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Fantasy Kingdom of Shadows (open)

She glared at it, muttering, "Let's dance ugly..." She rotated her sword, waiting for it to make its first move.

She immediately dove to the side, watching the blazing inferno that would have scorched her if she was a second too late, raising herself to her feet, then began to sprint around the figure.
Raising his hands, he causes a circle of fire to rise up around hin. He shoots fireballs from his hands toward her, able to strike her, but her unable to strike him...or so he thought.
Rook ran over to the demon he had knocked to the ground, thrusting his blade downward into its chest as it died. Rook ripped out his blade, spinning it around just in time to catch another demon in the throat, ending its short life instantly. Rook spun his weapon again, decapitating another demon. One of the demons swung a massive club at him, and he sidestepped it, as it smashed into the ground, making a small crater. Impressed, Rook swung down, cutting off the demon's hands. He dropped his sword, picking up the giant club. He swung it downwards, flattening the demon who owned it into a blob. "Mine now," he muttered.
Kit was going to attack the strange person, until he breathed fire out. Not even the toughest opponent in the academy was like that. He then noticed the girl was ok, so he then went running over to the weird person and lashed at him with his sword. It was then again that another thing stopped him, a wall of fire. He then knew it would be the hardest to take him down, yet he stood his ground in front of the person.
She takes the strikes on her shield, taking a staggering step back with each blow, she shakes her head at the fire wall he surrounded himself with, how was she to defeat him at this point. She looked at the princess, there had to be a way, she could not permit failure at this point. She then gritted her teeth as she exclaimed, "Damn it all to hell!" As she sprinted, powerfully towards the fire wall.
[QUOTE="Christina Verashoth]She takes the strikes on her shield, taking a staggering step back with each blow, she shakes her head at the fire wall he surrounded himself with, how was she to defeat him at this point. She looked at the princess, there had to be a way, she could not permit failure at this point. She then gritted her teeth as she exclaimed, "Damn it all to hell!" As she sprinted, powerfully towards the fire wall.

Rook swung the club around, blasting the last few demons off with the brute force, shattering bones. He grinned under the helm. He was enjoying this quite alot. He ran towards the strange shadowy figure, his shield raised. He swung the club down, hoping to smash the shadow to a pulp.
The female jumped through the fire, screaming with rage as she brought her blade down near his head, waiting for the result of the battle to be decided. She prayed that this would be it, however under no circumstances could she be certain, this creature was powerful, one blow may or may not be enough to fell it, especially to such a vital spot as its head.
Ok, I can't see nothing else to do besides this. He then ran towards him and jumped through the wall of fire. He then swung his longs with great fury.
The blow crumbles the figure to the ground, but he is not killed. A strange red light shines from the place where she hit him. He looks up, full of fury. "FOOLISH MORTAL! I AM RAZ AL GHUL, SON OF THE MIGHTY TRIGON THE DEMON LORD! I WILL RETURN TO CRUSH YOUR BONES!" He disappears in a flaming blast.
The blast sends her flying as she falls into a heavy lump on the ground, her sword launched from her grip as it sank into the ground. The wind had clearly been knocked out of her as she could not be heard breathing, rather instead, raspy and grotesque sounds came from her throat as she sat up.
ravenwarlock777 said:
The blow crumbles the figure to the ground, but he is not killed. A strange red light shines from the place where she hit him. He looks up, full of fury. "FOOLISH MORTAL! I AM RAZ AL GHUL, SON OF THE MIGHTY TRIGON THE DEMON LORD! I WILL RETURN TO CRUSH YOUR BONES!" He disappears in a flaming blast.
"Sorceror fool," Rook chuckled, holding the massive club, as he looked around. He nodded at the lady knight. "Good fighting."
She nodded through her lack of oxygen, struggling to get it back as the first breath came in as sweet as honey, her hand over her chest as she spoke, "Yeah..." She coughed twice, "You too." Her body was battered and had developed a cut on her back where the armor did not cover, perhaps she had fallen on a twig or something of the other, however, it gave no pain. Instead she could feel the cool crimson liquid slide down her back.
[QUOTE="Christina Verashoth]She nodded through her lack of oxygen, struggling to get it back as the first breath came in as sweet as honey, her hand over her chest as she spoke, "Yeah..." She coughed twice, "You too." Her body was battered and had developed a cut on her back where the armor did not cover, perhaps she had fallen on a twig or something of the other, however, it gave no pain. Instead she could feel the cool crimson liquid slide down her back.

Rook reached down, offering the girl one of his massive stony hands. "Would you like some assistance?" he asked, patiently.
Onkin wakes up from the nightmare he was having, his bed supporting his weight as the sudden jerk forced a creaking sound from the wood. His father soon marches into the room being waked by the same reason as Onkin.

"Why are you making so much noise in this trash of a room!" Onkin's father yelled to him still not sober.

"I will go right back to sleep" Onkin muttered to his father.

"You better! Don't wake up till morning."

His dad stormed out of the room and slammed the door. Onkin go's outside, closes the door, and walks away from the house.
She took the hand and stood, groaning as the weight went back to her feet, as she looked to where the creature had just disappeared.
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The blast threw him some distace by the mysterious person, but he was able to get up from it. He felt a sharp pain on his back. He realized there was a cut on his back that was probably made when he landed from the blast. Though what he learned from sword school about the body, he believed it was not bad and only needed to be pressed and covered. He went over to Niami's horse to get his military jacket back and to put it on. He then walked over to the new ally girl. "I see that we're all fine," he said," that's good, but there will be more assassins or people like him coming as we stay here. We must move."
Being fresh on her feet again, she strapped her shield to her back and gathered her sword, soon approached by the man who had been seen with the princess. She extended her hand, "Christina." She spoke shallowly, sheathing her sword as she looked over at the princess, "And we... Have to get her home." She turned to look at the other man, then back at the soldier in front of her.
Derek sat their atop his dark spirit horse. These worriors worked well together in battle a great testoment to the el lome kingdom. He would have to make note of their skills in his logs. After the dark creature left he yurned yowerds the female worrior Christina. Reaching into his satchel derek pulled out two vials of a crystal clear luiquid glowing with blue light. He tossed one to christinia, then the other to the malr worrior aside from the knight. Detrk spoke in a normal tone" drink those they will replenish your energy, and aid in your recovery." He said. Closing his satchle he spoke again" know in order to be quicker who here requires a mount to travel?" He asked.
She catches the vial and looks at it in the light, thinking it over cautiously. They had just been attacked and this man would help them, really? It was a long shot, but she took off the lid, put the glass to her lips as quickly downed it as she felt rejuvenation ripple throughout her body. Her back no longer ached, the days of sleep seemed to wear off as if she'd just slept, she was healed. "Who... are you?" She inquired, not aware as to who this man's name was, discarding the last question he asked.
The Rook gave his vial to the princess. "I need no rest," he said simply, with a grunt, as he stood there, arms crossed over his chest, thinking over what had happened.
"these demons... are they undead? no... it can't be how are they still alives" Niami looks at everyone fighting useless to help anyone as than she looks towards the Rooke "you are injure.... am sorry...." she said sadly

((am sorry guys! i falt a sleep last night))
Christina let out a deep exhale as she returned to the princess side, her sword already at the ready as the slain began to rise once more, her blade was pointed toward them as she quickly armed her shield and exclaimed, "Rook! We're gonna have to smash them to pieces!"

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