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That is so awesome. Ever since I met my friend, I’ve been wanting to learn dutch so I can talk to her in her native language (she’s very fluent in english, but I still feel like it’d be cool to talk to her in her own language lol). I’ve never made it far, though 😂 BUT one of my favorite things I’ve ever learned from her is the phrase “helaas pindakaas” (I think). 11/10 phrase, makes my day every time 🤣
I'm trying to learn a little myself, but I seem to have a hard time remembering anything about it. I know "cheers" though because one of them likes to say it when we're on call having a drink together.
I'm trying to learn a little myself, but I seem to have a hard time remembering anything about it. I know "cheers" though because one of them likes to say it when we're on call having a drink together.
Yep, I understand the sentiment completely 😂 Cheers is fun, though. Can’t say I remember how to say it in Dutch, but knowing little words in another language is always fun 😌
No allergies tho there’s a lot of things I’ve never done. Like I’ve never been stung by a bee so I don’t know if I’m allergic to bees.

There’s a lot of food I haven’t tried.
Hello, friends. Has anyone done anything exciting on this Sunday?
Hello, friends. Has anyone done anything exciting on this Sunday?
Spent the last 3 hours STRUGGLING to get a self sustainable and self operating farm in Minecraft. For the switch of course. The video I watched said villagers don't walk on tracks. But they do. On my game anyways. And the farm wasnt working cuz the farmers weren't taking their proper jobs. Because it required a bed. Unlike the video they didn't need a bed. And then when I did do the bed they all activated but in the wrong spot.

In the end my self operating farm was a failure and I blew it up. Out of FRUSTERATION.

Any idea how I can get a self operating farm in the Nintendo switch Minecraft? A video would be nice
Spent the last 3 hours STRUGGLING to get a self sustainable and self operating farm in Minecraft. For the switch of course. The video I watched said villagers don't walk on tracks. But they do. On my game anyways. And the farm wasnt working cuz the farmers weren't taking their proper jobs. Because it required a bed. Unlike the video they didn't need a bed. And then when I did do the bed they all activated but in the wrong spot.

In the end my self operating farm was a failure and I blew it up. Out of FRUSTERATION.

Any idea how I can get a self operating farm in the Nintendo switch Minecraft? A video would be nice
this has got to be one of the funniest things i've ever read XD i'm very sorry for your struggles but goddamn lol
i am a minecraft novice so unfortunately I can't help you 😭 best of luck to you though!!!!!
this has got to be one of the funniest things i've ever read XD i'm very sorry for your struggles but goddamn lol
i am a minecraft novice so unfortunately I can't help you 😭 best of luck to you though!!!!!
You should have seen me smacking the villagers and telling them to stop it then cursing when something went wrong. My dad was laughing at me. Luckily I don't have much of a temper so I don't get mad I just get irritated and laugh it off.
I've been playing Minecraft too! Just building homes though.
I've been playing Minecraft too! Just building homes though.
I'm building a village from scratch in a Japanese style. Tho I'm trying to get a farm that will be self sustainable. And able to produce mass amounts of food for me without the manual labor. The video I watched needed a hopper and the farm to be off the ground so the food would have called into the hopper and been transported into a chest.
Hello, I go by Aether or Ethereal or even Shadow.

I think this is a good idea and I would totally be up for some friendly chatting! ^^

QOTD: I'm not sure if I have any, at least I'm glad I'm not allergic to animals.

And by the way, I hope to start some good conversations if you'd like!
Hello, I go by Aether or Ethereal or even Shadow.

I think this is a good idea and I would totally be up for some friendly chatting! ^^

QOTD: I'm not sure if I have any, at least I'm glad I'm not allergic to animals.

And by the way, I hope to start some good conversations if you'd like!
Hi. Do you play Minecraft 👀
Hi, Nokumi. Yes I actually do, though It's a while since last time I played.
You should totally play. The new update has CHERRU BLOSSOM TREES/BIOME!!
And a sniffer mob. Which sniffs out new seeds for new flowers. And a camel and bamboo blocks. And new items. Sooooo manyyyy new itemmms. You can even customize your armor with things you can exovate

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