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Fandom Legend of Zelda: The Old Ways OOC

Nah, it was the dlc. It ran on food for fuel, so, theoretically, if that existed in the past for this rp, it’s possible that all modern vehicles were based off of it and also run on food rather than gasoline
Aruna would rather ride a horse then put food in his fuel tank though. (It'd have to be a big horse though)
To avoid a food shortage, it'd make more sense if the vehicles ran on food discards, like banana peels or the skin of durians, stuff like that rather than food itself. But I guess they weren't thinking about that when they made the zero cycle, since it was supposed to be the only one of its kind
Maybe it is one of a kind and the modern vihicles just run on fuel to indeed avoid a food shortage
So Aruna would probably get to the meet up place first then.

They could conceivably meet up at the inn closest to the Lost Woods. If I remember correctly, it’s only like a day’s walk from Castletown in-game, so it’d be like half a day on mounts/a few hours in vehicles. And depending on the time of day it currently is ic, I’m assuming either late morning or sometime in the afternoon? It was never really specified. They could all stop at the inn because it’s starting to get dark and then head to the Woods the next morning
Back to this, did you account for the monsters they're going to encounter along the way? They can probably avoid most of them, but not all of them.
Aruna, Alys and Rosa all have some type of weapon, Wulf, too, if you count his staff and dog. They can kill or knock out monsters. There's also the option of running from monsters when need be. In-game, monsters have been shown to be slower than Link sprinting, and monsters are definitely going to be slower than Aruna, Alys, Sara and Wulf, since they all have mounts. While bokoblins can ride horses, they would need to find the horses to ride, and as far as monsters commandeering vehicles go, I imagine it'd take them a minute to figure out how to actually turn them on, make them go and steer them, since they've never encountered them before and monsters, at least bokoblins and moblins, are shown to not be very intelligent. Lynels and lizafols are more intelligent, but lynels would hardly fit into a regular car, and lizafols wouldn't find much use for vehicles since they tend to either patrol in both water and beaches, or they like to camouflage themselves and wait for prey to approach.

Dia and Rosa would be the ones in the most danger from the monsters, since they're currently on foot. But again, Rosa has weapons, and I'm assuming took classes to learn how to use them, so she can protect Dia if they stick together.

Also, if we're going off botw (I can't speak for totk, since I haven't played it), there's significantly more monsters in Castletown, and as you roam away from it, you're going to find less monsters. Monster camps in-game tend to be away from main paths as well, so as long as they stick to the path, they shouldn't encounter too many monsters. There is, in botw, a very large monster camp on the way to the Lost Woods, but again, it's away from the main path and thus easily avoided. Not to say some monsters don't patrol the main path, and at this time they would have no camps so they'd probably be searching for a good place to set up camps for their groups, so they could very well run into scouting parties and such, but again, weapons and mounts, so they can fight or run. If there's a large amount of monsters in the small wooded area leading to the Lost Woods, that also provides a good reason for them to enter the creepy-looking Woods, too: if they're being tracked by a large group of monsters. Because the Lost Woods are designed to look uninviting until you get to the center in most games, and even in this day and age, the characters have probably heard rumors about people going missing in the Woods and never coming back, or never being able to get into the Woods in the first place, since it still has the magic protecting it.
You've clearly thought about that better then I did, which is fine, worldbuilding tends to take a while.

Rosa has had practice, but not against many living beings, she'd be able to manage protecting herself good enough.

Castle Town itself won't be on lockdown, just the castle, so when they eventually get outside and get dragged into the chaos at least the exits won't close on them (think Twilight Princess castle town, but modern)

Then I guess Dia and Rosa could grab a horse from the stables, provided there still are horses, go by Rosa's house for snacks and her personal horse and then head off towards the woods.
I'm just a really big Zelda nerd. I even had a One x One Zelda rp, so I studied how the monsters acted and where they were located and such so we could be as accurate with the monsters as possible.

It would definitely be an adjustment for both Rosa and Alys, fighting a living being. Alys has had practice sparring with other people, but never actually attempting to hurt someone.

Good to know, it would also make going back to Castletown in the future easier, since they'd just have to enter the town and such.

Alys and Sara did leave horses in the stables, since they didn't want them panicking and stampeding and hurting people, so as long as the bokoblins haven't gotten there, they should be able to grab a horse. If there are monsters on the castle grounds, they'd probably be more interested in the people at the moment, chasing them and causing them to panic more, rather than exploring and finding horses.
Ganon wants to rule Hyrule though, so he'd only have the people who resist killed as an example.

Lynels are tricky since they can outrun you, given they're half horse or something, so I imagine that Aruna would have the most luck with that, at least in modern times. He's currently helping people evacuate.

On the dark age thing, anything they have already is usuable, if a tank has one missile left, aim manually and fire (not too sure why they wouldn't use all the ammo left to protect people though) and not all the monsters have shields.

I also need to figure out how they can kill Ganon since there's no triforce useable in that sense other then Ganon's piece (and I'm not even sure what that does), but for simplicities sake TotK does not exist, also for plot purposes since they will eventually reach Skyloft and TotK seems to just... change history if we go by timeline logic.

But so far for lore/maps we have the map of BotW, a modernised Castle Town from TW, and the history of the first 'hero' being Link from SS.
So the big question would be, how many people would overtly oppose him and are any of them related to our characters. Alys's family fled to their beach house in Lurelin, so they would not be participating in any anti-Ganon leagues.

Lynels aren't too tricky, since they're mostly non-aggressive. As long as you don't get too close to them, and don't pull out a weapon, they leave you be. There could probably be a few lynels wandering around that have a more aggressive personality, just for fun. Lynels are the most intelligent monsters, and actually started out as guardian deities for Death Mountain, so they probably have different personalities that the games couldn't give them. Like one might be really friendly and helpful, and another might be extremely territorial and attack on sight to scare people away from their home.

Would their cellphones still work? Or would the blackout have affected all electronics?
Not like, as far as calls and text messages. But like, turning on or using them as flashlights.
Not like, as far as calls and text messages. But like, turning on or using them as flashlights.
So long as the battery lasts XD

I mean, the Lynel near Zora's domain just shoots you on sight even if you're not carrying a weapon.

Aruna's mother is at Garudo Town, his father... probably dead, not important to the story (so far anyway).

As for who would oppose Ganon? Police most likely to protect civilians. Politicians, no explanation needed other then their chosen occupation.

So yeah, the monsters could be mostly to scare everyone and keep them in line, but I do imagine Ganon wouldn't approve if a monster killed someone for no reason within city limits, and directly beyond. Hell he'd probably let Dia and Rosa leave the castle if they get stuck inside and they ask nicely. I'm gonna have fun playing around with him, just need to find a balance between he's evil, but does try to care for his new and forced subjects.

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