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Fantasy Lawrence Academy

Luna Malveaux

Ten Thousand Club

Lawrence Academy is a school for the supernatural. It was created to help all supernatural beings feel comftorable and show their true selves! Have fun!


1: No GodModding

2: cussing is allowed just not too much

3:no Op characters

4: if your character fights another, make it realistic and don't Dodge every move

5:no killing another player unless either the creator allows you to.

6: have fun.
Karlin walked up to the gate, the school looming in front of her. She turned on her heels and looked back and sighed seeing that her mother was already gone. She stepped onto campus, her bags swinging in her hands. She pulled out a small device and plugged ear buds into it. She slipped the ear buds into her ears and nodded her head along with the song. She licked her finger and held it up to the air. "Ah yes it's perfect for gliding." She swirled her hand through the air and pulled out a small pocket of air. She stepped up onto it. It seemed just like a skateboard, except for the fact that she was floating in the air.
On the walk to school Nikolas had been toying with a small project of his. It was supposed to utilize his natural light manipulation ability to create a hologram clone of him while using some of his magic that he had stored in a crystal . However it kept messing up and the hologram would only show up for a second or so before fading away. He thought out loud "Must be something wrong with the drawing of the magic from the crystal, I'll fix it lat." As he ran into a girl, who had seconds previously, had been appearing to float on air. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry! Are you ok?" He asked her.
Ally walked to school, keeping her face emotionless as she walked along. She spotted a boy that had run into a girl "hopefully he apologizes" she mumbles and continues to walk before accidentally tripping face first. She quickly got back up brushing it off and continuing to walk as if nothing happened.
Karlin stumbled forward and fell straight on her face, her bags opening and their contents spilling everywhere. She popped back up and replied "Yeah I'm fine, this usually happens." She smiled at him and laughed a little bit. She bent down and picked up her things and put them back in her bag. She zipped it up and hopped back up onto the air.
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Etain walked into the academy, with her head raised high, and her heels clicking on the floor. Her long green hair followed behind, and the tail end of it dragging on the ground. She smiled and said good morning to passing students, and went into her class room, and sat down. She tapped her fingers on the desk, while she waited for her students to enter, hoping none of them would make fun of the new English teacher.
Ally entered the class room with a scratch on her arm hut acted as if she didn't notice or it didn't hurt. She sat down and looked out the window waiting patiently.
Elisabeth was sitting in class already by the window silent she had her ear buds in and bobbed her head to the beat of her favorite song she was facing the window with her eyes closed her hair moved with the movements she made
Etain smiled at both students. She stood up and checked outside the hallway to see if anyone else was coming.
Ally peeked at the teacher "they'll come soon enough, just have to be patient" she said with barely any emotion what so ever.
Etain nodded and smiled at the girl. She went back to her seat and sat. She crossed her legs and looked out the window.
She glided through the hallway and stopped in front of her english class. She popped her head inside seeing if anyone was in yet. She saw one girl and a teacher. She stepped off of the cloud she had been gliding on. She took a seat in the front row, two seats away from the window. She turned to the other girl and gave a small smile and wave.
Elisabeth glanced at the time and took out her ear buds she wrapped them around her phone and put it away then looked towards the new teacher her hands behind her head silent she blinked her piercing orange eyes
Etain stood and saw almost everyone was in the class room. She decided to start.

"Good morning everyone. Since we are pressed for time, I might as well start now. My name is Miss Blight, or Etain. I am your English teacher for this semester. Are there any questions about the school that I may be able to answer?"

She asked the class, placing her hands on her hips.
She pulled out a pencil and set it down on her desk. As she was reaching to her bag to pull something else out the pencil rolled off her desk. She popped up just in time to see it rolling off. She bent over to grab and and fell forward with a crash.
(Using my phone for this, so I'm just going to have my character fiddle with stuff in the back)

Nikolas ran into class a bit late," Sorry, I got distracted and lost track of time." He apologized to the teacher and taking a seat near the back. He took out his device and continued to you with it.
Etain raised an eyebrow, at the boy and sighed.

"So we will be starting off the year with basically getting the know each other and the rules. This will be filling the entire week. Since I already introduced myself as Miss Blight, I will be calling on students to come up in front of the class. They will say their name, and three facts about them selves."

She said pacing around the room.

"Why don't you come up on first, sir?"

She asked the boy brightly.
Elisabeth was playing with a shadow shaped like a dog about the size of a baseball on her desk she wasent really paying attention and had not said a word or even made a single sound the whole time
(Just got back on)

"Oh, uh sorry." Nikolas apologized. "I'm Nikolas, but you can all call me Nik. Well for one, I have some transmutation magic." He said as he grabbed a rock from his backpack and changed it into a miniature iron horse statue. "I like to tinker around with random machines, Like this one." Holding up his project." I have put some of my magic into a crystal stored in this, when I activate it it should create a life-sized hologram." Activating it, the hologram flickered for a few seconds before finally solidifying. All of a sudden, the hologram began to speak. "I can also slightly control the hologram to get it to speak and move. It however, cannot not interact with actual matter." He explained as he tried to high-five the hologram, but his hand went right through it. As he turned off the machine he said, "Anyways, I hope we all have a good year here." And he sat back in his seat.

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