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Fantasy Legacies: World at War - OOC

It's not like we'll secretly go back and edit our stuff. I trust you guys not to do that xD
I mean, my way is the same thing too but in the same thread where the main posts go. Except you're removing the extra step of having to go a different thread for it.

I'm personally not against muddying up the main IC thread for a few saving throws. I just dont want it to get muddied by the extraneous stuff like the checks. The real stuff that clutter a run.
That can be simplified by a second thread as well. For checks, the attacker says in their post that they do this attack, which needs a saving throw. They can go into the separate thread and make a roll for damage, label that it's for that attack, and then we have the damage. The opponent then during their post goes to make a saving throw in the second thread. They succeed, and only take half damage, so they just go to half the damage roll the attacker made. Then in their post they can indicate it. Rai shoots a circular thunder wave out, but Mateo moves out of the way so only his legs get hit. [Saving Throw: 14 Damage: 10]. Same thing with statuses. We'll already know what the DC is, so you just go to roll, and then put the response into IC. Say its the Rai and Mateo example, and that thunder wave causes paralysis, I'm not gonna go write the whole post with his actions in it, send it out, and then find out that really all that stuff didn't happen because he now can't move because I failed the paralysis saving throw. You know as you're doing the post so you're not wasting time writing stuff and you know what's happening.

Again, all this second thread is for is the dice. So, the block that says you rolled whatever number you rolled. You're putting the actual responses to that in your post. So, if you're attack hits, you go back to the IC before you've actually posted it and say oh, Skyla stabs the person in the abdomen with her spear [Roll to hit: 15 Damage: 5]. You have the little brackets next to it referencing the second thread. It's not like you're writing what happens in the second thread, you're just using it as an online dice roller, and then going back to the IC to apply it into your post. We can also just read posts as they come out because we all know they're finished.
That can be simplified by a second thread as well. For checks, the attacker says in their post that they do this attack, which needs a saving throw. They can go into the separate thread and make a roll for damage, label that it's for that attack, and then we have the damage. The opponent then during their post goes to make a saving throw in the second thread. They succeed, and only take half damage, so they just go to half the damage roll the attacker made. Then in their post they can indicate it. Rai shoots a circular thunder wave out, but Mateo moves out of the way so only his legs get hit. [Saving Throw: 14 Damage: 10]. Same thing with statuses. We'll already know what the DC is, so you just go to roll, and then put the response into IC. Say its the Rai and Mateo example, and that thunder wave causes paralysis, I'm not gonna go write the whole post with his actions in it, send it out, and then find out that really all that stuff didn't happen because he now can't move because I failed the paralysis saving throw. You know as you're doing the post so you're not wasting time writing stuff and you know what's happening.

Again, all this second thread is for is the dice. So, the block that says you rolled whatever number you rolled. You're putting the actual responses to that in your post. So, if you're attack hits, you go back to the IC before you've actually posted it and say oh, Skyla stabs the person in the abdomen with her spear [Roll to hit: 15 Damage: 5]. You have the little brackets next to it referencing the second thread. It's not like you're writing what happens in the second thread, you're just using it as an online dice roller, and then going back to the IC to apply it into your post. We can also just read posts as they come out because we all know they're finished.
You can do all this without having to make the second thread at all as well.

You're just making the throws BEFORE any action post get made at all.

The Post order would go like this;

Check/Saving throw post --> Main Action post with HP adjusted for the damage taken and explaining how you took the damage.
Statuses make more sense because they have to be done beforehand like saving throws.

All i'm doing with your suggesstion is removing that intermediary step of going to the separate thread and throwwing all saves in the same thread as the main action posts. I'm not saying you make your main post THEN the saves or checks, though checks I feel like can be in the edit stage of the attackers post to save on space but it adds more to that post. We're adding that extra step of the roll post before any action post is made or considered.

And like I said, if it's worry about the IC thread getting cluttered, we can delete the roll posts after the action post gets made, it doesn't have to stay at all.
AlphaBlueWolf AlphaBlueWolf

If you're taking into account the fact that in the most recent Lore section post about the Spell/Ability Limits that, and I quote, "To promote fair combat, boss characters will have their attacks chosen at random with random enemy targets, unless a player character ability specifically pulls aggro to them." then kudos to you because I'm a fucking dumb ass for not remembering that I wrote that myself.

Genuinely upset at myself for forgetting I wrote that though
Not a whole ass wrench but the whole god damn toolbox into my idea xD
Your idea works much better for retention while mine only works for action/reaction situations or 1v1 battles. When taking into account that little tidbit
So, tl;dr, we will go with your idea of the separate thread lol
I'll make or edit a new post in the Lore section about how combat goes and how we're gonna do it cause uh... spoilers for SharkBark SharkBark Heath is gonna have a boss fight coming up. So look out for that.
Spare my man bro 😭 🙏

He's BARELY even begun to fight the Death Knight yet, and hasn't even fought using the new system.
So, final decision with that being said...
AlphaBlueWolf AlphaBlueWolf SharkBark SharkBark

Are we still onboard with switching over to the Dice system or do we want to keep it streamlined how we have it now?
Mann, I gotta see how things go once I see us start using it. We haven't used it in the little side story yet (I think, I haven't checked) or our main storyline. I also gotta use it myself to see if I can even keep up with all this.

I've never even played DnD. I've only ever watched a bit of one Critical Choice video and saw it a ton in Stranger Things 😭
Spare my man bro 😭 🙏

He's BARELY even begun to fight the Death Knight yet, and hasn't even fought using the new system.

Mann, I gotta see how things go once I see us start using it. We haven't used it in the little side story yet (I think, I haven't checked) or our main storyline. I also gotta use it myself to see if I can even keep up with all this.

I've never even played DnD. I've only ever watched a bit of one Critical Choice video and saw it a ton in Stranger Things 😭
Heath has plot armor, he's fine.
Spare my man bro 😭 🙏

He's BARELY even begun to fight the Death Knight yet, and hasn't even fought using the new system.

Mann, I gotta see how things go once I see us start using it. We haven't used it in the little side story yet (I think, I haven't checked) or our main storyline. I also gotta use it myself to see if I can even keep up with all this.

I've never even played DnD. I've only ever watched a bit of one Critical Choice video and saw it a ton in Stranger Things 😭
but you'll see exactly what i mean whenever Alpha gets a post up lol
What plot armor, brother? 😭

This dice system turns things into all luck from the sound of it 😭
I mean, I'd vote for us deciding death on our own, and not using the dice for that. Like if we want our characters to live, they live. If we want them to die, we find a way to narratively make them die.
The dice system shouldn't take away from the narrative story here. It's really just all about making combat fair and balancing it out so we can't pull dodges left and right and never have characters get hit. It makes combat more half luck and half tactics rather than this character doesn't get hit just because.
The dice system shouldn't take away from the narrative story here. It's really just all about making combat fair and balancing it out so we can't pull dodges left and right and never have characters get hit. It makes combat more half luck and half tactics rather than this character doesn't get hit just because.
Exactly this. The intention wasn't to make things harder for our characters (They do in terms of combat) but the option of having our characters die will still be up to us.
SharkBark SharkBark AlphaBlueWolf AlphaBlueWolf
So, to keep in tune with how DnD work, the only indicator you lot will get for any of my bosses regarding their HP is a progress bar that'll supplement the total HP. You won't get any numbers or anything.

I wont do the whole 'you notice the character getting ever bloodier' thing in normal DnD so I at least am gonna give y'all a health bar lol
Kumii Kumii AlphaBlueWolf AlphaBlueWolf

Happy Holidays/Merry Christmas you two!

I hope your days go great, and if you celebrate, hopefully you get some great gifts. Stay safe please and enjoy yourselves today!

And let's have a little roleplay related Christmas discussion.

But what do you people would be doing for Christmas in the Rhythm Nation world? Do you think Ironshire would have some big festival? Or maybe even Luminosa would have one, but it'd probably be for a whole different holiday. The Seiryoku Empire's holiday would probably just be celebrating Heath too.

Also, imagine Squad Skyla getting into the holiday spirit. Rai with his white hair dressed as good ol Saint Nick with Mana on his lap asking what she wants for Christmas 😭
Kumii Kumii AlphaBlueWolf AlphaBlueWolf

Happy Holidays/Merry Christmas you two!

I hope your days go great, and if you celebrate, hopefully you get some great gifts. Stay safe please and enjoy yourselves today!

And let's have a little roleplay related Christmas discussion.

But what do you people would be doing for Christmas in the Rhythm Nation world? Do you think Ironshire would have some big festival? Or maybe even Luminosa would have one, but it'd probably be for a whole different holiday. The Seiryoku Empire's holiday would probably just be celebrating Heath too.

Also, imagine Squad Skyla getting into the holiday spirit. Rai with his white hair dressed as good ol Saint Nick with Mana on his lap asking what she wants for Christmas 😭
So this is funny because I did actually have a little side story intermission in mind when it became Christmas in the RP sincwe its August right now lol

It wont line up with irl Christmas cause everyone took a break but its still gonna happen. Rai being Saint Nick with a little Mana on his lap would be quite adorable.

The people of Ironshire would more then likely at least decorate for the festivities, I'm not sure if they'd celebrate it, or maybe not everyone would.

And Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you too
Kumii Kumii AlphaBlueWolf AlphaBlueWolf

Happy Holidays/Merry Christmas you two!

I hope your days go great, and if you celebrate, hopefully you get some great gifts. Stay safe please and enjoy yourselves today!

And let's have a little roleplay related Christmas discussion.

But what do you people would be doing for Christmas in the Rhythm Nation world? Do you think Ironshire would have some big festival? Or maybe even Luminosa would have one, but it'd probably be for a whole different holiday. The Seiryoku Empire's holiday would probably just be celebrating Heath too.

Also, imagine Squad Skyla getting into the holiday spirit. Rai with his white hair dressed as good ol Saint Nick with Mana on his lap asking what she wants for Christmas 😭
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you guys too!!!

Luminosa would probably have a Christmas. I could see it being like they came together to fend off the darkness of the winter months, since it gets darker earlier and such, by getting together and having a big celebration. Sort of like the winter months bring out the Cabrera's in full force so they keep them away with all their celebrating and bright lights and whatnot. Maybe it's something that the Lightkeepers lead. Something that Lyris came up with for sure.

Squad Skyla would be so cute getting into the holiday spirit. Mateo would be like the firetruck Santa who comes down the block and hands out candy canes. Just sitting in Ironshire handing out candy canes to kids, with Saber Tooth Cora as a reindeer that the kids all climb onto. Just like antlers strapped to his head.
Meanwhile, I've just made, and tagged you two, in the combat rules for the new system. It also includes the link to the dice rolls thread we'll use.

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