[Legends of the Modern Age (Scion)] [Legends of the Modern Age (Scion)] Domain of Leisure

Not to be a killjoy, but the Geas does come with its fair share of drawbacks. If someone finds out what your Geas is, they can use it against you and really screw you up.
shepsquared said:
Yes and yes, but getting a certain geas on request will require a significant favour from the god in question
Awesome, and I expected no less.

Sherwood said:
Not to be a killjoy, but the Geas does come with its fair share of drawbacks. If someone finds out what your Geas is, they can use it against you and really screw you up.
I know. But I don't see that as a bad thing.
Esbilon said:
Awesome, and I expected no less.
I know. But I don't see that as a bad thing.
It will greatly depend on the exact wording of the Geas. If you have one that requires to always accept the hospitality of a stranger when offered, and one that says you cannot eat bird meat, you can be really in trouble if a enemy offers you hospitality and gives you bird meat to eat, making you break one of your Geas, and then you are subject to major whiplash from doing so.

I'm not trying to convince you not to do this, just don't assume that you can't get hurt in the process.
Sherwood said:
It will greatly depend on the exact wording of the Geas. If you have one that requires to always accept the hospitality of a stranger when offered, and one that says you cannot eat bird meat, you can be really in trouble if a enemy offers you hospitality and gives you bird meat to eat, making you break one of your Geas, and then you are subject to major whiplash from doing so.
I'm not trying to convince you not to do this, just don't assume that you can't get hurt in the process.
I'm only looking for one Geas which makes that kind of textbook examples irrelevant, and I never assumed that. Good things come at a price.
Ok then. Go for it. I was just trying to be the voice of caution, but it sounds like you are good to go.
@shepsquared I'd like to open up the question of Fast Learner (and the upgrade Star Pupil from Demigod). Would you be willing to let them give some discount at chargen, maybe not half price, but something. They are prerequisites for Concept to Execution (Companion p 58 ) which is the "build crazy stuff" knack, but I don't really need them for anything else and future xp discounts is rather lackluster.
I mean, it was a ring said to grant the power to "Rule"- so I'm thinkingg some kind of Charisma Bonus, or something? It was also cursed, not sure how to play that... So far, three dots in Purviews- for Chaos, Magic, and Jotunblot- and two dots left over for.. other traits, of a unique sort. Perhaps a Manipulation or Charisma boost..?
Esbilon said:
@shepsquared I'd like to open up the question of Fast Learner (and the upgrade Star Pupil from Demigod). Would you be willing to let them give some discount at chargen, maybe not half price, but something. They are prerequisites for Concept to Execution (Companion p 58 ) which is the "build crazy stuff" knack, but I don't really need them for anything else and future xp discounts is rather lackluster.
I don't like this idea, mainly because the knacks effectively give you free xp if you invest heavily in abilities, but nought else. I am willing to make it so that you have to have 2 epic int knacks instead of those 2 in particular to get Concept to Execution tho.

SephirothSage said:
Hey Shep. If I took The Ring Nibelung, as a 5 Dot Relic, what would the effects be?
That looks cool as hell, although I'm not certain about abilities. Maybe you can make people you touch with it become fanatically loyal to you (like the guns used by the sample dodekathon character in hero, but with loyalty instead of love/hate).

Esbilon said:
@shepsquared Any hints as to how combat heavy this game will be?
There will be combat. Not all the time, because characters can talk their way around/out of it, but it will be there. So make certain you can survive it at least
Seems reasonable- but... Two points of special abilities... Hmm... would that be one ability, or two, to make people loyal as per that?

Oh gods. I'm reminded how much I hate the classic point buy system. I'm trapped between reckless min/maxing and throwing xp into the toilet. I hate it.
Creating an emotion via touch costs 1 dot according to the companion. The second could let you create something similar to an exalted's anima which inspires fear/awe in those that see it.

And Ebsilon, since you seem to building around crafting: fast learner/star pupil may still be useful, since you'll need at least 1 dot in any given craft or science to craft certain things (spaceships, powered armor, etc)
Seems Acceptable, One dot on Inspiring Loyalty, One Dot on Inspiring Fear/Awe depending on how freindly I am to the given person?

Oh, and this is being taken by a Scion of Loki. The Joy.
I know. I'm not building around being a crafter, but I want to have the option later. I'll grab a few dots to start out and may or may not add more later.

Also, I'm completely lost on which divine parent to go for since my character is mainly based around mortal affairs. Any suggestions?
Here is a question for you, Shep. With the Illusion Purview, will it conceal a object from metal detectors as well as a body pat down? Since it is people that are monitoring the equipment, would it be able to cloud the minds of the security guards looking for it?
Hephastus, what with all the Crafting? Odin, maybe? Or maybe be my Brother? Get the Politics and Empathy Favored!
SephirothSage said:
Seems Acceptable, One dot on Inspiring Loyalty, One Dot on Inspiring Fear/Awe depending on how freindly I am to the given person?
Oh, and this is being taken by a Scion of Loki. The Joy.
Assuming you go for the anima-like function, the awe/fear would be much easier to ignore since it affects people en masse.

Sherwood said:
Here is a question for you, Shep. With the Illusion Purview, will it conceal a object from metal detectors as well as a body pat down? Since it is people that are monitoring the equipment, would it be able to cloud the minds of the security guards looking for it?
Probably, but it'd be enough to raise the difficulty by one (because the alert could be very loud and automated, so it's more difficult)

Esbilon said:
I know. I'm not building around being a crafter, but I want to have the option later. I'll grab a few dots to start out and may or may not add more later.
Also, I'm completely lost on which divine parent to go for since my character is mainly based around mortal affairs. Any suggestions?
Going a bit sideways, maybe one of the Loa? Since they're still very involved with the mortal plane, you could easily fit in with their approach

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