Land of the Gears- Out of Character Chat

I honestly don't know. I'm exhausted and before i lose my train of thought Cap should totally re-advertise to see if we can get a few more people so he's not under so much pressure to respond to everyone. Wow sorry I'm rambly.
*I've been writing the main response post, internet's being terrible and alerts are bugging out.*

I've actually been starting to bump the Interest Check twice a day, problem is that outside that I can't really think of any group advertising medium other than just constant posts on the IC to make it show up on the fantasy forum. (In character chat is what I mean for IC, not Interest Check)

I do know there are a few people who have yet to make characters, and I do have clarification that they are going to eventually. (Though only time will tell.)
Im feeling good. Its almost friday and I just got devil may cry 1, 2 and 3 hd edition! Im going to play the shit out of those games tomorrow night!
@TheMadIceCreamMan dude it's going to be soooo worth it though! I have so much hype for these games! Also sorry if I don't post tomorrow night that much. Yall will know the reason why. Also what's the new fallout game. I didn't know they were making another.
Whoa they're making a new fallout game? You better bet your biscuits I'll be blowing an absurd amount of money on that!!
I have been waiting for years with money waved at their faces! It is about time!

Still it is only know that it will be created but they refuse to tell much beyond that.
I have to admit I do thoroughly enjoy it! I always like the concept of heartless. They look awesome.
They do. Although im a really big fan of the nobodies (both orginasation XIII and the generic ones.). They really do put a nice amount off effort into making every heartless type feel different then the next, which is something I admire.
Sorry for the lat reply I was finishing up a log. That is one of my favorite things about the heartless they come in so many varied forms. Also do you think Cap is okay?

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