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Fantasy Legacies: World at War - OOC

Yeah, BHA SSS-Ranks and Magnys definitely clears.

Haha, I knew there'd be a lot of easy defeats here. That's why I had said that a lot of the matchups were pretty unfair. There are many groups in the roleplay that are just naturally more powerful than others, so it's survival of the fittest here.

The attack never misses, and Magnus is only a human. No, he's not dodging that.

Magnus's sheet is actually still a work in progress, and one of the updates to it is that with Slip and Roll, attacks that are critical hits are not able to be dodged. And we can just assume that the same goes for auto-hits.

But it would have it's damage decreased. Once I finish with Magnus' sheet, you'll see why.
King's Sword isn't a critical hit but yeah, I guess since it says it never misses. I was still curious lol
my-image (2).png
Alright, here we are. The new and improved current bracket.

Order from left-side downward:
Luminosa's Guard vs. Ironshire's Guard
The BHA SSS-Ranks (with Magnus) vs. Harpys (a large cluster of them)
Heath and Shugoshas vs. Nia, Ryunni, and Kishi (plus August to make it even)
Misfits vs. Skyla Squad (minus Mika) [Skyla Squads wins!]

Order from right-side downward:
The Dragonslayers vs. The Seiryoku Empire Troops
The Death Knight and Generals vs. No one, because no group deserves to go out that early.
Kumii and Mei vs. The Onyx Bandits
Queen Maria's Royal Guard vs. The Death Knight's Creations and Horsemen
Also, i'm updating Cyan's sheet (yet again) to include some new and improved and updated attacks for the dice rolling system.

He's gonna get a bit stronger from this...
Also, i'm updating Cyan's sheet (yet again) to include some new and improved and updated attacks for the dice rolling system.

He's gonna get a bit stronger from this...
Can't wait til he begins to make more of an impact in the roleplay. I'm sure he will during the Invasion of Ironshire.

The only time I recall him being mentioned is during Kuragiri's little rampage where he was watching in the distance.
From that pic, it looks they'd be from Norheim lol

Norheim is definitely closer to norse/viking culture given its northern most position on the map.
They actually are originally from Norheim and migrated down to the Rhythm Nation on a quest for vengeance (I'll wait until I post the WIP sheet to give you anymore info on what exactly that entails. Just wanna give it a read over before a post it for errors). And then they permanently settled in their valley and built up their little viking dragonslayer empire.
They actually are originally from Norheim and migrated down to the Rhythm Nation on a quest for vengeance (I'll wait until I post the WIP sheet to give you anymore info on what exactly that entails. Just wanna give it a read over before a post it for errors). And then they permanently settled in their valley and built up their little viking dragonslayer empire.
Gotcha. Good see Norheim getting some love.
Can't wait til he begins to make more of an impact in the roleplay. I'm sure he will during the Invasion of Ironshire.

The only time I recall him being mentioned is during Kuragiri's little rampage where he was watching in the distance.
He definitely will, just gotta get to the invasion first lol
Yayyyy the WIP is up. I posted it with all the like note slides I had in it to get the full picture if I missed anything back when I had been actively working on it.
Aaaand his updated sheet is done.
Yoo, I knew Cyan wasn't to be played with, but DAMN. That man is elite.

One of my favorite parts about it is the fact that his water magic mastery makes his water attacks count as basic attacks, meaning he can use them over and over again. EVEN Rejuvenating Rainfall.

AND GEEZ. Let me fight alongside this man. His Demon of Ironshire skillset will turn even MATEO into a threat. EVEN AIKO! (my bad AlphaBlueWolf AlphaBlueWolf )

I think his ultimate makes him more of the "Angel of Ironshire" rather than the "Demon" the way it attributes his allies.

Also, just one little thing that kinda irks me, it's petty and dumb of me, I know 😭 Tons of people, even AIKO (yoo your characters are catching strays out here, my fault Alpha) are in Cyan's relationship sheet with the little "???" there. Except for my boy Rai! He exists too 😢
Inb4 The Death Knight also takes flight....


He doesn't.
*Death Knight sprouts wings from his armor*
Yayyyy the WIP is up. I posted it with all the like note slides I had in it to get the full picture if I missed anything back when I had been actively working on it.
Oh yeahh, lemme put my reading glasses on.
Also, just one little thing that kinda irks me, it's petty and dumb of me, I know 😭 Tons of people, even AIKO (yoo your characters are catching strays out here, my fault Alpha) are in Cyan's relationship sheet with the little "???" there. Except for my boy Rai! He exists too 😢


Shut up

*sneaks away to fix it*
Also, AlphaBlueWolf AlphaBlueWolf You're giving more lore about the places in my world then I am. It's kind of upsetting lol

do you just wanna take over for me doing that lol
Also, small note;

When you said 'Norheimans' the correct terms for natives from there are 'Norheimers'
Yayyyy the WIP is up. I posted it with all the like note slides I had in it to get the full picture if I missed anything back when I had been actively working on it.
Just finished it...that's a work in progress??? Your work in progress is more than just about any of my finished products 😭

Loving it so far though. Reading through the different clans makes me think about what'll happen once he reaches the valley. I can only imagine the Berkir getting to him first...

Just finished it...that's a work in progress??? Your work in progress is more than just about any of my finished products 😭

Loving it so far though. Reading through the different clans makes me think about what'll happen once he reaches the valley. I can only imagine the Berkir getting to him first...


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