[Legends of the Modern Age (Scion)] [Legends of the Modern Age (Scion)] Domain of Leisure

I'm leaning towards Huan Di, one of the Chineese gods in the Companion. Will check out the Loa now.
Oh, sure. We all love Loki. Got to have someone to blame when the shit hits the fan. ;)
There is Mr GM Sir, it's called Serpent's Gaze.

Posted up my character, will do formatting to make look pretty and stuffs later when I have some free time. Oh Shep? I need your ruling on "A Soldier's Tools", I've provided a link to the weapons that will be available for the relic, and also if you don't mind, we can talk about the stats of the weapons as well.
More children of Loki just means I will have more uncles in the family. The Devas are also a good choice if you are looking with some involvement with the mortal world, since they are still actively worshipped.
@shepsquared I'm thinking of getting a golden chain mail armor relic, it's the armor that Sun Wukong got from Ao Ming and the 4 Dragon Kings of the Ocean after he defeated them, now passed on towards my character. What stats should I use for it? Should I base it on the Yoroi armor maybe? or perhaps a bullet proof vest without the resistance to bullets?
Foolish13 said:
There is Mr GM Sir, it's called Serpent's Gaze.
Posted up my character, will do formatting to make look pretty and stuffs later when I have some free time. Oh Shep? I need your ruling on "A Soldier's Tools", I've provided a link to the weapons that will be available for the relic, and also if you don't mind, we can talk about the stats of the weapons as well.
I'm not seeing any link, but it's probably best if you base it off of the provided gun stats.

[QUOTE="Lord-Leafar]@shepsquared I'm thinking of getting a golden chain mail armor relic, it's the armor that Sun Wukong got from Ao Ming and the 4 Dragon Kings of the Ocean after he defeated them, now passed on towards my character. What stats should I use for it? Should I base it on the Yoroi armor maybe? or perhaps a bullet proof vest without the resistance to bullets?

Use this: Soak: +3L/+1B Mobility: -1 Fatigue: 1 Tags: -

I'm on my phone atm, so no approving characters until I get home in a few hours
So, so far with the Las Vegas group, we got Scions of Ryujin, Lugh, Hel, Athena and Ares... Diverse group.
For whenever you have time, can you take a look at this relic and let me know what you think:

Rúyì Jīn Gū Bàng "Magic Golden-Clasped Rod" | Relic ••••• [War]

A copy of Sun Wukong's own magical staff, a weapon of great renown and power. The staff is able to change size and length at the command of the wielder.

Indestructible Bo staff that changes size up to 100% of it's wielder's Legend. Can attack opponents at range at a distance of Legend x 5 yards.

War Purview (1 point)

Indestructible (1 point)

Changing Sizes (1 point) [based on the staff found on Scion: Companion Celestial Bureaucracy pg 30]

Attack opponents at range (1 point)

Speed -1 (1point)
SephirothSage said:
Hey Shep. If I took The Ring Nibelung, as a 5 Dot Relic, what would the effects be?
That is, the Title Ring of the Cycle of Operas, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Der_Ring_des_Nibelungen
The Ring of Andvari (the original Ring from the Norse sagas) is written up in Demigod. It adds two dots to your effective Legend and allows your to manipulate the emotions of others with a successful Charisma roll.

Of course, it's cursed, but what else did you expect?

Edit: Oh, and it also means you and Brynhilde are fated to hook up. Whether that counts as an additional curse is debatable.
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The particular page catalogues the SEAL's arsenal, I have a feeling I'll be referring to it a lot during the game.
I'm not actually certain being able to switch between a variety of guns will be, especially since some of them would use the same stats (a necessary abstraction) and you specified no explosives. On the other hand, including explosives would probably require a second dot...
So perhaps there only one of the following group Handgun, SMG, Shotgun, Assault Rifle, and Sniper Rifle it switches to?
Arynne said:
The Ring of Andvari (the original Ring from the Norse sagas) is written up in Demigod. It adds two dots to your effective Legend and allows your to manipulate the emotions of others with a successful Charisma roll.
Of course, it's cursed, but what else did you expect?
It also isn't really suited to be used at creation, although the curse does give me an idea. One dot, can cause people to become loyal to you, but as a consequence causes someone else to lust for the ring...

Foolish13 said:
So perhaps there only one of the following group Handgun, SMG, Shotgun, Assault Rifle, and Sniper Rifle it switches to?
Well yeah, but the game does give different handgun stats and such. But not as many were on the page (and I'm just unsure how useful it'd be, but that's your call)
Yeah, starting the game with a Ring of Power only works if the story is about trying to get rid of the thing. ;)
shepsquared said:
Well yeah, but the game does give different handgun stats and such. But not as many were on the page (and I'm just unsure how useful it'd be, but that's your call)
That might work out a little better for everyone involved, I don't need to fiddle around trying to choose a weapon, and it's easier to keep track of everything.
Arynne said:
Yeah, starting the game with a Ring of Power only works if the story is about trying to get rid of the thing. ;)
The groups are not set in stone. It is entirely possible for you to strike off in groups of 2 or 3 to pursue your own goals, although the Vegas group will have slightly more difficulty doing that in chapter 1.
I think our ST is planning to get us locked up, and then we just need to sell as many cigarettes as possible to keep us from getting split up.... At least Grisl has regeneration, so she can regrow any limbs that get ripped off. Long, blue, scarred, deformed limbs.

Rings of Power are dangerous to start a game with. And Mount Doom is probably in Terra Cognita, so that could take some time to get there.
I found a picture of Ms. Lawrence:


She's not taking any guff from the likes of you!

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