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Fantasy Legacies: World at War - OOC

I wonder if Dervenin should make a visit to Kuragiri and give the man a little scare lol
I wonder if Dervenin should make a visit to Kuragiri and give the man a little scare lol
Oooh, hold on that's actually not a bad thought.

Dervenin is the "God of Chaos and Madness" and Kuragiri is going mad down there in that cellar. So, we could essentially say that Kuragiri is going crazy, and who's better to visit him than the king of being deranged, Dervenin?
Oooh, hold on that's actually not a bad thought.

Dervenin is the "God of Chaos and Madness" and Kuragiri is going mad down there in that cellar. So, we could essentially say that Kuragiri is going crazy, and who's better to visit him than the king of being deranged, Dervenin?
Lol Dervenin helps him escape in exchange for a 'favor' later on
Lol Dervenin helps him escape in exchange for a 'favor' later on
Yoo, we're cooking right now, Kumii.

But of means of him escape, let's just have him help Kuragiri escape the cellar, and not Seiryoku entirely. He's not finished there yet.
Yoo, we're cooking right now, Kumii.

But of means of him escape, let's just have him help Kuragiri escape the cellar, and not Seiryoku entirely. He's not finished there yet.
I know.

But you know, I gotta have some fun with Dervenin, he is the god of Madness and Chaos.
lI mean, the whole time hes been fighting he has been lol
Nah I agree, I'm just saying. He already lost 28 health points and dealt much less damage than he received. Two fights back to back, my boy is struggling.
Nah I agree, I'm just saying. He already lost 28 health points and dealt much less damage than he received. Two fights back to back, my boy is struggling.
Ohhh okay, I misread what you said lol

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