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Fantasy Legacies: World at War - OOC

He gets an extra roll then takes the higher number of the two.
Also, you dont have to worry about it right now as you've only used basic attacks, but remember that for now, Heath has a limit of 5 of his special attacks available to him due to the Spell Slot limit.

I'm gonna keep track of this with Kumii as well. Death Knight and Julianna are bosses so they dont have limits like that and Heath will once he becomes a boss later on.

Dark Souls Gamer GIF by BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment
You're lucky I remembered that. When you edit the post to account for this, go ahead and add Demon King's Presence in Domori's statuses.
time for me to reroll everything (totally not cheating a bit here, shhhh)
Lets just say that it's not even turn 3 yet and Feral #2 is already below half HP.
So, my idea for integrating the tandem attack naturally; when Domori sees Kumii use his Void Shards attack, Domori could get an idea he wants to try out.
Crashing into the pillar in front of everyone?? Someone put this brother out of his misery 😭

So, my idea for integrating the tandem attack naturally; when Domori sees Kumii use his Void Shards attack, Domori could get an idea he wants to try out.
I like that one, it'd be something it thought of randomly. And then, the two of them would be shocked by the effect it ended up having.

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