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Fantasy Legacies: World at War - OOC

And the difficulty class of said throws are usually known only by the person who initiated them.

Instead of everyone automatically taking damage, I'll have Kumii, tnhe Ferals and Domori do a saving throw for the damage and status. So that we can keep the rolls to a minimum. Whoever fails that roll will not only take damage but also gain Disoriented.

Sound fair?

Instead of everyone automatically taking damage, I'll have Kumii, tnhe Ferals and Domori do a saving throw for the damage and status. So that we can keep the rolls to a minimum. Whoever fails that roll will not only take damage but also gain Disoriented.

Sound fair?
Sounds good to me 👍
Also, Shark, when you do roll, you can change the amount of dice rolled.

When you click the throw dice option, you should have a text box to change the amount of dice. It makes it more compact the next time you do DOmori's advantage rolls.
Also, Shark, when you do roll, you can change the amount of dice rolled.

When you click the throw dice option, you should have a text box to change the amount of dice. It makes it more compact the next time you do DOmori's advantage rolls.
Ohh, so I can just do them both at the same time. Thank you bro
I just imagine that seeing Kumii smack head first into that pillar threw Domori off lol
AH NOOO not the nat 20 ;-;

but i have to tkae the 15 cause disadvantage
I just did 2 rolls so it does that but the 15 and 20 are the hits
Hey Shaaaaark

Could I have you roll a d20 strength saving throw please? c:

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