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Fandom Legend of Zelda: The Old Ways OOC

SheepKing SheepKing Thanks for chiming in! Your answer helped.

The whole modernizing thing is why I sort of mentioned the "Florida vibe" initially, since I wasn't sure if y'all wanted everything to be more city-like than town/village (like it is in the game) while still being tropical and carrying some of the cultural flair (deserts/oases). Kinda like a less massively urban version of Tampa or Miami, lol. Don't think Flame was too keen on it though so I can just set that thought aside.
SheepKing SheepKing Thanks for chiming in! Your answer helped.

The whole modernizing thing is why I sort of mentioned the "Florida vibe" initially, since I wasn't sure if y'all wanted everything to be more city-like than town/village (like it is in the game) while still being tropical and carrying some of the cultural flair (deserts/oases). Kinda like a less massively urban version of Tampa or Miami, lol. Don't think Flame was too keen on it though so I can just set that thought aside.
Idk what a Florida vibe is, I'm not from the US and have never been there, soooo
Also there are still small towns over the world, same with occassionally a village somewhere in the middle of nowhere
Dgsjfjfsjdj this is very off topic but I’ve just noticed is that all of our characters’ so far have primary colors that are associated with the triforce

Power/Red: Dia shhh pink is just light red it totally counts

Wisdom/Blue: Roslyn

Courage/Green: Sara

The Triforce/Gold: Indira

lol just a neat coincidence but it’s pretty cool either way 😙
Dgsjfjfsjdj this is very off topic but I’ve just noticed is that all of our characters’ so far have primary colors that are associated with the triforce

Power/Red: Dia shhh pink is just light red it totally counts

Wisdom/Blue: Roslyn

Courage/Green: Sara

The Triforce/Gold: Indira

lol just a neat coincidence but it’s pretty cool either way 😙
I actually was brainstorming on what to do with the triforce actually, since you need the triforce of courage to initially wield the master sword
But then again... there's the thing about the magic being long gone and in the other eras someone already has the triforce
I actually was brainstorming on what to do with the triforce actually, since you need the triforce of courage to initially wield the master sword
Hmm…that’s a good question! Although, from what I remember the Links in botw, Alttp, and so on don’t wield the triforce of courage at the time they pull the master sword from it’s pedestal, although they do have to go through the shrines/collect the pendants as proof of their worthiness, so Roslyn might very well have to go through some sort of trial first 🤔

But then again... there's the thing about the magic being long gone and in the other eras someone already has the triforce
dhsjdjskfjdkf you posted right as I was about to respond lmao. But yeah! Maybe like with the other items, without magic the master sword has been weakened enough so that someone like Rosalyn is capable of wielding it now, and then a possible goal could be to get it back to its full power
Hmm…that’s a good question! Although, from what I remember the Links in botw, Alttp, and so on don’t wield the triforce of courage at the time they pull the master sword from it’s pedestal, although they do have to go through the shrines/collect the pendants as proof of their worthiness, so Roslyn might very well have to go through some sort of trial first 🤔

dhsjdjskfjdkf you posted right as I was about to respond lmao. But yeah! Maybe like with the other items, without magic the master sword has been weakened enough so that someone like Rosalyn is capable of wielding it now, and then a possible goal could be to get it back to its full power
BotW link has the triforce, he was just weakened so badly from his injuries and slumber that he lost most of his strength. I know Minish Cap Link doesn't have the triforce, but he doesn't wield the master sword.

Or the sword (or Fi to be precise) realizes there's a urgent need for the sword to help defeat Ganon and it doesn't matter in the modern era whether or not you have the triforce of courage, the sword still needs to choose you though
BotW link has the triforce, he was just weakened so badly from his injuries and slumber that he lost most of his strength
Dgsjdjdof wait hold on, do you have a source for this? I will admit I’m pretty dang forgetful but I don’t remember there being an explicit mention concerning the whereabouts of the triforce in botw save for some very mild implications that Zelda might have the triforce. Fhsjfjdb my mind is legit about to be blown if that’s actually true 🤯
I think anyway since I think he pulled the sword out at like age 12, so would the goddess or sword let a 12 year old just grab it?
I just checked the wiki, he did pull the sword from the pedestal at age 12, but was an exceptional swordsman at age 4, soo
I think anyway since I think he pulled the sword out at like age 12, so would the goddess or sword let a 12 year old just grab it?

Please correct me if I’m wrong but in wind waker doesn’t the triforce of courage collection quest begin after toon link pulls out (the admittedly weakened) master sword? If I’m right then there is precedent for the goddesses giving random children magic swords lol. And I initally figured botw Link pulling out the sword at such a young age was moreso related to him having the spirit of the hero and being at the right place at the right time that and even compared to the other links the dude really is just built different ig. Dhsjfjdj though at this point this is probably all just semantics and theorizing
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Please correct me if I’m wrong but in wind waker doesn’t the triforce of courage collection quest begin after toon link pulls out (the admittedly weakened) master sword? If I’m right then there is precedent for the goddesses giving random children magic swords lol. And I initally figured botw Link pulling out the sword was moreso related to him having the spirit of the hero, something all the various Link’s have that and even compared to the other links the dude really is just built different ig. Dhsjfjdj though at this point this is probably all just semantics and theorizing
Yeah, the only one where we know for certain on who has the triforce are Skyward Sword (after some trials I guess), Twilight Princess and Ocarina of Time(I think anyway)
But yeah, maybe just leave the triforce out of the rp for now
Added to the fact that Minish Cap Link, Ocarina of Time Link and Wind Waker Link(okay he was one day off age, whatever age that was) were just kids when they started
Dgsjfjfsjdj this is very off topic but I’ve just noticed is that all of our characters’ so far have primary colors that are associated with the triforce

Power/Red: Dia shhh pink is just light red it totally counts

Wisdom/Blue: Roslyn

Courage/Green: Sara

The Triforce/Gold: Indira

lol just a neat coincidence but it’s pretty cool either way 😙
That is absolutely wild, lol. I love that. Thanks for pointing it out.

Also, I threw out a post. Looking forward to seeing how it all goes.
No one liners and give people something to work with, but that's it. I usually try to match others in length

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