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Fantasy Legacies: World at War - OOC

Ah wait, hang on, let me edit it real quick, forgot about a core power of Kumii's Demon King Form. It's mainly just +2 damage cause it gives him +2 attack and spell power.
Man, today has been really fun in terms of the roleplay, Kumii. I honestly cannot remember the last time I've put up two posts in a day like this. Maybe the reason we were all doing it back then is because we were only working with one or two characters each. Now we often make 4-5 for different character storylines per post. Peak times.

It's 1:30 where I live right now, so I think it's about time for me to log off. Goodnight, man. Stay safe.

I had a little thing I made planned for us to do regarding the roleplay, nothing that'd be too long, but I wasted time. So, keep an eye out for that! Peace.
Man, today has been really fun in terms of the roleplay, Kumii. I honestly cannot remember the last time I've put up two posts in a day like this. Maybe the reason we were all doing it back then is because we were only working with one or two characters each. Now we often make 4-5 for different character storylines per post. Peak times.

It's 1:30 where I live right now, so I think it's about time for me to log off. Goodnight, man. Stay safe.

I had a little thing I made planned for us to do regarding the roleplay, nothing that'd be too long, but I wasted time. So, keep an eye out for that! Peace.
alrighty, see ya man
Unless you just forgot to make you attack description say it hit and the damage it dealt lol
Looks like Domori's gonna do the majority of the work here
Looks like Domori's gonna do the majority of the work here
Nah don't worry Domori only did 2 damage anyway.

This is a bad turn for both of em, we gotta lock in 😭

I'm trying to save Domori's slots but I'll probably use one next turn to give us some edge.
Nah don't worry Domori only did 2 damage anyway.

This is a bad turn for both of em, we gotta lock in 😭

I'm trying to save Domori's slots but I'll probably use one next turn to give us some edge.
Well, we gotta land our hits first ;-;
The same pillar is insane 😭 It's gonna break at this point.

But we can excuse that because my boy dodged ALL THREE OF THEM? Kumii's moving like he has ultra instinct out here.
Lol poor pillar. It could be good environmental damage though. I wont dismiss using the enviroment to deal damage.
Lol poor pillar. It could be good environmental damage though. I wont dismiss using the enviroment to deal damage.
I like that idea. One more and it could crash onto everyone, as a consequence for those bad rolls. I feel like it'd be fair if everyone took damage if it falls.
I like that idea. One more and it could crash onto everyone, as a consequence for those bad rolls. I feel like it'd be fair if everyone took damage if it falls.
Yup, thats the point of enviromental damage. It deals damage to everyone who's caught in it's path, regardless if its friend or foe.
Ohh, I forgot about those. I think we should do it with saving throws, just so I can start getting used to them.
Well, we'll say the next body/attack to strike that pillar will cause the ceiling its supporting to come crashing down.
This is probably one of the few times that we'll get forewarned about enviromental damage like this. Next time it happens, we'll probably just say "Roll a dexterity saving throw" or something.

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