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Fantasy Legacies: World at War - OOC

Alright one more and I gotta call it a night, man.

But, hey! I just completed my first ever battle using the dice system! That was actually very fun, not gonna lie.
I'm updating Mei's sheet with the damage rolls in case she and Domori get dragged into the battle with Heath and the Death Knight.
What happens now?
Heath has Paralysis (He must make a Dexterity saving throw every turn attempt to shake it off), he has Mind Wipe which is halved intelligence and disadvantage on magic attacks for 4 turns.
Heath has Paralysis (He must make a Dexterity saving throw every turn attempt to shake it off), he has Mind Wipe which is halved intelligence and disadvantage on magic attacks for 4 turns.
Well, dang.

If Heath doesn't it shake if off next turn, someone's getting tagged in no doubt.
Well, dang.

If Heath doesn't it shake if off next turn, someone's getting tagged in no doubt.
Lol yeah, dont worry, Mei's gonna tell Domori that they should go help Heath cause Kumii is down for a few hours with Magic Fatigue.
Bruh is the Death Knight starting to pop off? what the hell is going on xD
It's so unfortunate though...

He managed to paralyze both Mei and Heath as well as doo max damage to Mei before doing so...
Yo wtf they just got tagged in tho???

Hell nah we might need Akuhei too

The Death Knight is a freaking tank
Mei managed to deal some damage before she went down though.
Also, Mind wipe effectively get rid of her passive trait too sooooo...

she has a lower intelligence stat then the Death Knight now xD
I updated Mei's sheet a bit more.

Gave Demon Drill the added effect of 'When the target is knocked down, all incoming attacks are guaranteed hits.'
Doesn't matter now, right? Because the Death Knight can't be knocked down?

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