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Fantasy Legacies: World at War - OOC

Non-natural twenties are also called dirty twenties. That's what my dnd group has been using to call them. Kind of like fools' gold. It's a twenty but not the kind that gets you double damage.
Of course the DnD nerd explains it better then I do >.>
I went back and counted all of his posts, even before he faced the death knight and was fighting.

And my bad, didnt realize Heel Slam was also a basic.

He spent 3 of his 6.
It's all good man!

When he used Shatter against the pink girl, that doesn't count because it was pre-dice system, right/
Only until all member began using the dice system did it start to count.
not a bad roll. 30 damage. The ticking damage from Intense Flames will end it.
Still isnt quite enough...

eh, it's close enough, i'll let Heath take the final hit lol
I'm gonna hijack Heath for the cutscene if thats okay with you Shark. I have a pretty sweet moment between Heath and Mei tagteaming the Death Knight into a retreat.
I'm gonna hijack Heath for the cutscene if thats okay with you Shark. I have a pretty sweet moment between Heath and Mei tagteaming the Death Knight into a retreat.
Let's see it!

Hijack is a verrry strong word though.
Let's see it!

Hijack is a verrry strong word though.
Lol I know, just an over exaggeration from me. I'm just controlling him for the cutscene. I usually dont make them say anything cause I dont know what he will say so it's mostly just actions from them
Lol I know, just an over exaggeration from me. I'm just controlling him for the cutscene. I usually dont make them say anything cause I dont know what he will say so it's mostly just actions from them
Maybe the only word he'll say is "Now!"
NOOO, so cliche 😭

Let's have Mei and Heath exchange a look or maybe a nod. Him yelling "Now!" makes it obvious for the Death Knight in realistic matters.
NOOO, so cliche 😭

Let's have Mei and Heath exchange a look or maybe a nod. Him yelling "Now!" makes it obvious for the Death Knight in realistic matters.
pffft okay lol

we'll see how it turns out once you finish up yours
Perfect ending for the Death Knight battle! That was really fun.

Now, the Death Knight is gone to go ahead and do another invasion, even larger scale 🤦‍♂️

He takes NO breaks.
Perfect ending for the Death Knight battle! That was really fun.

Now, the Death Knight is gone to go ahead and do another invasion, even larger scale 🤦‍♂️

He takes NO breaks.
Well, we've gotta wait for Aiko and Lloyd to finish up their thing first.
Oooh, it's lunchtime 😋

Never had a scene of the group eating before. I like it, it reminds us that they're still human at the end of the day. But...considering that we're in the vicinity of the bounty poster...I feel like something's gonna interrupt things...
Oooh, it's lunchtime 😋

Never had a scene of the group eating before. I like it, it reminds us that they're still human at the end of the day. But...considering that we're in the vicinity of the bounty poster...I feel like something's gonna interrupt things...
Nah (Not joking this time). This is a hunt so we've gotta find/look for clues or something. Then actively track the beast.

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