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Fantasy Legacies: World at War - OOC

If Mei's next hit roll crits... i'll unveil her ultimate that i have planned....
Also, AlphaBlueWolf AlphaBlueWolf You're giving more lore about the places in my world then I am. It's kind of upsetting lol

do you just wanna take over for me doing that lol
Just finished it...that's a work in progress??? Your work in progress is more than just about any of my finished products 😭

Loving it so far though. Reading through the different clans makes me think about what'll happen once he reaches the valley. I can only imagine the Berkir getting to him first...

XD Thanks!!! I mean it took a hell of a long time to finish Hydjorn, Stalki, and Drenaor, and severely drained me of my creativity. Don't do what I do guys lol I tried to start getting the actual slide for Berkir going but at that point it was not happening, so I needed to leave it for a bit.

Also, small note;

When you said 'Norheimans' the correct terms for natives from there are 'Norheimers'
Gotcha. I'll edit that.

Random question, but does anyone watch Arcane?
I've seen clips of it on youtube but never actually watched it in its entirety. Mostly anything Jinx related lol I'm not a League of Legends person but Arcane seems so freaking cool. They really said let's make a whole, beautifully animated amazing show out of a couple characters from this one game. And it works. Coming from an art perspective, the art style is really cool too. It reminds me a lot of the spiderverse movies, but stylized in its own way. I'm pretty sure its 3d too, which just goes to show you you can make stylized, cool looking 3d animation without it looking like a carbon copy of every 3d animation out there. Take some notes Disney.

I should actually watch it though. It does look really cool just never had an extreme interest to sit down and watch it. Gotta be in the mood for it, and I'm also watching other things.
I've seen clips of it on youtube but never actually watched it in its entirety. Mostly anything Jinx related lol I'm not a League of Legends person but Arcane seems so freaking cool. They really said let's make a whole, beautifully animated amazing show out of a couple characters from this one game. And it works. Coming from an art perspective, the art style is really cool too. It reminds me a lot of the spiderverse movies, but stylized in its own way. I'm pretty sure its 3d too, which just goes to show you you can make stylized, cool looking 3d animation without it looking like a carbon copy of every 3d animation out there. Take some notes Disney.

I should actually watch it though. It does look really cool just never had an extreme interest to sit down and watch it. Gotta be in the mood for it, and I'm also watching other things.
That spider-verse comparison is spot on. Spider-Verse and Arcana kinda have their own animation styles that just feel unique and straight from a comic book or video game.
Take some notes Disney.
They tune out the good advice 😞
Btw, a couple more attacks and the combat ends. Unless Heath gets a really damage roll or a crit.
Dervenin living up to his title lol
Wow...I feel confused and Kuragiri is the one that's there, not me. If I didn't know who Dervenin was, I would have thought he was mentally ill.

Meanwhile, Mei is lowkey holding it down right now. She did some great damage on the Death Knight, and then held his glare while resisting his dread. She's kinda badass ngl.
Btw, a couple more attacks and the combat ends. Unless Heath gets a really damage roll or a crit.
Almost out of my misery.
Kuragiri isn't wrong that it has nothing to do with him but Dervenin is also not wrong that it does. Kuragiri got more information on something he doesn't know yet does know.
Then he has a Cane now?

I wonder what the God of Chaos is up to..
Kuragiri isn't wrong that it has nothing to do with him but Dervenin is also not wrong that it does. Kuragiri got more information on something he doesn't know yet does know.
Just wait til he sees the Death Knight himself...

I have a theory myself. I feel like the little "favor" Dervenin wants Kuragiri to do in return for him freeing him involves the Death Knight, or even Serena.
Then he has a Cane now?

I wonder what the God of Chaos is up to..
Lore accurate Kuragiri would snap it in half and disregard it.

But I WANT to use it, we're gonna make him do something out of his character. 😼
Just wait til he sees the Death Knight himself...
Well, there's Dervenin earlier saying, "But it has everything to do with you. You just don't know it."

I have a theory myself. I feel like the little "favor" Dervenin wants Kuragiri to do in return for him freeing him involves the Death Knight, or even Serena.
And I will say the favor does involve the Cane in some way.

Lore accurate Kuragiri would snap it in half and disregard it.

But I WANT to use it, we're gonna make him do something out of his character. 😼
Dude I intentionally made the Chaos Cane an object that tempts you to you use it lol. It's effects are random but too fun not to pass up. It's basically very, very, very nerfed God Powers in the form of the cane that he has.
Also, any attempt to throw the cane away would just make it reappear in Kuragiri's hand. So, he physically cannot get rid it until he uses it but if he doesn't he'll just have a cane forever.
Real talk, Heath is gonna have some precise strikes with Mei in the way.

I respect that lol
This is actually a very cinematically pleasing ending to the fight. No deaths, no significant injuries. Just a well-fought and intense battle that ended with no clear winner. There's no sort of clear answer on who's stronger, both the Death Knight and Heath were jumped and held their own, which leaves room and suspense for the chance of another encounter. Mei and Domori were able to show off their prowess, even though they aren't as significant in the storyline. And we even got KUMII to put in some work.

I love it.

Real talk, Heath is gonna have some precise strikes with Mei in the way.

I respect that lol
I love the duos we kinda established here. Domori and Kumii, Mei and Heath. If this invasion wasn't happening, I think Urag-hau and the Seiryoku Empire would actually be very good allies. And after all this, I can assure you that they have Heath's trust and respect.

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