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Fantasy Legacies: World at War - OOC

we do, dont we lol

kind want Mystra to be like a co-headmaster both in the main rp and the spinoff if we did it lol
I mean, Mateo's gonna invite a bunch of people to be teacher's if they wanted to, both mortals and spirits, so she could be one that he invites. They'll kind of be like a mini council in a way.
I mean, Mateo's gonna invite a bunch of people to be teacher's if they wanted to, both mortals and spirits, so she could be one that he invites. They'll kind of be like a mini council in a way.
hmmm, alrighty
I mean, I think it just depends on their relationship at this point. Maybe she could be the stand-in headmaster while Mateo's inevitably away during main story stuff. But regularly its him.
I mean, I think it just depends on their relationship at this point. Maybe she could be the stand-in headmaster while Mateo's inevitably away during main story stuff. But regularly its him.
nah, that wouldn't work. Mystra is set to become a permanent member during the second half. Depends on how things go.
Sorry for the multiple separate posts.

AlphaBlueWolf AlphaBlueWolf SharkBark SharkBark
GM Decision time;
Please redo the following character's sheets;
Shark please redo; Rai, Heath, Kaminari and everyone involved in the current main chapter.
Alpha please redo; Mateo and Cora, Nikolai, Emmerly, Sebastian and everyone involved in the current main chapter.
I will redo; Skyla, The Death Knight, Mana, Nia, Kishi, Ryuuni and Azula and everyone involved in the current main chapter.
For now, we will restrain dice based combat to the main chapter to see how it works out. You can wait for me to modify one of my character's sheets to see how I want the stats and modifiers done if you want. Sorry but I'm putting my foot down on this one, I wanna see how dice combat would work out for the enemies and allies.
Man, I have no idea nor experience with the dice based stuff. So I'm gonna need a lot of guidance through this system change. If there's maybe some kind of beginner's guide article or video (preferably an article), that someone could link me to or something, that'd be great. I'll check those out in my spare time and try to get a grasp of the concept. The "1d18" or dice rolling for an attack and all that stuff? Completely new to me. I'll come back and see what you guys say next time I'm online, which might be tomorrow.

Also, happy belated birthday, Kumii! Hopefully that day was spectacular and fun. Glad you made it to another year.
Man, I have no idea nor experience with the dice based stuff. So I'm gonna need a lot of guidance through this system change. If there's maybe some kind of beginner's guide article or video (preferably an article), that someone could link me to or something, that'd be great. I'll check those out in my spare time and try to get a grasp of the concept. The "1d18" or dice rolling for an attack and all that stuff? Completely new to me. I'll come back and see what you guys say next time I'm online, which might be tomorrow.

Also, happy belated birthday, Kumii! Hopefully that day was spectacular and fun. Glad you made it to another year.
Uhhhh yeah there's alot of tutorials and guides on the stuff, I'm sure you can find out.

Basically, there are like 6 die? a 4 sided, 6 sided, 8 sided, 10 sided, 12 sided and 20 sided. d4, d6, d8, d10, d12 and d20 resepctively. The d4, d6, d8, d10 and d12 are all mainly attack die, you roll them and whatever the number is determines much damage you do to whatever you hit. Sometimes you get attacks that do 2 or more of the die you have to roll, in this, you simply roll the same die that many times and add up the numbers and that's the damage you do.

The d20 is used for rolling to hit, checks and saving throws and initiative for battle.

there's alot more nuance to it but thats essentially what the die do in a nutshell for this RP.

Also, thank you.
Man, I have no idea nor experience with the dice based stuff. So I'm gonna need a lot of guidance through this system change. If there's maybe some kind of beginner's guide article or video (preferably an article), that someone could link me to or something, that'd be great. I'll check those out in my spare time and try to get a grasp of the concept. The "1d18" or dice rolling for an attack and all that stuff? Completely new to me. I'll come back and see what you guys say next time I'm online, which might be tomorrow.

Also, happy belated birthday, Kumii! Hopefully that day was spectacular and fun. Glad you made it to another year.
I can definitely give you some pointers on basic dice rolling.

Also, didn't know it was your b-day Kumii. Happy belated birthday man!
Alpha is our DnD expert in this case so i'll let her find all the stuffs for you, Shark
If you like Baldur's Gate, I think you would like it. It's a lot of live action roleplaying. Like, the entire table is talking as their characters and such. It's fun.
oh yeah, i know. it's one of the reason id like it lol
lol the demontsration dice i tested out is now forever stuck in the latest post on the main thread.
What's up?
Well, not to give too much away. I'm redoing all the gods (cause I can and I wanna make them adhere to the dice stuff we're doing rn) and I came across something.

I'm giving one of them a multi hit basic attack set but I also gave the weapon they wield a 'build on hit' type effect and I couldn't decide whether or not I should each individual attack count towards that or not. Ultimately, I decided to allow it cause I reduced the original 'Deals double damage' to 'adds an additional 2 attack dice'.
Im doing my best to make the Gods be strong but not terribly strong lol
We got keqing, now Zhongli for Numen. Cairo's gonna be completing the holy trinity of genshin face claims whenever I get him out lol

I'm giving him some like desert fan design Tighnari art that I found.

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