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Fantasy Legacies: World at War - OOC

Yoooooo, this looks so cool Shark! Love that you always think up these sort of questions about our world. I'll definitely go more in depth with what I think on this, but right now the matchup that stands out that I just wanna give my brief thoughts on is Ironshire squad vs. our original/main squad. That's honestly such a tough one! The other ones going down the list I can pretty much pick a side but this ones kind of tough. Right now my main thoughts are on an experience level. Original squad definitely has experience over Ironshire squad, plus numbers. But Ironshire squad has a bit more versatility. Finch can you use both melee and ranged attacks, Serana has her whole flame empress thing that makes her a pain to deal with, and Joker has a bunch of different gadgets. But the little misfits are a bit dysfunctional. I've been playing with making Finch awkward to work with as a team member because he's so used to trying to prove himself that he's not super team oriented. So there's that, which might also play into the experience aspect. But there's also Mateo's curse, which if he transforms and the misfit squad figure out how to utilize him against his own team in his cursed form (which is really just attacking the closest person to him), that could be pretty clutch for them. This one's tough lol
I like this take here. I was thinking that this would be a pretty even matchup too, which is why I put them together.

[After you read either the summary or the full thing, please read what's at the bottom.)

TL;DR - I think the Misfits DO have the versatility card on their hands here. They win 2/3 of the matchups. But. I don't think they'd be able to keep up with Rai. He has the battle experience (he's collected over 300 bounties, fought the Death Knight, killed the Unholy One, and killed the Nameless Knight), he has the speed to be able to speed-blitz Joker and Finch, and his voltages have the capability of incapacitating them. (None of them have an electrical resistance, so something like an Omnidirectional Wave could work.) In all, this'll be a hard carry by Rai, in my opinion. But if that isn't enough, Skyla and Mateo's Phoenix (+ the chance of him transforming) adds a little to the win.

I think the Misfits have some advantages here. I don't mean to correct you, but Misfits have the numbers over Skyla Squad. Mika isn't in this, so that would make it a 3v3. And as of now, Mateo isn't exactly a threat offensively (unless he transforms). So Skyla and Rai are at a disadvantage here. However, that doesn't mean they're completely out of this.

Joker's electrical gadgets wouldn't work on Rai, and the others would. But, Rai can achieve lightning speeds with his magic, which could be used to speed-blitz him. Joker's shadow-jumping COULD save him from this, but it all depends on his reaction speed. However, with Rai's battle experience and voltages, he could possibly incapacitate Joker and finish him off.

Serana vs. Skyla would also be a REALLY REALLY close matchup. They both use swords/lances, can create protective constructs, and have versatile movesets, but I think Serana would take this one. First, her Magma Will makes her stronger and stronger with every time she's hurt, which would increasingly make things harder for Skyla the more she does damage. Then, there's the physicality differences. Serana's modifications give her increased intellect, visual processing, better magic power, etc. And then her Flame Empress State comes in. Because of all this, I don't think Skyla would be able to keep up against her physically.

Finch vs. Mateo. Now, I'm not gonna make Mateo seem like dead weight here. Mateo has his Phoenix book as his main line of offense. We've seen in battle that it can do some serious damage while being able to maintain range, and it also can change things up depending on Mateo's command. (i remember him doing that one time). It also has a great moveset. Mateo has also killed a Dragon, fought against the Death Knight, and other enemies stronger than Finch (even though he got carried) and he has his curse. And if things get to the point of him being taken over by it, his odds will skyrocket.
But, in Mateo's base form, I think he'd get wiped out pretty quickly. Finch has a bird too, and because Mateo is weaker than most, attacks from Finch like "Stiff as Board' or "Guardian Spirit" would incapacitate Mateo pretty quickly. (imagine our poor boy getting slammed by wind smh)

But, regardless of all this being stated, I still think Skyla Squad wins this, and that's gonna be because of Rai. He has his speed which he can blitz quickly with, along with his volts that can put someone out of commission (which is also his specialty). Rai also has the fighting experience that comes with being a bounty hunter, along with battles with powerful bosses such as the Death Knight, the Unholy One, and the Nameless Knight. Yes, he had help for all three of these instances, but he killed two of them, and they're all S+ Ranked threats. Those feats and his abilities alone make him a bit of a powerhouse right now.

The only person I can see being able to keep up with him would be Serana. But If Rai takes out Finch and Joker early, that would leave her alone against the others. And, I don't think that's a battle she can win.

(Before you respond, just know that I'm not saying Rai will win because he's my character 😭 That's another level of glazing. I'm not saying Misfits don't have a chance, I just don't think they can keep up with him enough for the win. He's actually a very strong character. There's a reason he's nearly an A Class ranked bounty hunter with over 300 bounties collected, and also known as "The Thunderous Hunter". I know we've seen him get his butt kicked quite a few times throughout the roleplay, but he had to get nerfed for story purposes. Don't assume I'm right though! Please feel free to oppose! That's the point of all this anyway .)
Skyla Squad does have the numbers. I think we all forget sometimes that Cora exists 😭 lol He's like half a character but its fineee---

I do agree though. It'd have to be Rai/Skyla carry here, with Mateo and Cora as support (they're mostly built for support right now anyways. Mateo's gonna get much stronger towards the end of his chapter/when I finally get around to revamping his sheet and Cora just needs to be an actual character lol). Rai definitely does carry this with his speed. Big threat on the Misfit side is Serana, while Finch is pretty durable thanks to his spirit bird thingy providing some healing to him, so I feel like he could stick around for a little longer to provide support here and there for Serana. If they play their cards right, they could def wipe out Mateo, I'm sorry my poor boy but you're a healer not a fighter. Though Mateo is smart, so I feel like he could prolong his getting knocked out by staying back and commanding the phoenix from a far. Finch's wind abilities might be a pain for him though, because they could easily push him forward and allow the Misfits to beat him up, and he could also get long range shots on him with his bow. I think Serana can also go long range with some spells. Cora's a bit tougher because of his whole saber tooth thing. I feel like he'd be able to overpower Joker just by his size, and he could become a pain for Serana to deal with by freezing her up so Rai and Skyla can jump her. Which makes it even less of a chance that they'll dodge Rai's already fast paced lightning moves. Plus, if you keep Mateo around long enough, Rai and Skyla get an extra pool of health to dip into if they start getting low through his healing spells. I also feel like Skyla squad is better at mixing and matching their moves and working as a team to help each other in the fight. Mateo with his healing (and maybe some other buffs we'll see how I plan him), and Cora can get the other team iced up so that Rai and Skyla have an opening for attacks. And Rai and Skyla are good at combos. Misfit squad just doesn't have that level of teamwork yet that makes Skyla sqaud so effective in battle.

Misfits definitely have some things going for them, but Skyla squad wins 100%.

There's also strategies that come into play, which could throw the whole battle in each other's favors. What would Misfit squad really focus on, cutting down the numbers of the enemy team by taking out the weakest links first, or sending their energy first towards the big threat. With the latter it gives Skyla squad more healing with Mateo still on the field and more chances to knock out Misfit since they're still up. On Misfits side, that would leave Skyla squad vulnerable to Joker's gadgets. That is if they go after the big guys first. Go after melee fighters or the magic users? Kill the tiger and get rid of the ice advantage for Skyla squad's attacks? How each team plans out their strategy also severely affects things.
Skyla Squad does have the numbers. I think we all forget sometimes that Cora exists 😭 lol He's like half a character but its fineee---
Yoo...how do I keep forgetting about that cat?! I brought up the Phoenix before him...I gotta be tweaking...
Misfit squad just doesn't have that level of teamwork yet that makes Skyla sqaud so effective in battle.
Mmm, that's a point I forgot to bring up. Skyla Squad has known each other for what, 7 months now? Plus the battles they've been through together? They have team chemistry that just isn't present with the Misfits yet.
How each team plans out their strategy also severely affects things.
FACTS. We're just going off the idea that they plan things right, but in the case that Skyla Squad messes things up, the tables could turn drastically. Now, Serana does have great intellect, according to her sheet, but once again, the team chemistry is still developing, so executing that may be a problem.

But regardless, that two votes for Skyla Squad! We still have to wait for Kumii to give his response, but, that means Skyla, Mateo, Rai, AND CORA advance to the next round. They'll either have to fight Heath and the Shugoshas or Ryunni, Nia, and Kishi next.
Okay, here we go;

Skyla Squad vs. Ironshire Squad;
This is tough like Alpha said but ultimately i think Skyla and her band of up and coming Heroes would win purely because they have the firepower advantage. They've Skyla herself and Rai who are two of the toughest and strongest members of team respectively. They've got Mateo who can keep them in the fight longer and Cora who I feel is sort of the DPS/Support (mainly DPS). Where we've got Joker, Serana and Finch who don't really have a main focus. Serana is a pain with her basic tanking setup but has no healing or support really. Joker and his gadgets can only get them so far and Finch, while part of the guard, is rather inexperienced I feel. I vote for Team Skyla.

Also, SharkBark SharkBark Did you really put High Queen Maria against Sister Julianna??
Also, SharkBark SharkBark Did you really put High Queen Maria against Sister Julianna??
Nah, it's Queen Maria's Royal Guards vs. The Death Knight's Creations and Horsemen.

That's a triple vote for Team Skyla, meaning that they move onto the next round, meanwhile Team Misfits makes an early exit. What a tragic ending for such a promising lineup of young rookies. They brought their A-Game, but it just wasn't enough to handle the seasoned vets they faced. But, there's plenty of potential to be harvested during the offseason.

my-image (1).pngI thought we were starting up and going down, but I guess we can do it differently. We'll go directly across from our previous matchup, to the one Kumii just mentioned. Queen Maria's Royal Guards vs. The Death Knight's Creations/Horsemen.

The Royal Guard roster includes:
- The Iron Flash, a large and powerful light magic user with impeccable speed for his size.
- Zara Illana, the youngest member of the Guards skilled with her blazing flame magic.
- Ignis Solacion, an absolute genius who's mind is a significant key during battles, despite not being able to use magic.
- Victor Hapsburg, one of, if not the most skilled Guard in terms of defense. His reflexes exceed catlike.
- Lulu Pullizter, the quiet and soft guard who turns into a lethal force once she decides to get loud.
- Michael Rambar VII, the guard with strange galactic abilities that exceed the so-called limitations of darkness magic.
- Luis Theodore, the assassin butler that will cleans up not only messes, but foes as well.
- And Kieran Hunts, the quick and nimble half-elf with lightning fast and precise strikes with his rapier.

The Creations/Horseman roster includes:
- Sister Julianna, the puppet creation with an icy scythe that can chill foes to the bone.
- Terra, the soulless horseman with darkness abilities.
- Lady Justiana, the vampire horseman with a vicious bite to accompany her spindle of sharp threads.
- Night's Calvary, the Horseman of War a menacing presence that he can most certainly back up with his actions.

Kumii Kumii To make things fair, I think you should nominate four members of the Royal Guard to take on the Horsemen/Creations, otherwise it's just them getting jumped. Unless you believe they can take them on.

ALSO, we must assume that all characters can die here and the others know how to kill them. Terra's immortality is void for now.
Nah, it's Queen Maria's Royal Guards vs. The Death Knight's Creations and Horsemen.

That's a triple vote for Team Skyla, meaning that they move onto the next round, meanwhile Team Misfits makes an early exit. What a tragic ending for such a promising lineup of young rookies. They brought their A-Game, but it just wasn't enough to handle the seasoned vets they faced. But, there's plenty of potential to be harvested during the offseason.

View attachment 1166802I thought we were starting up and going down, but I guess we can do it differently. We'll go directly across from our previous matchup, to the one Kumii just mentioned. Queen Maria's Royal Guards vs. The Death Knight's Creations/Horsemen.

The Royal Guard roster includes:
- The Iron Flash, a large and powerful light magic user with impeccable speed for his size.
- Zara Illana, the youngest member of the Guards skilled with her blazing flame magic.
- Ignis Solacion, an absolute genius who's mind is a significant key during battles, despite not being able to use magic.
- Victor Hapsburg, one of, if not the most skilled Guard in terms of defense. His reflexes exceed catlike.
- Lulu Pullizter, the quiet and soft guard who turns into a lethal force once she decides to get loud.
- Michael Rambar VII, the guard with strange galactic abilities that exceed the so-called limitations of darkness magic.
- Luis Theodore, the assassin butler that will cleans up not only messes, but foes as well.
- And Kieran Hunts, the quick and nimble half-elf with lightning fast and precise strikes with his rapier.

The Creations/Horseman roster includes:
- Sister Julianna, the puppet creation with an icy scythe that can chill foes to the bone.
- Terra, the soulless horseman with darkness abilities.
- Lady Justiana, the vampire horseman with a vicious bite to accompany her spindle of sharp threads.
- Night's Calvary, the Horseman of War a menacing presence that he can most certainly back up with his actions.

Kumii Kumii To make things fair, I think you should nominate four members of the Royal Guard to take on the Horsemen/Creations, otherwise it's just them getting jumped. Unless you believe they can take them on.

ALSO, we must assume that all characters can die here and the others know how to kill them. Terra's immortality is void for now.
Nah, even against the four weakest Royal Guards, The Horsemen can't really do much.

Even so, Kieran, Luis, Lulu and Victor are my nominations.
Nah, even against the four weakest Royal Guards, The Horsemen can't really do much.

Even so, Kieran, Luis, Lulu and Victor are my nominations.
Alright then, so tomorrow we can get this started (not now because its 2AM). Since you, the creator of every Horseman say yourself that they lose, this probably shouldn't be a long discussion.

Goodnight, homie.
Alright then, so tomorrow we can get this started (not now because its 2AM). Since you, the creator of every Horseman say yourself that they lose, this probably shouldn't be a long discussion.

Goodnight, homie.
I only say that because every Royal Guard is meant to protect the High Queen of the country. Justiana might the only one who could stand a decent chance lol
Also there's whole second set of magical abilities that Julianna has that hasn't been revealed yet. With those, she becomes almost twice as strong but its early in her story so, not yet lol
I only say that because every Royal Guard is meant to protect the High Queen of the country. Justiana might the only one who could stand a decent chance lol
Dang, only one of them?

I put them against each other because I thought it'd be an even matchup, not a sweep. My bad, man.
Dang, only one of them?

I put them against each other because I thought it'd be an even matchup, not a sweep. My bad, man.
Nah, the Horsemen just are tuned more for the main story.

I guess if you wanted to put them up to their full power, they'd stand up to four of the Royal Guards at least. Like I said, Julianna has a whole other moveset hidden at the moment which I dont mind revealing for the purposes of this little tournament.
SharkBark SharkBark
Also, I have an idea for an attack for the Death Knight and I was wondering if it was okay with you if it was a guaranteed hit if the Death Knight rolls high enough.

It'll be a two-turn attack, that if it lands, will deal massive damage (I was thinking either 2d20 or 3d20 damage.) but leaves him open to counter attacks if it goes off. It cant crit so if I roll a nat 20 then it'll deal normal damage.
Nah, the Horsemen just are tuned more for the main story.

I guess if you wanted to put them up to their full power, they'd stand up to four of the Royal Guards at least. Like I said, Julianna has a whole other moveset hidden at the moment which I dont mind revealing for the purposes of this little tournament.
Nah, it's fine, you can save that for the story.

Let's hear your thoughts first. You said the four horsemen can't even take on the four weakest Guards, so I wanna hear how the Guards would defeat them.
SharkBark SharkBark
Also, I have an idea for an attack for the Death Knight and I was wondering if it was okay with you if it was a guaranteed hit if the Death Knight rolls high enough.

It'll be a two-turn attack, that if it lands, will deal massive damage (I was thinking either 2d20 or 3d20 damage.) but leaves him open to counter attacks if it goes off. It cant crit so if I roll a nat 20 then it'll deal normal damage.
Wow, uhh, that's a pretty powerful attack. It has a potentially 40-60 damage.

For having it land on Heath? That's gonna be a big no for me. That's a large drain of his health, and even if it does leave the Death Knight open, Heath probably isn't gonna be able to do nearly as much damage as he just took.

But, if you wanna see the attack that badly, I could bring in one of the high level Seiryoku soldiers. Either Firebrand, the big dude in the Seiryoku soldiers sheet that counts as his own class. Or, Kikuchi, the guy who can make a giant version of himself from earth.

But I'm gonna spare Heath this one, sorry.
Nah, it's fine, you can save that for the story.

Let's hear your thoughts first. You said the four horsemen can't even take on the four weakest Guards, so I wanna hear how the Guards would defeat them.
Well, they have teamwork above all else.

If we took Kieran, Luis, Zara and Lulu. Luis' Excellent Service would immediately be active and boost his allies' power. Kieran has the speed so he'd rush in and attack with his lightning quick attacks and because of Luis' Excellent Service., its boosted. Then we got Zara, while she gets boosted power from being paired with Ignis, she'd still feel threatened and her Dormant state would change into Flame Fairy, granting her a considerable boost in power. And Lulu could just scream really and disorient the Horsemen.

The Horseman's powers are selfish while the Royal Guards all have some sort of team-based passive or active ability.

Wow, uhh, that's a pretty powerful attack. It has a potentially 40-60 damage.

For having it land on Heath? That's gonna be a big no for me. That's a large drain of his health, and even if it does leave the Death Knight open, Heath probably isn't gonna be able to do nearly as much damage as he just took.

But, if you wanna see the attack that badly, I could bring in one of the high level Seiryoku soldiers. Either Firebrand, the big dude in the Seiryoku soldiers sheet that counts as his own class. Or, Kikuchi, the guy who can make a giant version of himself from earth.

But I'm gonna spare Heath this one, sorry.
It would've hit whoever it could've. If it rolled a 13, it'd hit Mei if it rolled 15 it could've hit Heath or Mei. Just depended on who I was feeling like it would hit. But just an FYI, you or I may not get a choice with stronger attacks like this in the future. Especially towards the end of the RP where the rules of death slowly get lifted as we near the end.
Then the Luis, Lulu, Kieran and Victor team is just like what said except that Victor is just going to evade/parry almost all the attacks that the horseman throw at him. He's a literal one-man army.
I just wanna say, the BHA SSS-rank vs the Harpies is such an unfair fight. Given everything we know about the SSS-Ranks. Julius alone could take them on. His King's Swords ability alone makes him truly terrifying. But then you add in someone like Sia who can rooted things in place with her nature abilities and you essentially have the best tag team possibly in the RP. Let's not forget Eliezer Allaire. His strong nose would come in handy, at least for a bit until it eventually overwhelms him. Magnus is a powerhouse on his own as well and his second wind ultimate gives him extra points in survivability.

The Harpies would have to have some pretty crazy coordination to take on the BHA's Best.

My vote for that goes to the BHA's Elite. I know we're still on Death Knight's creations and the Royal Guard but I thought I should share my thoughts lol
Out of curiousity, SharkBark SharkBark , Magnus' Slip and Roll ability. Do you think that would evade Julius' King's Swords Ultimate if him and Magnus fought?
I just wanna say, the BHA SSS-rank vs the Harpies is such an unfair fight. Given everything we know about the SSS-Ranks. Julius alone could take them on. His King's Swords ability alone makes him truly terrifying. But then you add in someone like Sia who can rooted things in place with her nature abilities and you essentially have the best tag team possibly in the RP. Let's not forget Eliezer Allaire. His strong nose would come in handy, at least for a bit until it eventually overwhelms him. Magnus is a powerhouse on his own as well and his second wind ultimate gives him extra points in survivability.

The Harpies would have to have some pretty crazy coordination to take on the BHA's Best.

My vote for that goes to the BHA's Elite. I know we're still on Death Knight's creations and the Royal Guard but I thought I should share my thoughts lol
Yeah, BHA SSS-Ranks and Magnys definitely clears.

Haha, I knew there'd be a lot of easy defeats here. That's why I had said that a lot of the matchups were pretty unfair. There are many groups in the roleplay that are just naturally more powerful than others, so it's survival of the fittest here.
Out of curiousity, SharkBark SharkBark , Magnus' Slip and Roll ability. Do you think that would evade Julius' King's Swords Ultimate if him and Magnus fought?
The attack never misses, and Magnus is only a human. No, he's not dodging that.

Magnus's sheet is actually still a work in progress, and one of the updates to it is that with Slip and Roll, attacks that are critical hits are not able to be dodged. And we can just assume that the same goes for auto-hits.

But it would have it's damage decreased. Once I finish with Magnus' sheet, you'll see why.
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Well, they have teamwork above all else.

If we took Kieran, Luis, Zara and Lulu. Luis' Excellent Service would immediately be active and boost his allies' power. Kieran has the speed so he'd rush in and attack with his lightning quick attacks and because of Luis' Excellent Service., its boosted. Then we got Zara, while she gets boosted power from being paired with Ignis, she'd still feel threatened and her Dormant state would change into Flame Fairy, granting her a considerable boost in power. And Lulu could just scream really and disorient the Horsemen.

The Horseman's powers are selfish while the Royal Guards all have some sort of team-based passive or active ability.
Yeahh, I see now that a lot of the Royal Guards have skillsets with moves that compliment one another. I think that alone makes them a force that hte Horseman just can't handle. And even if the Horsemen were to somehow defeat the Royal Guards, then they'd have to deal with the other four, the strongest four.
It would've hit whoever it could've. If it rolled a 13, it'd hit Mei if it rolled 15 it could've hit Heath or Mei. Just depended on who I was feeling like it would hit. But just an FYI, you or I may not get a choice with stronger attacks like this in the future. Especially towards the end of the RP where the rules of death slowly get lifted as we near the end.
I'm sure that's true. But for now, I'll say no to that strong attack, seeing that this only my second battle with the dice system.
I know we haven't seen much of them, and I haven't finished their lore sheet yet, but would we be able to stick the dragonslayers somewhere into this as well?
I know we haven't seen much of them, and I haven't finished their lore sheet yet, but would we be able to stick the dragonslayers somewhere into this as well?
Ohh, that'd be great. If they had a sheet I'd probably have added them in the original bracket.\ my-image.png

But taking a gander at this, I only see that they would have to fight the Death Knight and his generals. I feel like that wouldn't exactly be a fair battle, so I'll do you a favor.

I'll put the Seiryoku Soldiers in here as well for them to go against. Sound good? All you gotta do is give me an image to represent the Dragonslayers, whether it be of a singular person or the group as a whole, and we're good. It's only the first round, so we have time to squeeze some people in.

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