Land of the Gears- Out of Character Chat

Eventually, I will need to write a bestiary post up in the Lore. Seeing how Garm have been mentioned twice and I've given no context to them.
Indeed I was curious as to the nature of that creature. Furthermore I wonder what lives out in the Outlands.
Garm are... well... lets just say they are bigger wolves in every way (12ft for reference), but have stronger leg muscles to leap distances that normally hinder other animals.

The other animals... that's a whole different story.
@Cap I'm an artist of sorts, if you want, I could try my hand at drawing some of the bestiary since I'm liking this so far. My portfolio is mainly humans though, but I have been itching to practice with animals and creatures
@Pantomathematics That'd be great, but entirely on you if you were to want to do it. Pictures are something I like having, but aren't top priority as words are the main thing of these RP. (Though, It'd help if I didn't suck at looking for the said pictures.)

*10 People are now watching the character creation page.*


(Pulling it away from the CC page)

I've also been advertising the Interest Check, which is... sorta pulling in onlookers? It's hard to tell, as I wish this site had a "Person viewing page" at the bottom.
Eventually, I am going to be putting a block on assassins and characters from Waterfront and The Forge till the story starts pulling characters together.

Oh, and if two of you have noticed, it's started.
Well hullo, everyone. Happy to be on board. ^_^

Just figured I'd drop by and greet everyone before I scurry over to the ICRP, and start making my way through all the posts up until this point, and eventually an intro post of my own.
*I'll 'Eventually' update the Settings/Locations with notable places in the cities, but I updated it for @TheMadIceCreamMan and @Pantomathematics roleplays.*

That 'eventually' is also going along with the bestiary and some other additions.

Oh, and the arc title will be put up somewhere soon.
I don't know if elliot should go right to the jailhouse or bump into someone's character beforehand. If so, where is everyone speaking real quick, and would you be open to interaction?
@ashlynn and @Rantos . This info can be found on first post of the in character rp thread.

@Pantomathematics surprisingly there is only two characters from Erodel... Technically none are in Bastion or are "from" there, aside from Elliot's ties.
Ok so I'm back. Thank you for being patient with me @Cap. Shits still going down at my end but it's clearing up so I think I can get back into this RP

Key words "I think"
@Rantos the new guy, @Delightful Phantom , is looking for others in Waterfront.

Sort of as a message to Phantom, I do intervene encounters with you all with NPCs and events. So if it's to hard to set up an encounter, I can figure a way to intervene.
@Pantomathematics Again, No problem.... I had about to do the same a couple weeks back.

Anyone see that trailer for Fallout 4?

*Notice: Updates will be slower, as I will be fangirling for the next couple months as per this information.*

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