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Fantasy Legacies: World at War - OOC

I told my irl friend the same thing I'm gonna tell you, you don't have to plan out everything now. Plan what you need in the moment and go from there. Its gonna take us a fair bit of irl time to even get to the time skip, let alone the later chapters. That way you're not whacking at your brain and demanding results in the moment when you have none, and you can take your time with it and maybe even have a really good idea come to you in the middle of the day in a month or two about the later chapters. I didn't even know the full extent of what I wanted to do for Mateo's chapter when it officially started, I just let the ideas come to me. Even in the middle of it, a couple months ago I thought of something I really liked that I wanted to include within the chapter. If you don't want to, you don't have to.
Yeah I know. I am right now lol

Appreciate the consideration
I didn't even know the full extent of what I wanted to do for Mateo's chapter when it officially started, I just let the ideas come to me. Even in the middle of it, a couple months ago I thought of something I really liked that I wanted to include within the chapter. If you don't want to, you don't have to.
That said, it helps to have a general idea
That said, it helps to have a general idea
That is true. I did have a general idea of what I wanted for the chapter, but it was still a process. I ended up scrapping an idea I had when you first told me to start planning for Mateo's chapter in favor of a much better one later on. Stories evolve with us; is how I like to think of it. But I do still have some ideas that I planned before. Some don't work anymore, or you realize they were terrible in the first place, and you end up scrapping them and that's ok. Some you really like, really think they're good ideas, and you keep them in the story. Really, whatever works best for you in terms of planning. Everyone has a different process they're comfortable with in terms of plotting. Personally, I like to have a loose, general idea, and build it up as I go, building ideas as I get them. Sometimes I like to write everything out, so I know the "rules". Aka, those are my backstories for characters, usually all written out, so I have a guideline of their experiences. For my own personal story that I wanna turn into a novel series, I just have a google doc with a few lines of notes on the different characters and some extra worldbuilding, whereas my ideas for the actual story and plot beats I keep in my head to write out in the chapters. Just a quick note of what's gonna happen, not an entire paragraph just summarizing the event in a sentence, can also help with planning. Did a paragraph like that to summarize the main story beats in the first book a year or two ago, then ended up scrapping some of the more minor things in favor of stuff that made more sense. A lot of things can change within a select timeframe which is partly why I do it like this, the other part being I'm so lazy lol It helps to not feel disappointed when something doesn't work out when you know you haven't plotted so much around it. Leaves room for change when you just have a rough, general idea, and develop as you need.
That is true. I did have a general idea of what I wanted for the chapter, but it was still a process. I ended up scrapping an idea I had when you first told me to start planning for Mateo's chapter in favor of a much better one later on. Stories evolve with us; is how I like to think of it. But I do still have some ideas that I planned before. Some don't work anymore, or you realize they were terrible in the first place, and you end up scrapping them and that's ok. Some you really like, really think they're good ideas, and you keep them in the story. Really, whatever works best for you in terms of planning. Everyone has a different process they're comfortable with in terms of plotting. Personally, I like to have a loose, general idea, and build it up as I go, building ideas as I get them. Sometimes I like to write everything out, so I know the "rules". Aka, those are my backstories for characters, usually all written out, so I have a guideline of their experiences. For my own personal story that I wanna turn into a novel series, I just have a google doc with a few lines of notes on the different characters and some extra worldbuilding, whereas my ideas for the actual story and plot beats I keep in my head to write out in the chapters. Just a quick note of what's gonna happen, not an entire paragraph just summarizing the event in a sentence, can also help with planning. Did a paragraph like that to summarize the main story beats in the first book a year or two ago, then ended up scrapping some of the more minor things in favor of stuff that made more sense. A lot of things can change within a select timeframe which is partly why I do it like this, the other part being I'm so lazy lol It helps to not feel disappointed when something doesn't work out when you know you haven't plotted so much around it. Leaves room for change when you just have a rough, general idea, and develop as you need.
I did basically that. Notes for what my characters do and left everyone else's mostly open. The only other one I restricted was well I can't say here but they're part of the desert story in a semi major way lol

I'll talk to you about that later.
But this way I leave your interactions open while also making sure we stay on track somewhat
Though there is one event that requires a prerequisite in an earlier chapter that I think we already talked about? I'm not sure
The thing with the terrorshroom
Ohhhhh, yeah we talked about that. Well, we talked about the plotline for the desert chapter, but I'm not sure if we talked about the prerequisite part for whatever it is in the future chapters. Though I don't know if that's something you're keeping as a secret or if I'm meant to know about it.
Ohhhhh, yeah we talked about that. Well, we talked about the plotline for the desert chapter, but I'm not sure if we talked about the prerequisite part for whatever it is in the future chapters. Though I don't know if that's something you're keeping as a secret or if I'm meant to know about it.
Hmmm not really it's just a way that the group can traverse the desert cause they be dangerous without any sort of protection as we've established many a time
Basically though, just a short little interaction between the terrorshroom and the group in some sort of chaos after the bird escapes or something. I forgot the specifics that we discussed
Basically though, just a short little interaction between the terrorshroom and the group in some sort of chaos after the bird escapes or something. I forgot the specifics that we discussed
I remember, do you want me to tell you here or pms?
I remember, do you want me to tell you here or pms?
PMs if it's something you wanna keep a secret. Cause by now we all know what the terrorshroom is and does

Boils down to if you wanna keep the person involved a secret for now
AlphaBlueWolf AlphaBlueWolf SharkBark SharkBark
The RP is resumed.

I've gotten up to the following chapter partly done but all of the upcoming story after Mateo's is done. I'll work on the rest as we go though.
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The invasion will still happen as planned but Serana's capture will also still happen, however... AlphaBlueWolf AlphaBlueWolf with Finch being a guard and all, he'll be required to stay and fight so you can guess what that means for the Finch/Joker/Serana group right now I take it?
Unless Natalie says otherwise since she's still the acting leader of Ironshire
Either way you choose or do with Finch, it won't really affect what I have planned.
(Which is nothing with bthis interaction until the timeskip, spoiler btw)
The invasion will still happen as planned but Serana's capture will also still happen, however... AlphaBlueWolf AlphaBlueWolf with Finch being a guard and all, he'll be required to stay and fight so you can guess what that means for the Finch/Joker/Serana group right now I take it?
Ok, cool! Makes me a little sad though, that the band is breaking up lol

It's just gonna be the bros hanging out now. No more third wheeling for Joker.
Either way you choose or do with Finch, it won't really affect what I have planned.
(Which is nothing with bthis interaction until the timeskip, spoiler btw)
So we're not gonna see anything of Serana until after the timeskip?
Ok, cool! Makes me a little sad though, that the band is breaking up lol

It's just gonna be the bros hanging out now. No more third wheeling for Joker.
Felt bad for the man, so I made Serana disappear hehehehehe...

I kiiiiid
I will say, after Serana's side arc concludes, she'll get access to a new ability
Mmm yeah unfortunately.

I mean Joker (and I assume Finch) will be looking for clues about her whereabouts though.
I mean, unless you already have this bit planned, we should figure out something to do with these two after the invasion, because otherwise they're just fucking around doing nothing. We can still say they're looking around for Serana, but we as the players know nothings gonna happen on that front until the timeskip which a ways away. So it's either set these guys aside for a while or get some kind of side quest going on.

Maybe at this point we can do apprentice arc with Lloyd.
I mean, unless you already have this bit planned, we should figure out something to do with these two after the invasion, because otherwise they're just fucking around doing nothing. We can still say they're looking around for Serana, but we as the players know nothings gonna happen on that front until the timeskip which a ways away. So it's either set these guys aside for a while or get some kind of side quest going on.

Maybe at this point we can do apprentice arc with Lloyd.
Yeah, can do the4 apprentice arc. Unless Joker isn't needed for that. Either way, after yours and my next post, the interaction is essentially done.

Joker will obviously be out for a while though cause he's just collapsed.

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