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Realistic or Modern Kings and Queens -Gang RP- Roleplay here


Luna grinned and put her shoes and jacket back on, getting all her stuff to make sure she was ready to go. 

She let Adelina run off to change and she sighed. Luna liked how this was going to turn out. She threw her long green hair up in a bun and threw her bag over her shoulder. Then she remembered she had to deliver her money, but also go feed Gemini tonight.

@Daniel reaving

"Word on the street is your people have much to offer the community" he said in a calm and precise fashion.

"More specifically in the way of.... Medicine" he said in a poetic and cryptic fashion. Medicine... He was likely referring to Mary j...


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Jack watched intently wondering what would unfold of this bold man.



Shah brushed some dirt off of her bright scarf and looked up into the sky. She half wondered what time it was but didn't bother checking. Today was her "Off" day so she was going to take a break in some neutral territory. Hopefully she could gain more information on the few newer gangs coming into existence that she had yet to hear of. She knew positively that the Italian mafia funded a strip joint nearby and claimed it was neutral territory. The neighborhood screamed gang affiliation everywhere she turned. She paused to briefly examine some interesting graffiti then continued on her way. She could see the strip place on the next block and was about to go inside when she heard gunshots. Not that it was unusual to hear them but force of habit had her going into the joint cautiously. The place was booming even in the day time, she didn't linger on what it would be like in some hours. Almost immediately she spotted two huge men obviously in the italian mob seated on either side of a scrawny looking guy. One of them held another lean guy intimidatingly close. They were all at the bar, she half smirked to herself before heading over and asking the bartender for a straight jack on the rocks. Strip joints barely ever sold wine and even more rare the kinds she liked. She sat next to the group and openly eavesdropped on their conversation. Yakuza shootings, her mind immediately pictured the blonde haired heir of the Japanese mafia Yui. She was probably the one responsible for that, it was her forte to kill those that had things she wanted. With a heavy sigh she took a sip of the hard alcohol and dragged her eyes across the room while keeping her ears intently on the conversation going on next to her.

"Well shut kid if you wanted some stuff you shoulda just asked. Head to this location and you can get your stuff there." He said handing the boy a nice and expensuve card with an address on it


Luna grinned and put her shoes and jacket back on, getting all her stuff to make sure she was ready to go. 

She let Adelina run off to change and she sighed. Luna liked how this was going to turn out. She threw her long green hair up in a bun and threw her bag over her shoulder. Then she remembered she had to deliver her money, but also go feed Gemini tonight.

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adelina quickly changed and came out looking completely different in her nice work outfit


her hair was down now and flowing elegantly over her shoulders in its messy curls that also seemed rather pretty. Walking up she smiled at Luna. "Ready cutie?" She asked her happily as she took her hand and gently pulled her out of the door to a black escalade as the driver quickly opened the back door for them

@Daniel reaving

"Arigato" he said stiffly as he took the card and proceed to shove the goons off him, giving them a glare of death. They better watch out. That was mighty impolite treatment for someone with his personage.
@Daniel reaving

"Arigato" he said stiffly as he took the card and proceed to shove the goons off him, giving them a glare of death. They better watch out. That was mighty impolite treatment for someone with his personage.

Instantly a gun was to his forehead at the rude glare and forceful pushing he gave the men. "You really want to fuck with me boy. You even know who we are?!" He asked clearly displeased with the boys acts of force against them. He clearly knew this boy thought he was all high and might, prick probably didn't even have a gang. Keeping them in a way were the gun wouldn't be seen by any one he spoke softly. "Now you listen up you fucking prick. I ain't got time for your jackass attitude so unless you want to end up in a Morge with your head and limbs cut off I suggest you give more respect when you sit on mafia turf... got it." He said pressing the barrel of the gun to the boys head before pulling it away and slipping it back into the rib holster concealed in his suit. Now beat it kid. Before you do somethin stupid." He said shoving the boy towards the door
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Instantly a gun was to his forehead at the rude glare and forceful pushing he gave the men. "You really want to fuck with me boy. You even know who we are?!" He asked clearly displeased with the boys acts of force against them. He clearly knew this boy thought he was all high and might, prick probably didn't even have a gang. Keeping them in a way were the gun wouldn't be seen by any one he spoke softly. "Now you listen up you fucking prick. I ain't got time for your jackass attitude so unless you want to end up in a Morge with your head and limbs cut off I suggest you give more respect when you sit on mafia turf... got it." He said pressing the barrel of the gun to the boys head before pulling it away and slipping it back into the rib holster concealed in his suit. Now beat it kid. Before you do somethin stupid." He said shoving the boy towards the door

"I fear no death and will die gladly with bravery in my spirit!" His voice boomed with a thunder quite uncharacteristic of a guy his age. He said this in a manner that sounded like a holy paladin's creed. This little guy was serious.

"A gun may kill but grants you no right to respect" he said refusing to be intimidated.

 "Nor does it give you ownership of the land. For there is no man alive today that has right to own the air we breath nor the water we drink, not even the land we walk on. Therefore it is not within your authority to command me to do anything at all" he proclaimed bravely.

huh? Who is this kid? One minute he is speaking like a holy paladin, the next he speaks of the land in the way an Indian does. What an intriguing guy.

"Not everything requires death dear sir, please refrain from pointing guns at people over every little thing." He spoke calmer now, with sage. Like a wise grandfather of some sorts.

"You may find more allies than enemies that way, no?" He asked with intrigue.

He knew he could die at any moment here. He was likely to. There was little he could do about it. He SHOULD AND COULD just leave now. Respect this guy's authority on this turf. The wise thing to do was leave and not antagonize this guy. But he never bowed down to anyone telling him what to do. Nobody. Even when faced with the threat of death. Some call it stupid. It may very well be. But his code of honor forbade being told what to do like a slave. Perhaps this gangster didn't know... But this guy is responsible for the deaths of countless police officers. He is on wanted posters for various crimes of the worst manner. Of course those wanted posters probably hadn't reached this area yet....

what an intriguing guy... Perhaps curiosity would be enough for his life to be spared. Doubtful....
Instantly a gun was to his forehead at the rude glare and forceful pushing he gave the men. "You really want to fuck with me boy. You even know who we are?!" He asked clearly displeased with the boys acts of force against them. He clearly knew this boy thought he was all high and might, prick probably didn't even have a gang. Keeping them in a way were the gun wouldn't be seen by any one he spoke softly. "Now you listen up you fucking prick. I ain't got time for your jackass attitude so unless you want to end up in a Morge with your head and limbs cut off I suggest you give more respect when you sit on mafia turf... got it." He said pressing the barrel of the gun to the boys head before pulling it away and slipping it back into the rib holster concealed in his suit. Now beat it kid. Before you do somethin stupid." He said shoving the boy towards the door

"I fear no death and will die gladly with bravery in my spirit!" His voice boomed with a thunder quite uncharacteristic of a guy his age. He said this in a manner that sounded like a holy paladin's creed. This little guy was serious.

"A gun may kill but grants you no right to respect" he said refusing to be intimidated.

 "Nor does it give you ownership of the land. For there is no man alive today that has right to own the air we breath nor the water we drink, not even the land we walk on. Therefore it is not within your authority to command me to do anything at all" he proclaimed bravely.

huh? Who is this kid? One minute he is speaking like a holy paladin, the next he speaks of the land in the way an Indian does. What an intriguing guy.

"Not everything requires death dear sir, please refrain from pointing guns at people over every little thing." He spoke calmer now, with sage. Like a wise grandfather of some sorts.

"You may find more allies than enemies that way, no?" He asked with intrigue.

He knew he could die at any moment here. He was likely to. There was little he could do about it. He SHOULD AND COULD just leave now. Respect this guy's authority on this turf. The wise thing to do was leave and not antagonize this guy. But he never bowed down to anyone telling him what to do. Nobody. Even when faced with the threat of death. Some call it stupid. It may very well be. But his code of honor forbade being told what to do like a slave. Perhaps this gangster didn't know... But this guy is responsible for the deaths of countless police officers. He is on wanted posters for various crimes of the worst manner. Of course those wanted posters probably hadn't reached this area yet....

what an intriguing guy... Perhaps curiosity would be enough for his life to be spared. Doubtful....



Jack leaned into this associate. "You ever seen this guy before?" He said with a confused tone. 

He then turned to the eavesdropping girl and looked at her. "Hows it goin?" He said in a rather friendly tone whilst extending his hand. "Since you're listening in might as well know who you are". He jested.

"I fear no death and will die gladly with bravery in my spirit!" His voice boomed with a thunder quite uncharacteristic of a guy his age. He said this in a manner that sounded like a holy paladin's creed. This little guy was serious.

"A gun may kill but grants you no right to respect" he said refusing to be intimidated.

 "Nor does it give you ownership of the land. For there is no man alive today that has right to own the air we breath nor the water we drink, not even the land we walk on. Therefore it is not within your authority to command me to do anything at all" he proclaimed bravely.

huh? Who is this kid? One minute he is speaking like a holy paladin, the next he speaks of the land in the way an Indian does. What an intriguing guy.

"Not everything requires death dear sir, please refrain from pointing guns at people over every little thing." He spoke calmer now, with sage. Like a wise grandfather of some sorts.

"You may find more allies than enemies that way, no?" He asked with intrigue.

He knew he could die at any moment here. He was likely to. There was little he could do about it. He SHOULD AND COULD just leave now. Respect this guy's authority on this turf. The wise thing to do was leave and not antagonize this guy. But he never bowed down to anyone telling him what to do. Nobody. Even when faced with the threat of death. Some call it stupid. It may very well be. But his code of honor forbade being told what to do like a slave. Perhaps this gangster didn't know... But this guy is responsible for the deaths of countless police officers. He is on wanted posters for various crimes of the worst manner. Of course those wanted posters probably hadn't reached this area yet....

what an intriguing guy... Perhaps curiosity would be enough for his life to be spared. Doubtful....


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Jack leaned into this associate. "You ever seen this guy before?" He said with a confused tone. 

He then turned to the eavesdropping girl and looked at her. "Hows it goin?" He said in a rather friendly tone whilst extending his hand. "Since you're listening in might as well know who you are". He jested.


"Nope but now he is in for it. Soundin all holy and shit. It's about time this kid learned some respect." He said to jack as he looked to a couple of his associates that were there and gave them a nod. The men quickly stood up clearly a lot bigger and stronger than the rest and the boy. They walked over grabbing the boy forcefully from behind as he stood up finishing the whiskey he ordered. "Comin Jackie boy? If ya do I'll see about lettin you deal here. He said as the two big guys zip tied the boys wrists together quickly and held him there as the man he had been talking to smirked. "You see boy. When you sit on our turf, and don't show us the respect we deserve... you get punished." He said before turning to the crowd that was watching and spoke. "As do all who disrespect the mafia!! Don't call the cops or you'll end off worse than he is gonna." He said as another mafia member quickly threw a sac over his head. "Get him in the trunk." The leader that was talking to jack said to the boys who all nodded and got the boy out of the strip club and to the black Mercedes. Popping the trunk they lifted the kid up and dropped him in there. "Have a nice ride." One said with a chuckle as they stood there waiting for the guy and Jack to come out
Yui Walk over to a bunch of teenagers from her school smiling giving them a little wave they all seemed terrifed and sprinted. Sighing Yui turned walking away wondering what to do she sat in a park bench jumping out of a tree was her shadow he looks like this 

He walked over to yui sitting next to her he seemed around a year older then yui. "hey" he mumbled "hai" she responded awkwordly "the limo will be here soon" he told her "you know to bring you home" Yui responded with a nod  watching what was happining at the strip club.
@Daniel reaving

Danny layed there and waited. These thugs... They had no rights here, he thought indignantly. He would wait for them to close the trunk. This was a car trunk they put him in. That was a go to move for thugs. But he was just guessing in the dark after all. They wouldn't keep him here. These people don't own this land, if anything this is INDIAN land. Italians have no rights here. I will escape somehow. I've gone through worse. Even if by luck. Even if I die trying I hope to show them I will not be intimidated. I am a free man! The days of slavery are over... They CANT tell me what to do.
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Shah looked at the guy and and smiled friendly to him before taking his hand in a shake.

"They call me 'Shah' but I'm more interested in your name. You're not from around here. That much is plainly made obvious. You would have known this was Italiano turf and I should hope, you wouldn't have dealt here if you knew that.

She turned her attention vaguely on the man who had begun to holler about land and human rights. She stood up unhurriedly and followed behind the men as they escorted the disrespectful man out of the strip club and into the trunk of a black Mercedes. Before they could get him in however he did a sleight of hand and was out of the cuffs and calling the polizti before most realized what was going on.

Shah scanned the area as was her natural safety habit and spotted Yui on the other side of the street a little ways off. Shah waved at the girl briefly before flirting her eyes back to the scene on hand. 

Even if the polizti were called it would take them hours to come here because of the terrible neighborhood. And if that were not a factor she knew positively that it wouldn't matter because the guys he were messing with had people so far up in the food chain of politics that it was worrying. She herself had no need to run because she was clean. No records and no drugs. But she slightly worried for Jack the guy she'd been beginning a conversation with. He smelled like chemicals but she reckoned that if he were on good terms with the men in black here they would spot him a get out of jail free card. So that idea sated her worry and she continued to watch the man's ballsy attempts at freedom. She was interested to know who he was as well. It was one of her jobs to gather this type of information anyway. Though this was her only off day for a while she'd always been a bit of a workaholic.




Luna grinned and whistled.

"Damn sexy, let's go."

They got in the car and drove off to wherever Adelina was needed.

Luna held her hand and kissed it gently. Then she stared out the window of the vehicle, watching the city go by.

"Nope but now he is in for it. Soundin all holy and shit. It's about time this kid learned some respect." He said to jack as he looked to a couple of his associates that were there and gave them a nod. The men quickly stood up clearly a lot bigger and stronger than the rest and the boy. They walked over grabbing the boy forcefully from behind as he stood up finishing the whiskey he ordered. "Comin Jackie boy? If ya do I'll see about lettin you deal here. He said as the two big guys zip tied the boys wrists together quickly and held him there as the man he had been talking to smirked. "You see boy. When you sit on our turf, and don't show us the respect we deserve... you get punished." He said before turning to the crowd that was watching and spoke. "As do all who disrespect the mafia!! Don't call the cops or you'll end off worse than he is gonna." He said as another mafia member quickly threw a sac over his head. "Get him in the trunk." The leader that was talking to jack said to the boys who all nodded and got the boy out of the strip club and to the black Mercedes. Popping the trunk they lifted the kid up and dropped him in there. "Have a nice ride." One said with a chuckle as they stood there waiting for the guy and Jack to come out



Jack hurried out of the building following the man. "Of course Im comin" he said with a grin. He turned to the gurl he had begun talking to. "Sorry, Business and such, nice to meet you tho." He saif as he walked to the specified car.

@Daniel reaving


He found wires to mess up. Tying certain ones through the others in meticulous fashion. Sparks. He used a lighter and lit everything on fire. Regardless if he died or not, that car was now junk. The fire would reach the gas tank before anybody could even smell smoke. If he died perhaps that guy would be in the car too and when the gas tank exploded he too would die. He used precise breath control. To keep himself from breathing in too much smoke. He shuffled around just enough in the right way so that his burns were inconsequential for now. He kicked the headlight out and used it as a means of letting himself breath oxygen. Eventually after the fire had burned enough to soon pose a serious threat to him in the trunk. Using the tools. Meticulously hacked away at the trunk quietly from the inside.... It wouldn't be long before the trunk was open.
He found wires to mess up. Tying certain ones through the others in meticulous fashion. Sparks. He used a lighter and lit everything on fire. Regardless if he died or not, that car was now junk. The fire would reach the gas tank before anybody could even smell smoke. If he died perhaps that guy would be in the car too and when the gas tank exploded he too would die. He used precise breath control. To keep himself from breathing in too much smoke. He shuffled around just enough in the right way so that his burns were inconsequential for now. He kicked the headlight out and used it as a means of letting himself breath oxygen. Eventually after the fire had burned enough to soon pose a serious threat to him in the trunk. Using the tools. Meticulously hacked away at the trunk quietly from the inside.... It wouldn't be long before the trunk was open.



Jack looked towards the car. "Yo the cars burning out!" He yelled loudly trying to get the attention of the mafia.


@Daniel reaving
@Daniel reaving

Memorizing the license plate was easy enough. He took off the sack. He called the police and told them the car details and where they were parked. Using his hands and tools in his pockets is how he tore through the car, that's part of how he knew the car details. The guy had memorized every detail of his assailant's appearance and manner. He told them his step by step plan, ignoring their please to not. He wasn't asking their permission. He would survive this. Of course these gang members didn't know it, but they were in for a rude awakening.... This was just ONE of his daring plans.

( I'm sorry but I can't reply to this in any way, it doesn't make sense at all dude. You know the bag was on his head before he got outside, so he wouldn't see the plate because it was a black bag that he wouldn't be able to see through, and his hands were bound behind his back so he wouldn't really be able to tear through the car. Plus they haven't even left yet and the trunk is still open plus the only outcome of this would be to put a bullet in his brain which I can't do so we can't do anything which means I can't reply to this in any way that doesn't break rpnation rules. I don't mean to be mean but this kinda messed up the hole thing. I was gonna bring him somewhere and just before they started what they were gonna do Adelina would pop in and "save the day". But They didn't close the trunk yet and he was bound not cuffed. Plus at the first movements of him getting free the two big bodybuilders that carried him out would have started to just beat him in the trunk. So as I said I can't reply to this in any way that doesn't break an rpnation rule because with the trunk still being open every one would have seen everything he was doing and just shot him there so I can't reply to this unless it's changed to make more sense to the post I put up)
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Luna grinned and whistled.

"Damn sexy, let's go."

They got in the car and drove off to wherever Adelina was needed.

Luna held her hand and kissed it gently. Then she stared out the window of the vehicle, watching the city go by.

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Adelina smiled as she sat close to Luna leaning against her gently as the car drove on getting on the highway as she sighed a little. "God I wish daddy was home so I didn't have to do this, I could have just snuck you into my room while he dealt with this." She said to her
( I'm sorry but I can't reply to this in any way, it doesn't make sense at all dude. You know the bag was on his head before he got outside, so he wouldn't see the plate because it was a black bag that he wouldn't be able to see through, and his hands were bound behind his back so he wouldn't really be able to tear through the car. Plus they haven't even left yet and the trunk is still open plus the only outcome of this would be to put a bullet in his brain which I can't do so we can't do anything which means I can't reply to this in any way that doesn't break rpnation rules. I don't mean to be mean but this kinda messed up the hole thing. I was gonna bring him somewhere and just before they started what they were gonna do Adelina would pop in and "save the day". But They didn't close the trunk yet and he was bound not cuffed. Plus at the first movements of him getting free the two big bodybuilders that carried him out would have started to just beat him in the trunk. So as I said I can't reply to this in any way that doesn't break an rpnation rule because with the trunk still being open every one would have seen everything he was doing and just shot him there so I can't reply to this unless it's changed to make more sense to the post I put up)

(I completely agree. You cant just employ some clearly overpowered tactics to get yourself out of every situation. Kinda makes people not wanna get involved with the character and makes it less fun for other people. Plus come on dude, Just be realistic)


a:I didn't know y'all didn't close the trunk, I thought you had closed it and that's why I acted out that stuff. If I had thought the trunk was still open I would have just made Danny lay there and wait for the trunk to close before doing that stuff.

b:I can't find the part where it says his hands were tied

c:the license plate part was a mistake because I failed in taking that part out. Originally I was gonna have him memorize the license plate but then I remembered he had the sac over his head so I wanted to remove that part but I guess I forgot to take that part out.)

a:I didn't know y'all didn't close the trunk, I thought you had closed it and that's why I acted out that stuff. If I had thought the trunk was still open I would have just made Danny lay there and wait for the trunk to close before doing that stuff.

b:I can't find the part where it says his hands were tied

c:the license plate part was a mistake because I failed in taking that part out. Originally I was gonna have him memorize the license plate but then I remembered he had the sac over his head so I wanted to remove that part but I guess I forgot to take that part out.)

(Well could you at least remake the post or hide them and redo it?)


Luna rested her hand on Adelinas knee and sighed.

"I get it, but still, bossing people around is fun right? Like playing dress up except with guns, drugs, and murder!"

She grinned and soon the car pulled up to the desired destination. Luna opened the door and held it for Adelina, sending her a wink as she leaned against the cool metal. 

"So what do you think the problem is? Someone didn't like Mamas Italian meatballs?"

She laughed without fear, though she was making fun of the Italian Mafia. 



Luna rested her hand on Adelinas knee and sighed.

"I get it, but still, bossing people around is fun right? Like playing dress up except with guns, drugs, and murder!"

She grinned and soon the car pulled up to the desired destination. Luna opened the door and held it for Adelina, sending her a wink as she leaned against the cool metal. 

"So what do you think the problem is? Someone didn't like Mamas Italian meatballs?"

She laughed without fear, though she was making fun of the Italian Mafia. 

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She giggled and spoke. "More like some ones selling meatballs that are being passed off as mamas meat balls." She said as the men got out as well going to the back and quickly grabbing a sledge hammer and an illegal automatic rifle before following her in quickly. The truck had pulled up to a run down apartment and they were heading to the 9th floor


Luna took her gun out of her back pocket and stood close by Adelina, feeling protective. They walked into the building and went up to the ninth floor.

"So this is creepy at all."

She laughed and glanced around. Luna nudged at doors and checked for aggressive enemies.

"After this, wanna have a little chat?"

Luna winked at Adelina flirtatiously.


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