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Fantasy Legacies: World at War - OOC

"feelsbadman" 😭😭😭

Kumii's gonna make being last count trust
Lol maybe. If that is a sign then Domori might doing much of the heavy lifting here.

ALSO, heads up that characters DONT regain lost health after a battle ends. Well, Heath might since he might become a boss but Domori wont until he is healed or rests.
So essentially, any damage he takes will stick into the next fight. It's gonna be the same for Kumii.
Lol maybe. If that is a sign then Domori might doing much of the heavy lifting here.

ALSO, heads up that characters DONT regain lost health after a battle ends. Well, Heath might since he might become a boss but Domori wont until he is healed or rests.
What would it mean if Heath becomes a boss?

And, yup, got it. I'll try to keep Domori alive.
What would it mean if Heath becomes a boss?
Basically he becomes a major story fight. Anything that concludes an arc.

And becoming a boss isn't anything special really. You could increase or decrease his health some based on the amount of people fighting with or against him, you could give him a second phase will all new abilities to compliment it, etc. but his damage and stats stay the same.
Basically he becomes a major story fight. Anything that concludes an arc.

And becoming a boss isn't anything special really. You could increase or decrease his health some based on the amount of people fighting with or against him, you could give him a second phase will all new abilities to compliment it, etc. but his damage and stats stay the same.
Ohh, okay. So, for right now, I'll leave him as is.

But, during Operation Stormkiller (is that what you called it?) where Kaminari and others turn against Heath, I'll have to make him a boss.
Ohh, okay. So, for right now, I'll leave him as is.

But, during Operation Stormkiller (is that what you called it?) where Kaminari and others turn against Heath, I'll have to make him a boss.
Well yeah, i assumed that much.

And that makes sense. Don't go too wild with his boss fight. (I'm kidding you can go as wild as you feel is realistic for him)
I'm a firm believer in cinematic epic fights that are also realistic for the character
Oh, if you want, we can come up with a temporary finisher attack with Domori and Kumii. A Tandem attack, if you will.
And we also to realistically implement this and not just have them automatically know it
Oohh, I like that aspect of it. I'm pretty sure this is their first interaction too, so that also adds to it.
So, my first question to you is this;

Can Domori shoot an arrow that has a sonic boom like effect around it?
So, my first question to you is this;

Can Domori shoot an arrow that has a sonic boom like effect around it?
Yep! That's the entire aspect of his "Ear Splitting Arrows".

"Ear-Splitting Arrows - Domori shoots arrows infused with Sound Magic, and upon impact with anything or anyone, it breaks the sound barrier. This causes a loud sound wave to be created that has an incredible frequency. Due to this, an explosion is made. This can deafen enemies and kill or incapacitate them depending on their accuracy. Deals 2d10 ballistic damage."

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