[Legends of the Modern Age (Scion)] [Legends of the Modern Age (Scion)] Domain of Leisure

I know that I have to build a character I want to play. I've been doing this for a while. The reason for my stream of questions is that there are very few purviews that are spot on for the concept I have in mind. Or at least where concept and mechanics go hand in hand. This means that instead of 3 great choices, I have maybe 7 decent ones and a single good one.
You could max out the one really good one, and spot pick from the seven mediocre ones. Favored is a cost balance as much as a theme. And as a god, you might be able to make your own purviews to represent yourself when you create your own scions. There will be more options as you play, and during play may find that one that was favored isn't favored any more. No one says you can't switch later, though I wouldn't expect it to be easy.

That's kinda why I suggest getting something that will be fun to start with, even if there is overlap. It would be one thing if the group was 4 peace loving hippies, and a serial killer. Then, if you wanted to put balance into the team, I would understand. But we have most of the bases covered, and a small gap in this group may not be a gap at all later on. But a fun character now should remain fun no matter the situation.

In summary:

Kendra (Ares) female 25

Epic Str, Epic Dex, Epic Sta, Frost, Guardian, War

Kenji (Ryujin) male ?late 20s?

Epic Str, Epic Dex, Epic Sta, Water, Moon, Illusion

Libby (Athena) female ?early 20s?

Epic Chr, Epic Int, Epic Wit, Animal (owl), Justice, Prophesy

Grisl (Hel) female 26

Epic Sta, Epic Man, Epic App, Death, Frost, Magic

Liam (Lugh) male 23

Epic Chr, Epic App, Epic Wit, Guardian, Magic, Psychopomp

Karima (Set) female 29

Epic Str, Epic Man, Epic Int, Chaos, Darkness, Stars

Jace (Anubis) male 32

Epic ?, Epic Per, Epic ?,

To fill gaps, you would need epic perception, Mystery, and two of the following: Artistry, Chaos, Darkness, Earth, Fertility, Fire, Health, Industry, Sky, Sun.
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I would also note that one doesn't have to have a "chaotic" mind to learn the Chaos Purview. I can see an especially calm and collected person learning it, the better to exploit the ungoverned passions of others while remaining himself unmoved, the eye of the hurricane.
Arynne said:
I would also note that one doesn't have to have a "chaotic" mind to learn the Chaos Purview. I can see an especially calm and collected person learning it, the better to exploit the ungoverned passions of others while remaining himself unmoved, the eye of the hurricane.
Indeed, and creating chaos so that one may step in and give people order is a tried and true method for gaining power.
In my opinion, Set is cool when you play with the chaos aspect, so I would definitely take that. And I know you want stars. So the other two good choices would be Mystery, or Sky. In my opinion.

Mystery could be useful for someone who causes chaos and is then the only one able to decipher all the elements to come up with a plan of action. Someone who could stir up the stock markets and then see how things will shake out in the end.

Sky would be another good link, merging chaos and stars, ordering the cosmos so that you can walk on winds, and control the weather. Reading the fickle nature of weather and the sky to know when is the best time to act and when is the best time to just go home and stay inside.

War could also be good, but I find it more focused on bravery than on actual smithing the peons before you. Still, Warrior Ideal could be impressive.
Yeah, I'm also very disappointed in War. My character thoroughly believes that war is necessary to gain power and greatness, but he also very much prefers others to do the fighting for him. He would be a god for generals and strategists, seeing the path to victory from miles away and ensuring that reinforcements arrive in a timely manner. Which the War domain does not in any way support.
Esbilon said:
He would be a god for generals and strategists, seeing the path to victory from miles away and ensuring that reinforcements arrive in a timely manner. Which the War domain does not in any way support.
Which is why Odin also has Psychopomp. And Mystery/Prophecy.
Yep Psychopomp allows you to aid other's travels as well as your own. And Prophecy lets you get glimpses of the future, while Mystery is all about past events. Besides, getting others to do your battles for you is Epic Manipulation written large all over it.
Esbilon said:
Yeah, I'm also very disappointed in War. My character thoroughly believes that war is necessary to gain power and greatness, but he also very much prefers others to do the fighting for him. He would be a god for generals and strategists, seeing the path to victory from miles away and ensuring that reinforcements arrive in a timely manner. Which the War domain does not in any way support.
That sounds more like Science (Tactics) than it does a purview. You could buy 4-5 dots in that and be known as the world's foremost strategist. Add in Epic Manipulation and some Epic Charisma and Epic Intelligence or Perception, and you might be awesome. You don't need a purview for that.
A scion rocking Epic Manipulation, Epic Intelligence, Chaos and Mystery sounds like an awesome Chaos Theorist and an interesting way of manipulating the world. I would recommend picking those up and Industry as possible so we can also have a mad scientist (well Int knacks + industry or artistry boons). It looks like you really want Stars but that purview doesnt look too hot to me.
Stars at hero level is lackluster, I agree. Stars at Demigod level gives me control over time. Nuff said.
Allright then, I still suggest you pick up the purviews and epics I recommended and become our glorious evil overlord. Plus Heku, no one can forget Heku


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Well, I already did one for the Vegas group. A light summary:

Ayato (Amatsukami) male 24

Epic Str, Epic Sta, Epic Wit, Water, Sky, War

Alexei (Morena) male 21

Epic Cha, Epic App, Epic Per, Darkness, Death, Frost

Charlie (Sun Wukong) male 19

Epic Str, Epic Dex, Epic Wits, Chaos, Sky, War

Kyle (Artemis) male 24

Epic Dex, Epic Sta, Epic Per, Darkness, Health, Moon

Siegfried (Loki) male 22

Epic Man, Epic Int, Epic Wit, Chaos, Magic, Illusion

Raven (Morrigan) female 28

Epic Str, Epic Dex, Epic App, Animal (corvids), Moon, Sky

There. Will fix more as things update and the RP begins.

All epics covered.
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[QUOTE="Red Shadow Claws]That is the New York team...
And it's Alexei...

Yep, that's why I said I already did Vegas. Sorry about the misspelling, but auto-correct keeps changing the name.
Epic Manipulation and Epic Intelligence are a given. I'll need to mull over the purviews when I get back from work, but I'm liking the chaos/mystery/prophecy thing.

Also, which Ability would strategy and tactics fall under? This isn't Exalted, so there's no War ability to make it. I don't think it works for a Science. Academics maybe?
Command is about leading people. Acamedics is the Humanities, so that's out...

Better wait for our ST to decide what works best for his game, but i'd say Command is the closest i can see.
Well, the term military science generally includes tactics and strategy. Command is about actually leading people, not being proficient at making decisions. Academics would include military history, uniforms and decoration, social adaptation. I could see you having all of these, Science, Command, Academics.
Science is the hard sciences, physics, chemistry, biology, etc. Academics seems more important for knowing how William the Conqueror won the Battle of Hastings, Command for actually implementing it. But what's the roll to figure out how to win a battle in a new situation?
Science should not be into tactics and strategy. That's not a Science, despite the name. Nothing in tactics is a science, in any sense of the word.
Scion doesn't seem to have rules for that, but I'd say that Intelligence and Academics or Command should do the trick, maybe using the lower of the two.
There are rules on mass combat on the scale of armies in Companion: World at War, but quite frankly, learning a new language is less painful.

I'd imagine you would need to focus on Academics, Command, and Presence.

Edit: About your question Esbilon, I'd figure a Wits + Awareness...
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