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Active [Kuridan: Yale Village] Spider Plant Soil


A shovel, one with metal, that wasa good weapon in Nikita's mind. Well ashard stick or stick with a rock tied to it was a good weapon to her so the standard wasn't high. Still the drillbur were attacking and they must being the things messing with plants. Though right now Nikita had to defend herself from the one coming at her, but she had never fought before. Nikita had not lived in a violent place, well nova used violence, but her island hadn't been violent and what she knew of the outside world was not violent. Still with a stick how to hurt things was not complex and pokemon were tough.

Swing away that was the plan hope it went for her and hit it out of the air or slam diwnnon it's head which the metal end. While she had no combat abbilities or skills sge had something she could try [ percision E [ Strength E ] [ Athletics F ] and finally [ Super strength F ] all used together to strike the drillbur


Use [ percision E [ Strength E ] [ Athletics F ] and [ Super strength F ] while weilding the shivel to try to hit the mole creature targeting her.

Aiden watched in alarm as Viole’s water jet knocked the first mole (#1) back, narrowly preventing it from clawing into his chest. The creature screeched as it was sent sprawling, and Islwyn followed up with a powerful jump-kick, slamming it against the wall. It was injured but still moving, slowly trying to rise.

Aiden barely had time to process the close call before another mole (#2) popped up from the soil nearby, glaring at him and Euthalia with wild, rabid eyes. Euthalia was still trying to recover, her roots torn and damaged, her breathing ragged. He could feel the urgency, the need to protect her.

Without thinking, Aiden reacted. His stinger flicked forward as the mole lunged toward them. He aimed to strike the side of the creature, hoping to drive it back before it reached Euthalia.

Aiden’s wings twitched, his body tense. He wasn’t a fighter, but he wasn’t going to let this creature hurt her. He braced himself for whatever came next, ready to use his stinger again if needed.

  • Honeybee Stinger Strike - Fighting Style [Natural Weapon] F, Continuing [Poison] - using his stinger to inflict continuous poison damage after one strike - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

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