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Fandom Legend of Zelda: The Old Ways OOC

Hmmm. Wulf is blind, but his ears are sharp. Not to mention his constant companion, Shadow.
Sara, on the other hand, might have a slightly harder time.
Rosa has traveled before, but hasn't spend too much time in weird forests to know how to navigate
Alys likes adventuring and exploring new places and doesn’t really get lost easily even in a place she’s never been before. She’s also pretty intuitive, so even if she’s never been in a forest before, I think she could get through alright, though she might take a few wrong turns
Yeah xD after the first couple of times being sent back to the beginning, she’d probably figure out what she’s doing wrong
Okay, I am someone who is interested in the rp. I just want to know, before I start working on my character, if the plans I have for her wouldn't be able to work. My idea is for her to be a Gerudo around age 12-14, and a 'witch-in-training' (with 'witch' being whatever Koume and Kotake are) from a group of Gerudo that still practice the old ways of life. She'd likely join with the group at first out of necessity after being left behind, before truly coming in as a member of the anti-Ganon team. She would wield the four-sword, but in practice would be more of a spell-caster (hoping for her to get some of the rods like the fire, ice, and sand rods) who uses the four-sword to be the inverse of Twinrova (splitting into different parts each specializing in a particular magic due to being more concentrate).

Personality wise... I'll admit that I still need to think on this for a bit. I can see her as being somewhat shy in general, and (at first) distrustful of those outside of 'the tribe', but still have aspects of child-like innocence about her.
Extra123 Extra123 I noticed you were curious about the roles that have been taken by our existing characters. So, we seem to have a Blind Bard, a Druid(?) Ranger, 2 Swordswomen and a Mage. I'm actually using 2 characters myself, my chosen items are the Dark Crystal and the Ocarina of Time.
It's nice to see someone else wanting to join.
Would your Garudo be going to school in castle town or at Garudo town? Which is important to know since there were Garudo guest dancers at the festival
I was thinking of her being part of a nomadic group, one which could conceivably have been/currently be at the festival.
Though if she joined out if neccesity more then out of a want to help defeat Ganon why would she enter the lost woods with them?

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