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Fantasy Kokoro Academy

Dante smiled when she accepted to come swim with him. He pulled her into a bit of deeper water, but helped her stay up using his water magic. " See, It may be deep here but not dangerous :P "
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Rue glanced at him curiously, feeling almost lighter in the water. "Thanks.. " she mumbled, keeping her gaze focused on the water's surface timidly.
"You know," he said with a normal tone,"It's nice to have a friend like you." he then thought for a second, "We are friends, right? :o "

Karen walked from her room, closing the door behind her. She was clad in her default Knight suit, her short brown hair neatly combed. She walked down the halls, quite bored, as she wondered what to do. She glanced around, noting some students here and there. She sighed, still wondering what to do..

Rue looked at Dante, startled for a moment. Friend? She had definitely not expected for him to warm up so suddenly. "Yes, of course." Rue said with a smile, her wolf ears perking at the thought of a friend like Dante.
Rue took a deep breathe. It wasn't all that much that water scared her but the thought of drowning made her uncomfortable. She'd always been somewhat skittish. But, water was also beautiful and alluring. That along with the fact of going deeper with her new friend had her nodding.
Dante grinned "alright!" He exclaimed as he dived under the water, appearing a bit away, his water magic helping her to move along " :D "


djFluffernugget said:
Dante grinned "alright!" He exclaimed as he dived under the water, appearing a bit away, his water magic helping her to move along " :D "
Dante looked underneath him and paused his swimming , his eyes widened and he looked back at her nervously "I'll be ... Right back.." He said with a quiet and nervous tone as he slid under the water. After several minutes Dante swam up, bashing his head into her feet, disabling the help from the water magic. He positioned himself correctly and swam up normally saying "ouch!" as he emerged.
She nodded at him when he said he'd be right back, wondering what was underwater. Was it good? Bad? Then, Rue plunged unexpectedly into the water, with a yelp. Not used to swimming without the help of the magic, she sunk. If something dangerous was underwater, was she in trouble? Opening her eyes, she gazed with wide eyes at her underwater surroundings.
Dante realized he had broken the spell he had used and dived down after her quickly. He reached her he in a matter of seconds , he then picked her up bridal style and swam to the surface. "I'm so sorry!" He said with a hint of worry in his voice. "are you alright?"
Little Red giggled innocently at Dante before he went off and talked with a new girl, Rue, before turning over to see that Fox was now sitting on the shore and was motioning for her to join him. She could say no, but...maybe not this time. Zanna smiled at Fox before swimming over to Fox and sitting on the shore next to him, "Yeah?" asked Zanna curiously.

Rue stared at Dante with wide frightful eyes for a few moments, water dripping from her hair and ears. And then she broke into giggles. How strange the situation had turned. Doing something she hadn't really ever done before, she reached over and poked Dante's cheek playfully. "Yes, I'm quite alright, thank you." she said, with an assuring smile.
"T-that's good" he says as he slowly swims to shore, still carrying her . "The reason I went down there was because I dropped my rock when I dove underwater , I'm sorry that I endangered you."

Dante finally got to shore as he created a blanket of light. He then set her on the blanket and sat on the sand beside her, looking at a circular rock with markings on it in his hand.
Zanna yelps out of surprise playfully as Fox draws her into a hug, she gladly accepting the hug with closed eyes; snuggling up to his chest as she did so. "Good" smiled Little Red playfully, pausing for a few moments before adding "Now its your turn to ask any questions you want, since I've asked you so many" with a small smile.
"It's okay," she said, her wolf ear instinctively flicking because of the water that tickled them. Rue inspected the blanket with curiosity, poking it with wonder. Then, she spoke up, looking up at him. "Your rock? Is it special?" She asked, genuinely curious.
"I was wondering what the tattoos you had were for." Fox asked in reply to Little Red's statement.
"Actually yes, it used to be a necklace from my mother until one day it broke ... It's also a very important weapon that I use a lot." He says with a small grin on his face
"I guess it's real important then," Rue said with a smile, glad he had found it after dropping it. The weapon part confused her however. "Weapon?" she said, cocking her head to the size quizzically, almost like a canine would.
"My tattoos?" replied Zanna with a small curious smile as she remained cuddled up to his chest for warmth, the coupe already soaking wet from their little dip in the river. "The one on my back is of the wise one, the one who has given me knowledge and my powers" began Zanna, not going into much detail on who exactly was the wise one. "The pentagrams are the way to contact him, and show my loyalty to him" finished Zanna in a cheerful tone.
Karen decided to do just the thing. She went outside, saw a large tree in the courtyard, and sat underneath. She closed her eyes, as she relaxed...
"Yeah... That part always confuses people." He stands up and holds his hand forward, Palm up with the rock in his hand. The rock unfolded and formed around his hand, creating a gauntlet. "It can also turn into a shield... But here's the best part," he says cheerfully as he points his hand to the water, a ball of light forms in it , a very big one at that. Dante then closes his hand, and the ball of light shoots into the water, making a huge explosion.
Rue gasps when the explosion in the water occurs. She chuckles as the water droplets rain down on them, spreading her hands to capture some in her palms. "That's pretty nifty," she states, with a small smile.
"I guess you could call it that... " he says in a lower toned voice. He holds his arm in the air and she can see the symbol of a lion on it, just barely visible though. It then folds back up to a rock and he puts it in his swim shorts pocket. He sits back down next to her and sighs. "So, you like books right? What sort of books do you usually read?"
Catching a glance at the symbol, she wonders about it but decides against asking. There was a point when someone was too nosey right? Then, when he asked the question, she was caught off guard. She blinked, taking a moment to think about it. With an awkward chuckle, she averted her eyes and murmured, "I prefer romance... and tragedies. The books the make you feel the best and the worst. Do you read?"

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