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Active [Kuridan: Yale Village] Spider Plant Soil

Languages: Common | %Analog%
Mention: Elvario Elvario , Karcen Karcen Nikita, Naythophyl Naythophyl Aiden

"I thank you lady Euthalaia, for vouching for me. And I am no one's property, dear Sir, I might not be of flesh and blood but I do believe I have a soul."
Spoke up Viole at the words of the guard and Lady Euthalia's, he was thankful to her for her words, but he did not see the reason why she would need to vouch for him, was the beast folk prejudice that strong he thought to himself.

Viole for now stood there listening carefully to what others had to say, after all, he was not that well-versed in agriculture. He knew how to take care of house plants, some flowers, and herbs as well but it was in a house pot setting not a full-grown field type of way. Finally, when the others finished speaking he added a few words from himself.
"From the sound of it, the soil could have been overstressed by a build-up of excess minerals making it not suitable for growth. For the very same reason, most alchemists need to have several sets of beakers and alike as even a minuscule build-up of excess material can lead to disasters. But I know for a fact any fertilizer in large amounts and applied for a long time can burn the ground. so Miss Nikita's idea and Sir Aiden's words are viable in this case... Maybe some soil from the local forests could help kick start the process, as it's good fertile soil. As we cant really test the soil when standing here, and not near the fields."
Then as if a candle lit up in his head Viole had another idea, which he promptly added to his previous little speech.
"Considering we are in the mountainous area maybe we will be able to find a hot spring. While its water would be too hot by itself mixing it with the cold river water would be a better choice than just using cold water, wouldn't it? And definitely more cost-efficient than heating up water just for the plants. Though for that we would need to survey the mountains, so lets first focus on what's down here."
Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Euthalia Apricot – Increase her reputation as a diplomat. | Aid a village in Kuridan as a good-will diplomatic mission.
Karcen Karcen Nikita – Tag along to start exploring the world and learn more about it.
Naythophyl Naythophyl Aiden Thornheart – Join the Fae diplomat (Euthalia) to help find out if the insect population might be of influence on the village's issues, rather than just the soil fertility.
Megilagor Megilagor Viole – Help out and earn some Spidersilk for making clothes with for his mistress.

Second Continent, Southwest Kuridan, Yale Village.
From: https://www.deviantart.com/aiotter/art/Fantasy-Village-962572184
Languages: Common | {Sylvan} | <Beastial>


He looked at the small Human that ended up questioning him. “We tested some things. Relocating the farm, growing cabbages, pumpkins and … You'd have to ask Gudina what else, she's taken a lead on this. I must admit that I forgot what else she tried. The main issue was that none of the other methods were able to feed the caterpillars as effectively or serve as good enough fertiliser for the mushrooms.”

Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.

Euthalia pondered for a moment. “Like Aiden said, Nikita's idea isn't that bad. In a worst-case scenario, all those plants relied on the same nutrients and the soil has still been depleted. Though that wouldn't explain why relocating the farm didn't work. I'd offer to root in it so I can taste it myself, yet seeing how we haven't ruled out the chances of there being something wrong with it... I'd rather not risk it.” She mumbled the last bit, wondering what else she could try.

The drider squinted his eyes at Aiden upon being told the meaning of 'Isekai'. “So we have not one, but two beings from other realms?” He looked at Euthalia, as if to question what she'd just brought in. Then silently sighed. “Very well, I shall trust your word on it.” The unsaid part seemed to be 'but you are under extra supervision'.

As for the water, he shook his head. “We've been farming ever since our ancestor first arrived here. I'd imagine if the water temperatures were an issue, they would've had to deal with it much before we did. From what I can tell, it's not exactly been colder than normal either.” He figured he'd add the latter to answer a potential follow-up question before it could arise.

Upon hearing Aiden suggest introducing new plants, Euthalia would nod and back him up. “I agree. Even some otherwise inedible or unusable plants could be very useful when planted for the sake of keep the soil fertile. We tend to line up our rooting beds with a selection of plants that manage to capture and produce nutrients that we ourselves cannot.”

As for the other part of Aiden's suggestion, she chuckled. “Magic wise, I could grow an entire field of produce. Yet seeing how this area doesn't seem to be overflowing in mana, especially compared to the See, it would be a temporary solution at best. I'd have inspect the fields themselves and perhaps even take root to be sure, but so far, everything seems rather different than in the deep forests of the See itself.”

Viole's answer made the drider smirk. “An unnatural tool such as whatever thing you are, with or without claiming to have a soul, can only be tolerated when controlled by someone.” As he gave an almost template answer of what the Beasts tended to think about the [Construct] species. “Though, seeing how the lady vouched for you, any trouble you cause will now be considered her doing instead.” He'd add.

Listening to Viole's suggestion, she would nod. “Could you lead us to the fields?” She would ask the drider, seeing how she didn't believe he'd listen to Viole after what he'd said previously. Although she didn't fully discard the 'cold water' theory, she didn't deem it likely enough to start thinking about hot springs.

The drider nodded, as he took them to another part of the village,

From https://inkarnate.com/m/79Wd2L—terrace-farm

“Here we are. The terraces around this hill have been our fields for generations, though sometimes we leave some levels unused due to population fluctuations or to let the soil rest. The house over there is that of Gudina, whom you might consider the 'head' of our village's farming. She's offered to house you during your stay, as I can imagine this might not be solved in a day. ” With that said, he would nod. “Any further questions, you can go and ask her. I shall take my leave.”

As he was about to leave, he did recall something. “That's right. Miss Apricot, our village's leader, mayor Raisa, will likely wish to meet with you as well, when she returns from her meeting with the baron. She's currently informing him of the current situation and the aid you were offering.”

Islwyn Meadhra

“Oh my, it's rather pretty here, isn't it Niki?” She'd ask, leaning on the girl a bit as she was taking in the view. The terrace farms winding down on all sides of the hill, except the direction they'd come from.

Keone Nagendra

“Perhaps... I wonder if that house has a fireplace.” She stated, recalling the times she'd been able to just laze in front of a burning fireplace for days on end. Those were the golden ages. That's when she noticed something. “It looks pretty small though. I don't think they expected more than one guest.” She pointed out.

It seemed the others were thinking along the sane line as Nikita herself though they did it with both more and bigger words than her. Really ot did make Nikita likely seem as old as she might seem if you judged by her height without truly looking her over. That was unavoidable given she only had a kids education. One thing did bug Nikita a lot and that was why people were treating viole diffrent, he might be creepy but he was being treated like an object not even pokemon that had trainers were just objects.

Once they were in the village proper Nikita found herself with a satyr on her head which she didn't mind. Though Keone said the house looked small and well it was bigger than Nikitas one room huts. So to her things were plenty big.

" very pretty and more clear than I'm used to " she said nodding Nikita was used to the dense forests of home and where they had found her only beaches were this open to her or high up on the mountain.

Though Nikita would normally ask Euthalia fir any information islwyn might know the answer to a question she hadn't gotten a chance to ask. " Do you know why the driders were treating Viole diffrent isn't he just another person like everyone else? " Nikita still saw the world rather simply pokemon abd people if you weren't one you were the other. The idea of races mattering just hadn't truly sunk in. She got there was a difference but like any world view change it would take time for her to get that people were different. " He is creepy but he is a person " she reaffirmed reveling as only someone innocent could that she found someone else creepy or different without feeling any malice.
Last edited:

Languages: Common | %Analog%
Mention: Elvario Elvario , Karcen Karcen Nikita, Naythophyl Naythophyl Aiden

Honestly, Viole did not understand the Drider guard, not that he actually understood anyone who hated the constructs as a whole, but he could proudly say that even though his words cut him, it was still one of the better treatments he got out of people who hated constructs. Several magnitudes better than that one time someone tried to dunk him in a vat of acid. At least this time it seems only to be a word abuse.

"I'll just check the fields like I checked the soil before the village, maybe we will see some major differences from that when we compare them. I'll leave the talking with the locals to all of you, as it appears I am not to their liking, hopefully, I will at least get a spot on a carpet to rest upon in the nighttime." Said Viole as they arrived at the terrace farms, he did not have time to speak with the Drider locals, if they all behaved that way to him he might as well only talk to those he came with. Though he might not know too much, he knew what he knew best, so he wanted to do just that, only turning to the others upon hearing Nikita's words.

"I am thankful for your words Nikita, it just seems prejudice is too strong even after all this time." Said Viole thankfully to Nikita, it seems that only someone with childlike innocence did not care for the prejudice, and even if she found him weird she at least treated him like a person. That brought joy to his mechanical heart, his face even cracked a smile despite his broken emotional face muscle activators. But he had stuff to do if he wanted to do proper research out of it, so he went down a terrace or two and unpacked his alchemical set, beginning what he did before to see for any minerals or other unnatural discrepancies from this soil compared to his previous test.
Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Euthalia Apricot – Increase her reputation as a diplomat. | Aid a village in Kuridan as a good-will diplomatic mission.
Karcen Karcen Nikita – Tag along to start exploring the world and learn more about it.
Naythophyl Naythophyl Aiden Thornheart – Join the Fae diplomat (Euthalia) to help find out if the insect population might be of influence on the village's issues, rather than just the soil fertility.
Megilagor Megilagor Viole – Help out and earn some Spidersilk for making clothes with for his mistress.

Second Continent, Southwest Kuridan, Yale Village.
From: https://www.deviantart.com/aiotter/art/Fantasy-Village-962572184
Languages: Common | {Sylvan} | <Beastial>

Islwyn Meadhra

She chuckled at how innocent Nikita's question was, regarding Viole. “Oh dear, I'm afraid not many people think that way.” She wondered how best to explain it. “You see, nearly all species get their children after a daddy knocks up a mommy through having sex and then the mommy gives birth to a baby, or in the case of Euthalia's species, when a daddy plant pollinates the flower of a mommy plant and it grows into a sapling. Yet with constructs, they don't really have children or sex or anything. They are just made the way they are. It means that Humans think they own them for having invented their entire species and for building them, whilst also not really considering them 'sentient' like other beings. Beasts tend to be a tad jealous as they think construct are unnatural tools made to replace them, us Fae tend to worry about how similar their mana cores are to that of Fae spirits, making it seem like someone trapped a Fae spirit in an unnatural prison-like body, whilst Monsters would just be out to try corrupt them and repurpose them for their own evil goals.” She gave Nikita the basic of Satyr sex education and a 101 on construct speciecism. “So all in all, it's not great being a Construct.”

Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.

Deciding to tactfully ignore Nikita and Islwyn's conversation, she would instead listen to Viole. “If you're out there, could you check on the water again as well?” Considering they were on a hill, she was curious on how well-watered these terraces would be, compared to the areas along the river.

As for Islwyn... “So long as I get a bed, you won't need a carpet either~” She'd promise Viole, recalling how he'd accepted her earlier offer.

As for Viole's mineral tests, there were a few discrepancies. The soil here was a tad rockier, which meant that he found the occasional vein with some rusted metal bits in the soil. He also found more chalk-like rocks. Overall, however, the soil seemed relatively similar. On the occasion, he would find patches that had been freshly covered with fertiliser, which seemed to be carefully spread to create a new fertile layer by mixing it in with the top-soil.

Keone Nagendra

Keone had decided to slither along with Viole. As he was doing his research, she was leaning back onto her own tail to enjoy the sun for a bit. Until she stuck out her tongue, noticing something. “Do you smell that? What is that?” (Heightened Sense [Smell] F) Viole would not be able to smell anything abnormal, just the regular soil and manure scents.


Meanwhile, back at the top of the hill the house's sole inhabitant had approached them short after the guard had left. “I'm assuming you're the Fae that came to help out?” She asked.

“That's correct, I'm Euthalia Apricot.” She would reply. She was about to introduce the other two, when Gudina suddenly moved forwards, right at Nikita.

“Oh my, who's this adorable little morsel~” She would state. “I could totally catch you in my webbing~” She'd add.

“Hey! I called dibs.” Islwyn would protest. It seemed like Nikita was rather popular for some reason.

It seemed life had a diffrent definition here than it did in her world. As islwyn explained why people saw constructs diffrent she didn't see why they didn't just see them as themselves. The idea of replacement via machines was not something she could understand given most of her life hadn't been high tech. Nikita knew of pokemon that were made of computer code, whatever that was, and born of machines that were life and pokemon that were once people. Here things seemed static a ridged difference between this and that.

Though before that Islwyn explained reproduction something Nikita hadn't really been exposed to at least in terms of having the talk. In the wild pokemon weren't as private with such activities as they might be with a trainer after all there was no daycare in the wilds. Still something had never clicked the idea of humans doing that as they had babies and not eggs. The story fir children in her world was the Pelipper brought children, or some variation of this with a regional bird type, and she had never needed to question it. Survival by yourself left you with very few thoughts of others and how you feel about them.

Was that why Islwyn wanted to take viole to bed? Was that were people had sex? Things were starting to click in Nikita's mind that had gone long unused. Though flirting was still a bit mixed. Had Islwyn been flirting with her? She had talked about a mom and dad but Nikita didn't know if two moms worked like that? Would there be a child without a dad? Why else was there to do that if there wasn't a kid? This was all really confusing, though Nikita did understand a few things better now and guessed Islwyn was just something that liked that stuff. She didn't attribute it to her race despite the othersdoing so and instead saw it as just her as Nikita only knew her and race was still complicated to her. Treating people as well each being diffrent was easier than trying to make a monolith in her mind.

They would come to the house of the who owned the house they would stay at Gudina another drider. Nikita did notice unlike that guard she had a more pink skin tone and her from legs looked like human megs mire than spider in build. This almost made it look like she was a pretty woman sitting on a strange chair. The claw like elongated fingers and black chitin on her body didn't bug Nikita who honestly wondered where the exoskeleton ended and the skin started.

When she spoke she talked about her being a morsel and catching her in a web. Did these know moves. Some part of her did realize she was flirting but Nikita defaulted to what she knew. Pokemon had moves they learned and despite these people not being pokemon she couldn't help but think of string shot.

Islwyn protested this for sone reason the logic skipping in nikitas mind for a moment. " I thought you were doing that with Viole? " Nikita half said abdhalf asked and only because sge was honestly asking did her words come off bot as a joke or insult " I want to see her moves " she continued her mind again picking the more familar innocent version of what was said despite if pressed it would click again as it might if Nikita thought on it for any more time.

Languages: Common | %Analog%
Mention: Elvario Elvario , Karcen Karcen Nikita, Naythophyl Naythophyl Aiden

As Viole set up his alchemical devices between two of the terrace farm layers he heard both Euthalias request and Islwyn's promise about a bed. Honestly, he didn't know why she wanted him in her bed but a bed is a bed. Even a construct prefers sleeping on something soft than on hard surfaces.
"Very well then, I will check the groundwater in a bit Euthalia, and thank you for reminding me of that Islwyn."
Spoke up Viole to affirm that he heard their words, but shortly he resumed his tests, while waiting for the flask to heat up, he sent a few pulses of his magic into the ground to see the water situation, it did take him a while to check each layer of the terrace farm like this but when he finished he packed up and returned to the others.
"So as we suspected the soil here is rockier with some occasional metal veins so that we can put metal poisoning on the list, and I also found deposits of chalk rocks within it, that could lead to some issues as well. Other than those two discrepancies the soil here is within the error range of the previous test excluding the layers with the fertilizer spread out as that would create false negatives in the tests. As for the water that you asked Euthalia, there is only some of it in the topsoil, but the lower layers barely hold any of it. The situation with the groundwater is similar as the one outside the village albeit slightly less rocky and slightly raised."
Viole told his report to the entourage of Euthalia, along with Nikita, and Aiden, not even looking in the direction of the Drider lady who stood near them, he knew how the guard reacted to him, a person who should be without prejudice at least to the directives he was taught, so he didn't expect any better treatment from her, but manners are manners.
"Hello there. I assume you are the one who is taking care of the farms here?"
Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Euthalia Apricot – Increase her reputation as a diplomat. | Aid a village in Kuridan as a good-will diplomatic mission.
Karcen Karcen Nikita – Tag along to start exploring the world and learn more about it.
Naythophyl Naythophyl Aiden Thornheart – Join the Fae diplomat (Euthalia) to help find out if the insect population might be of influence on the village's issues, rather than just the soil fertility.
Megilagor Megilagor Viole – Help out and earn some Spidersilk for making clothes with for his mistress.

Second Continent, Southwest Kuridan, Yale Village.
From: https://www.deviantart.com/aiotter/art/Fantasy-Village-962572184
Languages: Common | {Sylvan} | <Beastial>

From https://inkarnate.com/m/79Wd2L—terrace-farm
(Ignore icon locations for now.)

Islwyn Meadhra

Active titles: Fae, Satyr, Novice Acrobat, Adept Gamer, Adept Dancer, Adept Actor, Adept Singer, Adept Seductress

She tilted her head at Nikita's question. “Hmm? Doing what with Viole? Sharing a bed? You're small and Viole seems plushy enough. There'd be room for three~” She threw around a whole other concept Nikita's way. Seriously, don't let your youngsters folk be influenced by Satyrs. Then again, oddly enough, the Satyr wasn't even thinking up anything naughty at this point. She was dealing with a construct and a human, after all, so even she, as a Satyr, wouldn't instantly and constantly think about getting down and dirty.

The drider, on the other hand, gave a light-hearted chuckle. “You want to see my moves? Dear, trust me, you don't.” She'd state, a tad bit ominous, perhaps. Perhaps she was a bit more of a lore-abiding Black Widow spider than expected? Either way, it was best not to think too much on it for sure.

Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.
Active titles: Fae, Nymph, Sylvari, Diplomat [The See], Faazi Merchant Guild Associate F, Gardeniades' Whimsy, Manager and Owner of "Du Couer Pur" Ophenia, Walking Ingredients, Sun-starved, Advocate, Reborn, Novice Psychologist, Novice Leader, Novice Sophist

Euthalia would await for Viole to return with results, though she did look around herself as well. Checking the soil and plants in the immediate vicinity, she did obtain some theories of her own. Though none she felt confident to share yet. When he reported back to her, she'd nod. “Metals, chalk and only surface level water...” She'd nod. “They sound like they could've been of influence, but I think the main issue is that it doesn't look like these would be recent changes. If they've been farming here for a long time, they should've had some issues earlier, unless something else changed. Like something bringing up these minerals or some factor that reduced their harmful effects vanishing, or something along those lines at the least.”

That was still the bit she didn't get at all. That said, she sighed. When the group was back together, she'd default to her emergency option. “It's getting late. If I want to be able to take in the last bits of sunlight when rooting, I'll just have to try the soil here. It's a bit of a risk, but I've grown relatively resistant to poisoning and the easiest way to get a lot of information. After all, I'd be tasting and feeling it rather directly.”

Keone Nagendra

Active titles: Beast, Naga, Novice Trickster, Novice Rogue, Novice Street-rat

The snake didn't seem to like that idea. “Are you sure? If it's really bad soil, it'd be likely to cause some trouble, no?”

“Yes, but seeing how none of the plants around are dead or dying, merely growing less instead, it shouldn't be bad to a point that it'd be anything too dangerous.” She'd conclude, hoping she was right about that much.


“Well, if you're willing to risk your own health for a bit, I won't stop you. If anything, I'd suggest we have someone accompany you or take turns doing so. I'd be a horrible host if I let my guest of honour be harmed.” The drider suggested.

As for Viole's earlier question, the drider nodded. “Yep, that'd me. I'm Gudina. Nice to meet you and welcome~” She didn't seem to mind his species as much as the other one had. If anything, she seemed interested in something, as she leaned forwards and grabbed a strand of Viole's hair. “Oh my, what an amazing quality this is. So silky and smooth. Who in the world made this?” She'd ask.

“Anyhow, where are my manners? I've got some caterpillar roasting on the fire that's just about done. Why don't you all join me for dinner?”

Euthalia shook her head. “I'll be finding a rooting spot.”

Keone was quick to speak up as well. “I'll accompany her first.” She stated. She realised that, if she offered to be first watch, she'd be able to go inside where it was warmer during the night.

With that planned out, Euthalia would move towards one of the broader, middle levels, where she'd find a spot that seemed slightly less rocky than the rest. “Well then... Spirit King guide my roots.” She gave a short prayer. As she'd stand still to allow her roots to start penetrating the soil below her; a point from which she'd be somewhat vulnerable, as her roots weren't easy to 'de-root' without taking a lot of time or suffering significant pain from them ripping and tearing (like cutting off a nerve) if she'd try to break free immediately.

Keone would slither along with Euthalia. Should anyone else decided that wasn't enough, they wouldn't be stopped if they wished to follow the pair as well. Otherwise, Gudina would allow them inside her home.

The inside was somewhat cramped, in the sense that the spider lady herself could move around decently on her own, but had to do some acrobatics and wall-walking to avoid her abdomen pushing into her guests when going around. The caterpillar she brought out turned to be big enough to be a foot-long roast, smelling a bit like ham for some reason, though extraordinarily herby and dripping with juices. There also seemed to be a side of potato stew and a side of roasted corn.

“I figured I'd get you our most traditional meal as a welcome; please, feel free to help yourselves. I hope it's all to your liking.” Gudina would state, allowing them all to take some plates from the table, as well as utensils and to pick and choose what and how much they'd like.

“Certainly looks interesting...” The Satyr stated, carefully plating just a little bit of the caterpillar on her plate to try it out first, though being generous in mushroom and corn quantities. She'd look at Viole. “Hmm... are you the type that eats or not? I've got a feeling you don't, though I'd feel bad for what you'd be missing out on.” Food was nice, after all.

Aiden watched the exchange between Nikita, Islwyn, and Gudina with a quiet curiosity. He could sense the confusion in Nikita's words and the playful nature of Islwyn’s responses [Empathy F]. The drider's ominous tone, however, brought a slight shiver down his spine, reminding him of the dangers that might lurk behind such lighthearted banter. Aiden had spent enough time around both fae and humans to understand that words often carried more weight than they appeared to.

As Viole returned and shared his findings, Aiden listened intently, his mind already working through the implications of the soil and groundwater conditions. He wasn’t an expert on farming, but his connection to nature [Nature F] made him sensitive to the environment around him. The mention of metals and chalk in the soil, combined with the lack of deep water, suggested that something was indeed off, and it was likely affecting the plants’ growth.

When Euthalia announced her intention to root in the soil to gather more information, Aiden felt a pang of concern. He admired her dedication to the task, but the risk she was willing to take unsettled him. As she and Keone made their way to a spot on one of the middle levels, Aiden’s protective instincts flared.

“I’ll join you as well,” Aiden said, stepping forward. “I may not have the same connection to the earth as you, Euthalia, but I can keep watch and help if anything goes wrong.” His tone was gentle but firm, reflecting his desire to support her without overstepping.

He turned to Nikita, who still seemed lost in thought, and offered her a reassuring smile. “Would you like to come with us, Nikita? Or would you prefer to stay here and enjoy the meal?” He wasn’t sure how much of the situation she truly understood, but he wanted her to feel included and safe, no matter her choice.

As the group began to split, Aiden couldn’t help but feel a sense of unease settling over him. The land was troubled, and the mysteries they were unraveling felt like they were only scratching the surface of something much deeper. But he pushed those thoughts aside, focusing instead on the task at hand—supporting his companions and uncovering the truth of what was happening to the farm.

while others might get the sinister tone of the driders words that just went over her head somehow. How would showing off the four moves you could do be dangerous and besides you would just knock people out. Well you could kill people but that was only done by bad people and the pokemon they made bad with them. Gudina didn't seem bad so the idea there might be any danger is her moves was beyond her. There also were no black widows or killing or mates in her world that she knew of so and dangers of a spider doing anything with the mate would not have registered with her. Nikita wasn't thinking about anything dirty with the moves though, she was just thinking of seeing how people did moves here or if she knew any of them. Nikita didn't press the moves issue as well if she didn't want to share then she wouldn't.

Then it seemed they were splitting up and Euthalia was heading out to root? Nikita didn't really understand this as while Euthalia was a plant person she didn't have root parts as she could walk. Though there were pokemon that walked on roots did Euthalia walk on her roots? Now Nikita was curious she wanted to know. She was in truth starting to want to know more , which was common in her world they wanted to know all about the beings that shared their world. If Nikita could read or write she might consider writing about other races so others could know about them.

" umm i'll go with you i didn't know Euthalia could grow roots, or does she walk on roots, some pokemon walked on roots " She started rambling showing an odd enthusiam for learning more about the plant woman and other races in general. She did want to ask Aiden about his people like if they lived in hives like combees and had a queen or if they were like normal people. That might be rude though, so she would ask latter when they weren't working.

Languages: Common | %Analog%
Mention: Elvario Elvario , Karcen Karcen Nikita, Naythophyl Naythophyl Aiden

"My creator, Son of Nikola, grandfather to the lady that I serve, albeit I do not have permission to share their names, but I shall tell you that the only ones alive from that lineage are my lady, and possibly Nikola as his research involved prolonging one's life. As for why the hair is so silky and smooth they were made with the spider silk of a Mineral Spider, though I do not know what minerals it was fed to make that batch of silk." Answered Viole not minding the Drider's touch on his hair, he was used to it after all, the master's family used to touch it to calm down, especially the young lady when she was just a little girl. Actually the touch was familiar in a sense, the same way they used to touch his hair.

He acknowledged Euthalias's need to root but he did not see a reason to follow her, he did follow the others into the house, eventually grabbing a plate from the table, and plating a bit of everything on it. While doing so he answered Islwyn's curious question. Sure he was a construct but even he needed energy to function.
"I do not require sustenance nor sleep to function that is correct, but I can eat and gain additional energy from food, and sleep is required to lessen the burden on my mind, as excessive nonsleeping will lead to me freezing up and eventually halting all movement till I rest."
Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Euthalia Apricot – Increase her reputation as a diplomat. | Aid a village in Kuridan as a good-will diplomatic mission.
Karcen Karcen Nikita – Tag along to start exploring the world and learn more about it.
Naythophyl Naythophyl Aiden Thornheart – Join the Fae diplomat (Euthalia) to help find out if the insect population might be of influence on the village's issues, rather than just the soil fertility.
Megilagor Megilagor Viole – Help out and earn some Spidersilk for making clothes with for his mistress.

Second Continent, Southwest Kuridan, Yale Village.
From: https://www.deviantart.com/aiotter/art/Fantasy-Village-962572184
Languages: Common | {Sylvan} | <Beastial>

From https://inkarnate.com/m/79Wd2L—terrace-farm
(Ignore icon locations for now.)

Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.
Active titles: Fae, Nymph, Sylvari, Diplomat [The See], Faazi Merchant Guild Associate F, Gardeniades' Whimsy, Manager and Owner of "Du Couer Pur" Ophenia, Walking Ingredients, Sun-starved, Advocate, Reborn, Novice Psychologist, Novice Leader, Novice Sophist

Euthalia was rather confused when Aiden offered to join in as well. “Alright, though I'll have to give you a fair warning. It's not as quickly done as other species having a meal. Rooting takes about as long as the average night's of sleep does for other species.” The latter was probably something she should've explained earlier, as it might've made more of them reconsider if and when they'd join in.

For what it was worth, Aiden in particular, would spot that some natural flowers and shrubs were planted between each layer of plants. Not only did they seem to be doing well enough, they also had many (pollinating) insects swarming in and around them. It seemed like those shouldn't be an issue, at least not at first sight.

Hearing Nikita's question, she sighed. This is why she didn't like Humans. Asking such odd and silly questions... Okay, perhaps she did like her the tiniest bit for showing interest. Just the tiniest bit. Like, mosquito to fly, as the buzzing was less and it wasn't a blood-sucker. “I don't walk on them, though I can grow roots from my body. Perhaps it'd could be compared to sticking out a lot of really longer tongues, if you need a comparison.” She wasn't sure why, but she actually tried to explain it. Perhaps the soil was affecting her negatively before she'd even rooted into it.

Keone Nagendra

Active titles: Beast, Naga, Novice Trickster, Novice Rogue, Novice Street-rat

The snake was quick to curl up on her own tail to start dazing off in the sun. “Wake me if something happens...” She mumbled. “Or if you wanna get coiled or something... dirt's cold here...” She grumbled after, already wondering if she could be excused to go to the house and check if it had a fireplace.

As Euthalia stood still, allowing her roots to start penetrating the earth, she felt sort-off awkward. It was like being the only one eating or sleeping, in this case sort-off both, with folk watching. Trying to make it a tad less awkward, she'd try to bring up a certain topic. “Has either of you ever heard of idols?” She'd ask. “You know, the type to sing songs on a stage and dance along with it.”



Gudina was more interested in the living doll that'd entered her abode. “Ah, prolonging life? That's risky business.” She'd mumble, though not paying it further attention. The hair was more interesting. “Mineral Spider? Can't say I heard of those. Here, we'd either make it ourselves or harvest some from the caterpillars. Both are some great ways to make really fine silky threads. We're lucky the quality hasn't decreased so far, seeing our food issues aren't great for the caterpillars... or our own diets, for that matter. We'd loose a fairly important export without it.”

Islwyn Meadhra

Truth be told, Islwyn was rather surprised that Viole could eat. She'd expected 'being' like him to just get dirty on the inside when eating food without the organs needed to process it. That said, it saved her from having to eat along, so she didn't mind. “That seems neat. Getting the best of both worlds. I always thought constructs might just get dirty without the ability to digest what they'd eat or something.” She'd verbalise her earlier thoughts.

As she was eating, something else came to mind. “I bet this type of meal would taste great with some Dwarven Stout. Either of you ever had anything like that? It's great.” She'd state, some latent alcoholism shining through as she dreamed about some of the strongest ale out there.

The drider would shook her head in reply. “I don't tend to drink alcohol.”

“Oh, what a waste. You're missing out.” She'd turn to Viole. “What about you? Do you drink it? Could you even get drunk from it?” She tried imagining him drunk and chuckled. That might be a fun sight.

Aiden chuckled softly at Nikita's boundless enthusiasm. The way she rambled about Euthalia's roots and compared them to Pokémon was endearing. She had a curiosity that reminded him of children he used to know, always asking questions about everything in their world. It made her innocence stand out even more in a place full of strange beings and complex dynamics.

When Euthalia explained her roots, comparing them to long tongues, Aiden smirked as he continued to admire Nikita's naivete.

As Aiden observed the flowers and shrubs around them, his mind wandered to the various theories about the soil, but the sight of pollinating insects thriving brought a small measure of hope. If these plants were healthy, maybe there was a solution to the farming problem hidden among them.

At Euthalia’s mention of idols, Aiden raised an eyebrow. "Idols?" he echoed. "Like performers who sing and dance? I’ve heard of them, but it’s not really something I’ve seen up close. They’re popular in some regions, right?"

He looked over the fields and watched as shadows from the clouds above created different shapes. There was a peacefulness in this moment, despite the mysteries and challenges surrounding them. Rooting, oddly enough, seemed like a sacred process to him. It was as if Euthalia was becoming one with the land, and he felt honored to be here, witnessing it.

Languages: Common | %Analog%
Mention: Elvario Elvario , Karcen Karcen Nikita, Naythophyl Naythophyl Aiden

"Correct. Prolonging life is risky business indeed, but he did achieve some results, after all last time I saw him He was 120 years old, still his bodily state did not deteriorate from when he was 60." Viole added to Gudinas rhetorical question, about his creator's father's research, after all, Viole knew he achieved some success living longer than a regular human already.
"Mineral Spiders aren't exactly rare creatures, it's just that the ones in the wild are far smaller and live shorter lives than the few we managed to breed in Widersia so they would grow up and live longer. Though they do bear the name of spiders, they aren't exactly related. Imagine before you a version of you made from rocks, mineral nodes, gemstones, and similar earthly products, but that version of you functioned the same way you would despite not being organic. Technically that is what Mineral Spiders are, a natural living elemental version of a spider, that is just bigger than a regular normal spider. Though I have to say even if the ones in the wilderness are but the size of a guinea pig, finding one at random while exploring the caves is sometimes a nightmare from what iv been told." Viole tried to explain what a mineral spider was, truthfully he never interacted with one directly, albeit he did see a few of them through a reinforced window while at their family's research compound, he also would provide smaller explanations of the creature in question even gesturing their rough dimensions.

At the mention of Drider Silk Viole decided to ask Gudina about it, after all, while he was here to help the village his original goal would always be to support his lady, and creating comfortable clothes for her is one such way to achieve it. "Speaking of your silks I do have to ask would it be possible for me to get some of it? Iv been meaning to create a little something for the lady that I serve for a short while now. And from what iv seen and heard your silks are great. I don't need much 4 yards should suffice for what I have in mind. Of course, I will understand if it is not possible for me to acquire it."

"I don't exactly digest what I eat and drink. They are just broken into their alchemical components inside of me and stored to be used as reserve energy."
Explained further Viole, sure from what he knew not many contracts had such features, but he wasn't any old construct after all he was the family's creation, a state-of-the-art construct according to his creator. Well, at least he was one before the incident and the many small repairs Viole had to do on himself to function while limiting his own capabilities.
"I've never drunk alcohol, sorry. At least not by my own volition, mostly by accident or peer pressure. But I have never drunk Dwarven Stout, though I did partake in Dwarven Fire Wine, some old dwarven blacksmiths still drink it and use it to light their forges." Viole placed one of his hands on his cheek and began to tap his head with one of his fingers trying to remember what the definition of drunk is and if he ever experienced it before replying. "It is possible for me to reach a state one could confuse with being drunk. Albeit that state can be also reached when I'm overloaded with energy or a toxin is affecting me. So I can't say iv ever truly been drunk. Though knowing that I can become drunk does make me curious how it feels to be actually drunk."
Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Euthalia Apricot – Increase her reputation as a diplomat. | Aid a village in Kuridan as a good-will diplomatic mission.
Karcen Karcen Nikita – Tag along to start exploring the world and learn more about it.
Naythophyl Naythophyl Aiden Thornheart – Join the Fae diplomat (Euthalia) to help find out if the insect population might be of influence on the village's issues, rather than just the soil fertility.
Megilagor Megilagor Viole – Help out and earn some Spidersilk for making clothes with for his mistress.

Second Continent, Southwest Kuridan, Yale Village.
From: https://www.deviantart.com/aiotter/art/Fantasy-Village-962572184
Languages: Common | {Sylvan} | <Beastial>

From https://inkarnate.com/m/79Wd2L—terrace-farm
(Ignore icon locations for now.)

Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.
Active titles: Fae, Nymph, Sylvari, Diplomat [The See], Faazi Merchant Guild Associate F, Gardeniades' Whimsy, Manager and Owner of "Du Couer Pur" Ophenia, Walking Ingredients, Sun-starved, Advocate, Reborn, Novice Psychologist, Novice Leader, Novice Sophist
Languages: Common | {Sylvan} | <Beastial>

“Yeah, those.” She'd confirm. “Oddly enough, I sort-off ended up managing one. 'Ophania du Coeur Pur' if I recall correctly, is her stage name. I'll admit I didn't do all that much to help manage her, other than provide some encouragement, but it's a surprisingly complex thing. The way they can sway the hearts and minds of many people at once through their song, dance and general presence. It's a rather fascinating thing, if you were to ask me.” She'd explain.

On the topic of 'some regions', she wondered. “Does your old world have many different regions? You made it sound like it was just one giant flower garden earlier, but perhaps the name is deceptive?” She'd try to keep a conversation going, as she knew how long-lasting and awkward thing might otherwise be. That said, as her roots dug deeper into the earth, she did notice something a bit odd. The soil seemed a lot less compact and a lot more loose, despite being relatively deep. You'd not expect untilled soil to be like that. For now, however, she figured it might be coincidence. Perhaps a deeply rooted shrub or tree had been removed from here or something.

That said, as time went on, Keone got tired of it. “I'm gonna go inside. I'll ask Islwyn to come take over.” She'd mumble, as she slithered off. “It's getting too cold...” She grumbled. She was right though, as with the sun setting, temperatures started to drop fairly quickly. Not exactly reaching freezing degrees, but enough to be uncomfortable when standing still without a coat or blanket.



Inside, the spider raised an eyebrow. “When you're talking about ages and numbers like that, it always makes me wonder. What if the mind and spirit keep ageing and only the body doesn't? I think that's one of the theories that make many of my kin dislike Constructs. They don't age, but perhaps their spirit does... Ah, no offence to you, of course.” She'd realise she was talking to a Construct after mumbling off for a moment.

Whilst she paid attention to the story about mineral spiders, it wasn't a topic she deemed to ask further questions about.

The silk question, however, made her chuckle. “Oh my, asking a lady for her silk? How brazen of you.” She'd respond.

Islwyn Meadhra

Islwyn, looking up for her food, raised an eyebrow. “Is that an innuendo..?” She wondered. Were there innuendo's that even a Satyr couldn't pick up on? What type of black magic was this?

“Who knows~” She'd reply, before dressing Viole again. “Don't worry, if you help sort out these issues, I can get you some great quality silks. Regardless of where they're from.”

As for the eating and drinking bit, it was Islwyn that replied. “Seems like a useful feature. Although now you gotta tell me what Fire Wine is like. It's high on my list of things to try out~”

“Isn't alcohol a toxin as well?” The spider would ask, upon Viole's explanation of toxins affecting him.

“Pfft. Nah. It's medicine!” The Satyr would protest. “Being drunk is nice. You'll feel a lot less restricted. Perhaps you'd even get your laugh modules working again.”

Keone Nagendra

As they were talking, the snake slithered in. “Oh, thanks heavens, the fireplace is on. I'll be right here.” She stated, quickly grabbing some food before slithering right up to the fire-place, as close as she could get without catching fire. “Ssssssssssso much better.” She hissed. “Oh, right, you got check on Euthalia in a bit, in case the bee and Human also decide to come back here.” She'd tell Islwyn.

The Satyr sighed. “Right, I'll finish my meal and go there.” She'd look at Viole. “Guess we'll have to share our bed later~ Though feel free to start warming one up for me, I'll know where to find you!” She'd say with a wink, as she quickly chomped down the remained of her food, ready to head out after.

Nikita tried to understand why Euthalia would want to stick her tongue in dirt, Nikita had gotten mouthfuls when she fell and the taste was not very good. Maybe it was a plant thing? plants liked dirt it made them grow so did it make Euthalia grow as well? The exact reasons that plants grew in dirt and why some dirt was good and other dirt wasn't was beyond her as much as what dirt would taste like to a plant. Nikita could only assume it tasted good as they didn't eat normal things. Well plant type pokemon ate normal things from what she understood. Maybe there were plants that could eat things that weren't dirt. Euthalia asked about idols that sang and danced and Nikita tried to remember if there were anything like that in her home world. Nikita in truth had a hard time recalling lots of things like that because she only had her memories while books she had read back when she really knew how to and had something to read. Song and dance would have been on machines and those had been broken by Nova, the books had stuck around but had rotted away in time, well those that hadn't burned.

" i think we had them" nikita said her uncertainty clear in her voice " That would have been back when my parents were around before nova killed them, i don't really remember much from then " She admitted " I was pretty young but i do remember on TV we could sometimes see humans and pokemon putting on such shows " Even in entertainment pokemon were woven into things from contests to their own form of songs and dances. That she had just told the others that she had seen her parents killed as a child and had to live on her own didn't phase her much and in truth it bugged her more she couldn't remember much of that time over her parents being gone.

With nothing to do Nikita would start to grow bored her own ability to kill time requiring her to be doing something, and with how much work it was living by herself she wasn't used to down time. Well if she got sick she had to pretty much sleep it off. with no one to help her that was all she could do just rest and wait alone in a hut. When Keone started to head off Nikita stood up from where she had been sitting " i think i will go in as well i haven't really done much " Nikita had at least some tact to not stand up and say I'm bored i want to do something else which was the truth.

" I'm right here " nikita said coming in not long after Keone she would have spoken to the snake woman, but she got the feeling Keone wasn't one to talk much Islwyn talked the most though Euthalia had been talking to her more lately.

Languages: Common | %Analog%
Mention: Elvario Elvario , Karcen Karcen Nikita, Naythophyl Naythophyl Aiden

"No offence taken. But there is some truth in what you said. Part of his research was centered around stopping the aging of his mind and spirit, as he theorized that if he stops that, then his body's aging will slow down if not halt completely. Though I had never seen those results, albeit his mind was as keen as when he was young last I saw him, so maybe he did achieve some of his goals." He replied to their host, while looking straight at her, before putting some more food down his hatch known as a mouth.
"What's an innuendo??? My creator was supposed to teach me some common slangs and sense, but he refused to teach me a few of them..."
Viole asked and looked between the two people in the room with him. Partially doubting they would explain it to him but still hoping for it.

"I am thankful for that Gudina." As a sign of gratitude, Viole clapped his hands once and bowed at 90 degrees towards her, before returning to his sitting position near Islwyn.
Viole tried to remember the taste of fire wine at Islwyns request, though his memory failed to remember if it even had a taste, so he replied with what he knew for sure.
"Fire wine... It doesn't exactly have a taste, it tastes like slightly sweetened water, if you can even taste that. Since the alcohol content is so high in it, it tends to burn from your mouth all the way down. Though one piece of advice, never drink it hot, drink it chilled, at least the burn will be tolerable."

Viole added to the two ladies' discussion, after all, everything that is good if taken too much will become bad, so some correction in their thinking was a must.
"Alcohol is a disinfectant, thus it falls under medicine, but all medicine can be poison if taken in too big of an amount."

Viole nodded at Islwyn's request to warm her bed, but he soon turned to Keone once Islwyn left.
"Does Islwyn have nightmares? She affably insists that I sleep in her bed... Is there something wrong?"
When Nikita came inside and announced her arrival Viole would stand up, grab a plate, put some food on it, and give it to her, before returning to his seat and speaking to her. She was the third confirmed otherworlder that Viole knew, and yet her story fascinated her, and he wished to know more.
"Ah welcome young Nikita. Care to sit down and eat. Maybe even share some stories from your land? I've only met three otherworlders that I know of so far but their stories of their worlds were different from each other."
Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Euthalia Apricot – Increase her reputation as a diplomat. | Aid a village in Kuridan as a good-will diplomatic mission.
Karcen Karcen Nikita – Tag along to start exploring the world and learn more about it.
Naythophyl Naythophyl Aiden Thornheart – Join the Fae diplomat (Euthalia) to help find out if the insect population might be of influence on the village's issues, rather than just the soil fertility.
Megilagor Megilagor Viole – Help out and earn some Spidersilk for making clothes with for his mistress.

Second Continent, Southwest Kuridan, Yale Village.
From: https://www.deviantart.com/aiotter/art/Fantasy-Village-962572184
Languages: Common | {Sylvan} | <Beastial>

Keone Nagendra

“Hsssssssssss... sssssssorry.” The snake went, as Nikita suddenly speaking up scared her. She'd nod noticed the Human following at all. Then again, it did make the snake wonder about something? “Hey, eh... Niki, was it? Have you ever been coiled?” The heart wasn't burning as hot and warm as Keone had hoped for, which was a let-down, so she was debating second-options. Being partially cold blooded was rough these days.


She'd nod at Viole's reply. “I'll help you hope. Having an ageing mind in an ageless body sounds terrifying.”

Islwyn Meadhra

Asking a Satyr to explain an innuendo? Oh boy. “Well, normally, it's just a way to imply or hint that you want to have sex or to allude to something sexy for the fun of it.” She would say pretty outright. “Although I guess it can also mean to hint at something in general?” She'd look at the spider lady, who'd just smile smugly, seemingly happy to 'outwit' the Satyr for a bit. “Hmm.... don't make me want to find out first-hand.”

“What if I do..?” The spider replied, as a bit of an awkward silence formed. Then she'd explained. “That would also be an innuendo. Although a jokingly made one.... perhaps.” She'd add the latter with a wink.

“A burn from the mouth all the way down... that sounds awesome..” She'd state, clearly in awe. “Hey Nikki, Viole, you two should totally help me convince Euthalia to go meet some Dwarves so I can try that Fire Wine~” That was a plan. She'd shrug off another bit Voile said. “When the medicine becomes poison, healing magic is also around~ It'll be fiiiinnneee~~~” She stated, almost drooling at the thought of trying that wine. That said, she had a job to do, so she'd left to go see Euthalia.

Keone Nagendra

“Nightmares? Oh, yeah, she does.” Keone would reply. “Between you and me... and I guess those two...” She eyed Niki and the Spider... “Islwyn had her entire village razed in an East Empire attack and lost pretty much everyone. Since then she's been scared of being alone, especially at night. So she normally lets me coil her cause it's nice and warm and she'll not get nightmares and all...” She mumbled, getting lazy from the fire-place, despite it still not being as warm as she'd want it.

As the night was settling in, Viole and Nikita would either be able to stay around the fire (and Nikita would be offered food as well) or go to one of the spare rooms.

Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.
Active titles: Fae, Nymph, Sylvari, Diplomat [The See], Faazi Merchant Guild Associate F, Gardeniades' Whimsy, Manager and Owner of "Du Couer Pur" Ophenia, Walking Ingredients, Sun-starved, Advocate, Reborn, Novice Psychologist, Novice Leader, Novice Sophist
Languages: Common | {Sylvan} | <Beastial>

Meanwhile, Euthalia had wondered what 'TV' was, but she'd let the girl be off before asking more. However, as the night settled in and things were getting dark.. She was resting, wondering if there was somehow nothing wrong with this soil after all. So far, everything had gone well and smooth. Nothing tasted funky, felt funky or...

And that's when it happened. An extremely sharp pain in one of her roots. “AAAAAHHHH!!!!” She called out. It'd been long since she'd been through such a sharp and sudden pain, yet... If it was in her roots. She panicked, as she tried to de-root, but it was a slow process. Not only that, it started to hurt more and more. “By the spirit king... it hurts so bad... what in the world...” She mumbled trying to make sense of it through panicked actions and in a great deal of pain.

Islwyn Meadhra

“What?!” She'd been dozing off, leaning against Euthalia underneath a blanket, when she got shook awake by Euthalia's cry in pain. “I'm here, I'm here. Tell me, what I can do?” She asked, wanting to help, but unable to quickly figure out what was going on.

From https://inkarnate.com/m/79Wd2L—terrace-farm
Aiden immediately jumped to his feet upon hearing Euthalia’s agonized scream. His heart raced as he quickly assessed the situation. His instincts pushed him to react swiftly, but this was different—he had no idea what was happening with her roots.

"I’ll try to help, just stay calm!" Aiden said, trying to keep his voice steady even as panic tugged at him. He glanced down at the ground where her roots had burrowed, unsure of what could be causing her pain.

Without knowing exactly what was happening below the surface, Aiden quickly thought of ways to soothe her. “I don’t know what’s causing this, but maybe we can try to get you out of the ground faster. Can you focus on pulling back your roots while I help loosen the soil around them?”

He began digging at the earth with his hands, trying to free her from whatever was causing the pain, hoping that this might relieve some of the pressure or stop whatever was attacking her roots.

" Coiled ?" Nikita asked Keone though she could guess what it meant given that Keone had been trying to get warm the whole time they were here. Keone seemed to want to sleep with her, though not in the way Islwyn joked, maybe, about but as a warmer. Well Nikita didn't mind she had started to decide she should make friends and this was the way you bonded with some pokemon. Though Nikita would say that if she was going to compare things to how it went with pokemon then Euthalia would be the trainer if anything and well that didn't bug Nikita much. " No but i don't mind" She finally answered things like personal space and general manners were not super big things to Nikita or well common sense . On her island there was no need for modesty or hiding things.

Though before they could coil Nikita would need to eat. The spread of a big bug and vegetables only put Nikita off as she half thought the caterpillar was a caterpie, they did look rather similar. After Nikita remembered that those weren't a thing here she dug into the warm bug food. Living alone on an island had done much to eliminate the feeling of being squeamish about most things, as you did what you had to in order to survive. The bug was good enough and the plants where good as well, the meal was all in all very good.

With that Nikita and Keone could coil which felt kind of funny. The reptile woman's scales were chill despite the room being warm to Nikita and the woman having been near fires and such at all times. Still it wasn't anything bad Nikita wanted to learn and experience more and Keone deciding to open up to her was good given she had been closed off like Euthalia, but both were nice even if they didn't act like it. Nikita would after a time fall asleep in the coils of keone trusting the other woman completely despite how vulnerable the position made her. The snake woman could easily crush her in their sleep, or should she turn on Nikita , but Nikita didn't think of either in truth Keone wasn't going to hurt her and that was absolute in her mind.

Languages: Common | %Analog%
Mention: Elvario Elvario , Karcen Karcen Nikita, Naythophyl Naythophyl Aiden
"Thank you. Both of you." Viole spoke as he looked at Gudina and Islwyn, to one for the hopes, to the other for the explanation. Though he had to say he did enjoy their bickering for some reason it felt good, homely even.
At Islwyns statement about the Fire Wine and her willingness to taste it, to the point she tried convincing him to help her convince Euthalia, he concurred that there is little hope for Islwyn to make it happen alone. So he spoke up as well. "To some yes. I might not be much use in convincing Euthalia, but I do know there is a small settlement of Dwarves near the Paizu mountains that brews their own kind of Firewine, theirs is said to be much smoother on its way down with a hint of honey in and some herbs."

Viole said partially to himself but more so to Keone. Even if Viole's emotional cortex was technically not functional at the moment, he still felt bad about Islwyn's fate, so he wished to make it a better one even if only for the duration of his stay with them.
"That is concerning... Don't worry I will be her night companion then, though with that information I begin to see why the entire family line of my creator, and especially his father hate the Eastern Empire with their very souls."
Viole walked and laid upon the bed which Islwyn would claim as hers for the night, and he laid there, warming the bed up for her awaiting her return. But soon enough he heard Euthalia screaming so Viole jumped up from the bed, grabbed his bag, and ran to Euthalia seemingly being the last one to arrive by her side.

Seeing the situation at hand Viole approached Euthalia, then knelt beneath her and began digging in his own way, constantly circulating his water magic around his hands so he could dig easier as well as using his controlled environment to try and 'clean' the earth that he was about to dig out from anything that could make it hard to dig out. Hopefully, Euthalia will be able to persevere till then, but just in case Viole spoke up to Islwyn. "Please monitor Euthalia, and if she begins to look weak or pale you can reach into my pack and take out the flask and make her drink it. It will not be much as it is just mineral-rich water with honey but it's still better than nothing."
Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Euthalia Apricot – Increase her reputation as a diplomat. | Aid a village in Kuridan as a good-will diplomatic mission.
Karcen Karcen Nikita – Tag along to start exploring the world and learn more about it.
Naythophyl Naythophyl Aiden Thornheart – Join the Fae diplomat (Euthalia) to help find out if the insect population might be of influence on the village's issues, rather than just the soil fertility.
Megilagor Megilagor Viole – Help out and earn some Spidersilk for making clothes with for his mistress.

Second Continent, Southwest Kuridan, Yale Village.
From: https://www.deviantart.com/aiotter/art/Fantasy-Village-962572184
Languages: Common | {Sylvan} | <Beastial>

Keone Nagendra

The snake was honestly surprised to hear Nikita actually agree, as few would. Then again, she wasn't one to say no to a free heater. She'd wrap herself around the girl, then leaned on the remainder of her tail near the fire, dozen off even faster than before. Also, Nikita was right to trust her, as she would indeed remain from coiling too tightly. After all, folk would stop being warm if she were to do that, which would defeat the whole purpose.

That said, her peaceful slumber was interrupted as she could hear something from outside. “Hmhmssmsmsmsss... {Did you hear that?}” She grumbled, only to realise the language. “Did you hear that?”

She got up and uncoiled the Human. “Sounded like trouble, I'm gonna go look.” She stated, though she hesitated for just one second. Not eager to head into the cold... then she did.

Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.
Active titles: Fae, Nymph, Sylvari, Diplomat [The See], Faazi Merchant Guild Associate F, Gardeniades' Whimsy, Manager and Owner of "Du Couer Pur" Ophenia, Walking Ingredients, Sun-starved, Advocate, Reborn, Novice Psychologist, Novice Leader, Novice Sophist
Languages: Common | {Sylvan} | <Beastial>

Over at Euthalia's rooting spot, she was still clearly suffering and in pain. Deciding her pain was too big to deal with to respond verbally, she would just nod at Aiden. Trying to retract her roots, until she felt like one of those got stuck. “Something... keeping it...” She tried explain, through some pained grasps and grunts.

Aiden was able to loosen up some soil around her, which did give her more wiggle room, but it wasn't yet enough.

Islwyn Meadhra

“Right!” She'd state, upon Aiden's suggestion, as she followed suit and tried loosening up some soil as well.

Viole would arrive at the location a bit after, as he began muddying op the soil, which made the digging go a bit easier. That said, some of the water he added started to seep away into the soil. Combined with them digging and Euthalia trying to de-root, something suddenly stirred.

From: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/R3gbm

Some weird mole creature, about the size of a chicken, jumped out of the soil and directly launched itself at Aiden. Small as it was, it looked absolutely rabid and it was screeching like possessed, as it would attempt to launch itself at Aiden to claw at his chest.

Another one popped out of the soil a bit further off, followed by a third, fourth and fifth spread across the fields. They all looked equally vicious and rabbit, especially as they mostly looked like moving little monsters underneath the moonlight. Those further off would be harder to spot than those nearby, especially among the remaining corn.

That said, it seemed Euthalia managed to pull loose now. Getting her roots out of the soil, she fell down. She did look a slightly lighter shade of green, clearly not in the best shape. They shouldn't expect too much from her for a moment, whilst Islwyn still looked a bit dazzled and shocked by what had just happened.


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