Land of the Gears- Out of Character Chat

Sorry, End of the year for my schooling and it's going to hinder my constant post count. I may have days for a couple weeks where replies aren't going to show, but its hard to just say fuck it.

I'm currently. (Actually this time) writing up the posts. I may take sometime as there is quite a bit I have to write as there is about four separate instances that each need replies. (Among the interest check getting bumped for the later viewers.)
I don't mind if you take a few days off just provide warning so we don't worry if something worse occurred. I was afraid you might start to get overworked with so many replies to do as the number of people grow..
Yesterday was sort of my rare few days that I didn't want to get online. I normally get on to at least post one thing, if I decide not to be consistent that day. Aside from that I will reply ASAP with every reply.

Oddly, the small time I did have I ended up playing Fallout 2..... (Seeing it was mentioned earlier when I was gone.)
I forgot I was saving the world in Fallout 1.

(I got to Vault City if you've played/know about locations in Fallout 2. I can't really explain of it's relative nature to the recent games if you don't know about it.)
Yep, and they are also the vault that has 420 Water Chips for reasons of a shipping error.

It's good to know that Fallout 1 and 2 are because of a guy messed up in the shipping department.
One man can change the world. Also the reason that vault was so well off may have been for a very good reason. All the vaults were a government experiment... maybe their vault was the control group in which to see what would happen if things were set up properly. Imagine if all the Vaults were set up to actually function to help humanity. All Vaults should have been a Vault City but pointless experiments occurred.
*I'm a Lore Nerd for Fallout and Elder Scrolls games*

Originally, Vault 13 was to be kept closed for 200 years as a basis to what a pure, pre-war human was like. Vault 8 (Vault City) was made to settle on the surface after only 10 years.

The goal was for those chips to go to Vault 13 to keep them inside, as the chips often would break and would force them out. The extra GECK was to go to Vault 8 to ensure they used at least one, if not both.

(It seems I forgot to use Print for the first note. I do want to say, I am aware that these people try to keep secret and yet have given you two notes.)

Take your time, again as I said to the others. It's good to at least know it's on the table for you to make a character.
School ends on the 19th or me, so.... I'll be returning to 100% active nature then.

I'll be replying once tonight and monday to make some form of progress happen. I may have a small amount of time on the weekend, but that's only a chance.
Hi, a friend of mine (@WantYourSoul) recently turned me onto this group and I knew I had to finally make an rpnation account! I've been rping for a few years on another site that is more chatroom based rather than forum based, so this format might be a bit new to me. Size of paragraphs aren't problem, I just wanted to give the heads up before I send in a character application later.
School has ended, no one yelled at me for the inadequacy of the work I did, so I will be replying shortly.

Note: Sorry for the lack of that reply I promised.... let's just say the yelling started earlier.


Good to hear, I myself am decently new to this site as well, along with this new format of RP.

I tend to write a lot for the sake that I am currently replying at the whim of setting up encounters with you all. I only ask for at least a single paragraph, but any more is always appreciated as it would help lower my amount of work needed.

If you are still wanting to join in, I will be awaiting your post on the character creation thread.
@Cap good we're on the same page. I finished my character sheet, but I'm reluctant to post because the history section is nearly 500 words long (I got really into it).

Also, I'm taking a risk with occupations and a bit of my own plot. When I saw there was a royal guard, I thought "who would want to hurt the nobility and the peace?" and realized probably a lot of people. This is sort of me breaking in my trash oc because I wanted to swing my concerns by before I submit. It should be up in a second!
this is my child Parker, they are an amazing rper okay and I admit I totally got them into it because we're both trash.
The Fault is very much a.... divided place. (*cough*puns*cough*)

*So, it seems the notifications on the IC thread aren't working.*
I'm not too sure how to start, but I assume I shouldn't just jump in?

I'm also gonna be on mobile all weekend, but that shouldn't affect replies!
@Cap yo, so im going to have to take a temporary hiatus, I may not be back till the weekend after this one or maybe even longer. Sorry about that, I must go on a soul searching quest to find myself (ok not really, private life is falling apart so I need to pick the pieces back up.)

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