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Fantasy Legacies: World at War - OOC

AlphaBlueWolf AlphaBlueWolf SharkBark SharkBark
So, You may or may not have noticed that some of the npcs have harding hitting arena-wide attacks of large AoE attacks. I have two solutions for balancing this and wanted a second and third opinion.

Option 1; I reduce the overal damage of the arena-wide attacks to something that wont hit us like trucks.
Option 2; We metagame a bit and I give in RP 'hints' in the form of say magic that highlights the area that indicate the damage areas and I adjust the attacks accordingly, treating this more like an MMO. Making this a DnD/MMO mixed genre lol
Or use In Lore indiciations based on element type of the attack, i.e. a fire attack would have smoldering embers outline the damage area and vice versa
Or we just go traditional DnD where there aren't any indicators at all.
I think we could narrow things down to options 1 and 3. Reducing the overall damage keeps things balanced, as you said, while the magic naturally indicating where it's going to appear from not only sounds cool, but also gives us some leeway to nor automatically get caught in the attack, but it also doesn't undermine the attacks power.
I think we could narrow things down to options 1 and 3. Reducing the overall damage keeps things balanced, as you said, while the magic naturally indicating where it's going to appear from not only sounds cool, but also gives us some leeway to nor automatically get caught in the attack, but it also doesn't undermine the attacks power.
I agree with you here. Also, we could use some more dnd rules. Like having a range indicator as well on the actual sheets. Dnd spells have this. You're using a grid in dnd so its not super full proof here, but it could help keep some stability on it so we're not being super overpowered with wide ranging attacks. Let's use fireball for an example. It hits within a 20ft sphere, so any creature within that sphere must make a saving throw for half damage on a success and full on a failure. So, say a long-range wind attack goes for 30ft in front of the user. Make indicators like that. We'll just have to be descriptive with wherever our characters are on the field. If Rai came up for a swing on the side of the enemy, and the enemy is facing a different direction and using the wind attack, then Rai would automatically not be getting hit by that. So like, pick a direction and how wide is it. Say a 20ft cube or 30ft sphere, or just 10ft in front of you. Something to that affect.

To balance it out we could also use the thing from the fireball example, saves for half damage or no damage. It depends on the spell, but if you're in range you can make a dex save or whatever save it is, and on a success take half damage, or no damage at all for some spells. On a fail, you're taking the full damage. We could use that in addition to lowering the damage dice of wide range attacks to balance it out some more.
I agree with you here. Also, we could use some more dnd rules. Like having a range indicator as well on the actual sheets. Dnd spells have this. You're using a grid in dnd so its not super full proof here, but it could help keep some stability on it so we're not being super overpowered with wide ranging attacks. Let's use fireball for an example. It hits within a 20ft sphere, so any creature within that sphere must make a saving throw for half damage on a success and full on a failure. So, say a long-range wind attack goes for 30ft in front of the user. Make indicators like that. We'll just have to be descriptive with wherever our characters are on the field. If Rai came up for a swing on the side of the enemy, and the enemy is facing a different direction and using the wind attack, then Rai would automatically not be getting hit by that. So like, pick a direction and how wide is it. Say a 20ft cube or 30ft sphere, or just 10ft in front of you. Something to that affect.

To balance it out we could also use the thing from the fireball example, saves for half damage or no damage. It depends on the spell, but if you're in range you can make a dex save or whatever save it is, and on a success take half damage, or no damage at all for some spells. On a fail, you're taking the full damage. We could use that in addition to lowering the damage dice of wide range attacks to balance it out some more.
Some of my ranged attacks on my character sheets have a range indicator. Some dont but I tried to include the 10 foot or 8 foot but most don't exceed 15 feet. As for saves, i haven't decided if thats what we're gonna do yet. it would be a mess of rolling if we did but im not sure.

I think we could narrow things down to options 1 and 3. Reducing the overall damage keeps things balanced, as you said, while the magic naturally indicating where it's going to appear from not only sounds cool, but also gives us some leeway to nor automatically get caught in the attack, but it also doesn't undermine the attacks power.
Only like two characters (i think, i'd have to go through again) have arena wides now. Originally, I asked for the new bos- new character im working on cause they had an arena wide but it's changed to a centralized AoE attack with a range limit on it but has an arena wide status effect attached with it.
I'm just tryin g to picture how the dice system works with multiple rolls like saves and stuff and how we can minimize the amount of space each roll takes up without making every fight unnecessarily long and padded with them.
Maybe my dumb ass is just over thinking this and its super fucking simple xD
I may have re tag this rp to Dice though. It's no longer fantasy lol
AlphaBlueWolf AlphaBlueWolf SharkBark SharkBark
ANyways enough of my ramblings, for now, we'll go ahead with doing saves.

They'll just have to be in a separate IC post with a short description saying "Mateo's dexterity saving throw" or something then the roll and then your main post. This is the simplest solution I can think of.

Damage and hit rolls can be done in the main post of the attacker wherein if the hit roll is sufficient, then you read ahead to damage and if its not then you skip the damage roll and make you post according to how you block/dodged or how the attack missed your character.
I'll make or edit a new post in the Lore section about how combat goes and how we're gonna do it cause uh... spoilers for SharkBark SharkBark Heath is gonna have a boss fight coming up. So look out for that.
AlphaBlueWolf AlphaBlueWolf SharkBark SharkBark
ANyways enough of my ramblings, for now, we'll go ahead with doing saves.

They'll just have to be in a separate IC post with a short description saying "Mateo's dexterity saving throw" or something then the roll and then your main post. This is the simplest solution I can think of.

Damage and hit rolls can be done in the main post of the attacker wherein if the hit roll is sufficient, then you read ahead to damage and if its not then you skip the damage roll and make you post according to how you block/dodged or how the attack missed your character.
I was looking at how they do it in dice rolling and it basically divulges into a choose your own adventure type style. But I feel like this is all just gonna get super choppy and unorganized super-fast. Its not feel as streamlined and seamless as it was before with the standard you post, I post, Shark post.
I was looking at how they do it in dice rolling and it basically divulges into a choose your own adventure type style. But I feel like this is all just gonna get super choppy and unorganized super-fast. Its not feel as streamlined and seamless as it was before with the standard you post, I post, Shark post.
So... yeah, i realize that and I'm working on the new combat rules post right now and I think with how dice rolling on RPNation works, we're gonna have to make some sacrifices to that seamless and streamlined way if we truly want to go through with this.
So, final decision with that being said...
AlphaBlueWolf AlphaBlueWolf SharkBark SharkBark

Are we still onboard with switching over to the Dice system or do we want to keep it streamlined how we have it now?
Alternatively, me and a friend, long ago, thought up of a MMO style damage system on the turn based model which isn't as intrusive or choppy as dice rolling can get and still uses stats and stuff and levels.
So... yeah, i realize that and I'm working on the new combat rules post right now and I think with how dice rolling on RPNation works, we're gonna have to make some sacrifices to that seamless and streamlined way if we truly want to go through with this.
Well, I have an idea that might help out. So maybe we just have a separate thread for dice rolling, no roleplaying in it, we just hit roll dice and put our reason in. So, like title the rolls as attack, saving throw, whatever it is, just so we don't have to reveal half the post in our dice rolls before the actual IC post is out, and we do this while we're writing the post as we need the combat actions. If we attack, we hit roll dice in that other thread, and say it's a failure, then we write out how the failure goes in the IC post (something like it can't hit through the armor or the opponent dodges). For saving throws its the same thing, you just have to leave it open ended. So, like the person goes to attack with like a fireball, the people they're attacking has to make saving throws, but that's the end of the attackers IC post. Then the other two roll, say one success and one fail, you detail how one manages to successfully dodge in their post, do their action, and then in the other person's post how they got caught up in it. Then in parenthesis or brackets or something next to the action, we reference the dice roll so we all know what it was for. This way it's still the you post, I post, Shark post streamline.
Well, I have an idea that might help out. So maybe we just have a separate thread for dice rolling, no roleplaying in it, we just hit roll dice and put our reason in. So, like title the rolls as attack, saving throw, whatever it is, just so we don't have to reveal half the post in our dice rolls before the actual IC post is out, and we do this while we're writing the post as we need the combat actions. If we attack, we hit roll dice in that other thread, and say it's a failure, then we write out how the failure goes in the IC post (something like it can't hit through the armor or the opponent dodges). For saving throws its the same thing, you just have to leave it open ended. So, like the person goes to attack with like a fireball, the people they're attacking has to make saving throws, but that's the end of the attackers IC post. Then the other two roll, say one success and one fail, you detail how one manages to successfully dodge in their post, do their action, and then in the other person's post how they got caught up in it. Then in parenthesis or brackets or something next to the action, we reference the dice roll so we all know what it was for. This way it's still the you post, I post, Shark post streamline.
I was just gonna have use the same IC thread but make a separate pre post that essentially just describes what you're rolling for. Would use that for mostly just saves and initiative. Well, minus initiative cause we'll do the standard thingy. So just for saves.

Like I said in the announcement, we can do the damage and hit rolls in edit of the attacking post. Just read it like, if hit roll succeeds then read damage roll etc. and if hit roll fails then skip to dodge/block or what have you.
I was just gonna have use the same IC thread but make a separate pre post that essentially just describes what you're rolling for. Would use that for mostly just saves and initiative. Well, minus initiative cause we'll do the standard thingy. So just for saves.
So like you'd make a description post saying "[character name]'s dex saving throw" and the roll then you'd work on your main post depending on if the rolls succeeded or not. That way we're not expending our entire post for a dumb saving throw roll.
It muddies the thread, sure but it solves the problem of do we have to have make a post then roll and edit the post accordingly.

It's the simplest, most streamlined way I can think of.
Then for damage over time effects, basically can be done in the same post as the saving throw just to make things easier since all your doing is rolling for damage for a poison or bleeding.
It muddies the thread, sure but it solves the problem of do we have to have make a post then roll and edit the post accordingly.

It's the simplest, most streamlined way I can think of.
With the way I'm thinking of all you have to do is go into the second thread that's strictly for dice rolls, hit the dice button, specify whether it's an attack or saving throw or what have you, and then go along with writing your post within the IC thread. Then when you're done with your post, you're done. You don't have to go in, dice roll, and edit stuff. You dice roll in the second thread before you put the post out and write out the result within the post as you're writing everything out, and then post it all at once. With this way you don't have to push out the post, dice roll in the same thread and muddle it all up, and then go back to edit. You just put it out at once, so we'd still retain the same system as before. You're just adding the extra step of moving to the thread while you're writing to dice roll, and then coming back to IC to finish up you're post with the conclusion. You can get everything in all at once.
With the way I'm thinking of all you have to do is go into the second thread that's strictly for dice rolls, hit the dice button, specify whether it's an attack or saving throw or what have you, and then go along with writing your post within the IC thread. Then when you're done with your post, you're done. You don't have to go in, dice roll, and edit stuff. You dice roll in the second thread before you put the post out and write out the result within the post as you're writing everything out, and then post it all at once. With this way you don't have to push out the post, dice roll in the same thread and muddle it all up, and then go back to edit. You just put it out at once, so we'd still retain the same system as before. You're just adding the extra step of moving to the thread while you're writing to dice roll, and then coming back to IC to finish up you're post with the conclusion. You can get everything in all at once.
I mean, my way is the same thing too but in the same thread where the main posts go. Except you're removing the extra step of having to go a different thread for it.

I'm personally not against muddying up the main IC thread for a few saving throws. I just dont want it to get muddied by the extraneous stuff like the checks. The real stuff that clutter a run.
With the way I'm thinking of all you have to do is go into the second thread that's strictly for dice rolls, hit the dice button, specify whether it's an attack or saving throw or what have you, and then go along with writing your post within the IC thread. Then when you're done with your post, you're done. You don't have to go in, dice roll, and edit stuff. You dice roll in the second thread before you put the post out and write out the result within the post as you're writing everything out, and then post it all at once. With this way you don't have to push out the post, dice roll in the same thread and muddle it all up, and then go back to edit. You just put it out at once, so we'd still retain the same system as before. You're just adding the extra step of moving to the thread while you're writing to dice roll, and then coming back to IC to finish up you're post with the conclusion. You can get everything in all at once.
Plus i mean, you can always just delete the posts as well when we're done with them if you want. Either way, the calculations get done lol

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