lot of interests, ranging from video games to music, art and drawing to animals.

Well a lot! I love drawing both digital and physical, and I like to both listen and play music!
What are some video games that you like? Music?

Good night! It's like 10 AM here, lol. It was nice meeting you though!
I take it that you're in CET?
I’m mostly on Reddit now I got rid of my Facebook and instagram I don’t have much friends on there.
:( I've been so swamped lately, it's kinda unreal. Finally caught a breather kinda sorta.
Glad you got a breather. How is the new job?
Have not started yet. It's just that my social life suddenly got packed. Since it's going to be an international zone, they're doing some extensive checks. I do hope to start soon though.

How's your RP search been?
Have not started yet. It's just that my social life suddenly got packed. Since it's going to be an international zone, they're doing some extensive checks. I do hope to start soon though.

How's your RP search been?
Pretty good! I've been dead tired and unable to focus on actual development though.
Oh no. I'm so sorry. Do you want to vent or talk about it?
It's nothing I haven't dealt with before, but I've never been fired from a job before, so it's a bummer. I HAD to call out on Sunday, though, because my feet were hurting so bad that I wanted to cry. Everything seemed fine at the time, but the manager texted me that if I can't handle the workload, then there was no point of keeping me on. Part of me is relieved, because it was heavy work, but mostly bummed. I still can't find a job anywhere else.

I hate this.

Question Of The Day (6/14/2023):
What's your favorite "comfort" meal?
Mine is definitely risotto!
My favorite comfort food is wings with bbq sauce, ranch sauce, and Mac and cheese.

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