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Fantasy Legacies: World at War - OOC

"I got you now"
"That all you got?"

Riveting battle.
This is the lamest battle of the roleplay yet it's actually insane.

These two are supposed to be The Strongest to Boss Level threats too.
Oh yeah, Heath's fire dot ended this turn so no more fire damage after that. He's still got two turns left on feeble though.
This is the lamest battle of the roleplay yet it's actually insane.

These two are supposed to be The Strongest to Boss Level threats too.
In terms of in character roleplay, it's insane, them dodging attacks for each other. For us, it's boring cause we cant type much on misses xD
Is Kuragiri gonna trust this random offering him an escape or will he choose to stay chained to the wall?

Alternatively he can choose to question the man's motives.
This is entirely within Dervenin's character too. He's a God who loves to mess with mortal affairs with offers like this.

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